Nirand Thammapricha


Nat is a tomboy who is disappointed with guys. She has one close friend in Do. Both are students at the Faculty of Fine Arts. One day Nat starts to pursue Jane and ignores Do. What is the outcome of their friendship in the end?
Phuying Soi Sap
This film is all about a not so good brothel in the suburbs of Bangkok. There it shows the lives of the girls who all work there for different reasons. Some to find a husband and some to get money to send home to their families in the provinces. The main character is a woman named Lin Chong who is older and the guiding light for the rest. She has a son who thinks she is dead and she is paying his way through university in Bangkok by sending all her money to her mother who knows exactly what she does but does not tell her son. One day her son and his friends at school all decide to lose their virginity and visits the brothel.
36 Hours
A mysterious killer is on the lose.
In the mountains north of Chiang Rai an animistic hill tribe follows their ancient beliefs. One such belief is that a widow known as a "Mida" must be appointed to teach men how to have sex before they marry so that they can have lots of children. This is a great honor for anyone that gets this position. One day some young pimps from Bangkok show up with the intention of convincing the local girls to go to work in brothels down there. They employ two locals to help them and pay them with things like tape recorders, watches and clothing. Once they leave the two who got the tape recorders etc. find out they cannot buy batteries up there, have no electricity and realize they have been cheated. The local people then begin to hate outsiders. Another Bangkok man comes up and at first they think he is just another pimp but find out he is a volunteer teacher. What fate awaits him, "Ah Por" and the girls who decided not to go?
Many people compare.. women to butterflies.. Butterflies comes in many colours.. women will never stay faithful..
Narok Sao Tarutao
3 inmates at a women prison camp are planning a daring escape.
Narok Sao Tarutao
3 inmates at a women prison camp are planning a daring escape.
Boy is unable to pay his gambling debts and a hitman has been ordered to kill him.
Stone in the Sands
Arm, a young singer has escaped the chaos to Samui Island because his girlfriend Pom, dumped. Arm met Wapee and fell together But both love did not end happily like both of them. When Pom returns to the disease and ends the life In the midst of the deepest regret Although the last Pom will return to him But his heart has just Wapee, even though she is not already.