Boom Operator
The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague and sent to prison. After he gets out, he joins a New York-to-Los Angeles race to get revenge. But when the ex-partner learns of the scheme, he puts a massive bounty on the racer's head, forcing him to run a cross-country gauntlet of illegal racers in all manner of supercharged vehicles.
Ceferino CarriĆ³n left Spain as a stowaway on a freighter. When he arrived in Los Angeles was called Jean Leon, a man who constantly transformed himself. Who was it? Was a taxi driver or waiter was trusted by Frank Sinatra? Owner of the Legendary restaurant La Scala in Beverly Hills or who gave dinner Marilyn Monroe on her last day? His life was itself the world of fiction, and here we have Paul Newman's, Dennis Hopper, Angie Dickinson, Robert Wagner, among others ..