Adapted from the manga of the same name by Hisashi Eguchi, and directed by Minoru Kawasaki and Rintaro, this is a series of random skits featuring anime, live action, and puppet show segments, exploring love, sex, death and many other sometimes controversial subjects.
Miss Ayumi (voice)
A-ko and B-ko are fighting as usual, as C-ko watches from the sidelines feeling neglected by both. Ayumi-sensei has been behaving strangely lately. She's wearing a heart-shaped crystal with a hexagram inside, and is chanting mysterious prayers in private. At the ruins of an ancient civilization, an archaeologist spies a hexagram among the hieroglyphics. Deep in outer space, an alien fleet is on a course for Earth, and its flagship bears the same hexagram shape.
Harpy (voice)
Jack has moved to Hokkaido to get treatment for an illness, but he's lonely and unhappy. One night a man on a horse rides through his window to help him. For a reason he doesn't understand, Jack instantly knows the man's name and feels they've met somewhere before. The man, Cu Chulainn, tells Jack to open the moonlight shadow window, which leads him to Nymphidia, the world of Midsummer Night's Dream, whose inhabitants are waiting for a new Fairy King.
Female Demon (voice)
Ten Years ago, Genichiro Izayoi died trying to stop the sorcerer Rebi Ra, and as a result Shinjuku became a playground for demons. And now, the day approaches when Rebi Ra will complete his decade-long ritual to plunge the rest of the world into chaos! As Genichiro's son, it falls to Kyoya to venture into the heart of Shinjuku and put an end to the sorcerer his father couldn't beat. Can Kyoya exceed his father's legacy, or will the demons of Shinjuku create Hell on Earth?
Miss Ayumi (voice)
It revolves around A-Ko and B-ko's pursuit of a handsome stud named Kay. He likes coke and motorcycles and is quietly courted by both A-ko and B-ko. Meanwhile, C-ko grows very jealous of him... Also meanwhile, the aliens' ship in now floating in the bay and they've tried again to turn it into the ultimate nightspot. Good luck. Catastrophe always occurs when the three 'Ko's get together
Miss Ayumi (voice)
Three weeks have gone by since the alien spaceship crash landed on the Graviton City spire, and since then the aliens have been hard at work converting their ship to a pleasure district, hoping to make friends with the humans!… Not. Perpetually late and continually over-eating A-ko, spacy and cheerful C-ko, and brilliant and bold B-ko are about to enter summer break from school, and it just so happens the alien ship is open for business. When a free meal turns into a sob story about how the aliens just want to go home, will it be A-ko or B-ko who can get the ship into orbit again?
A peace treaty between the Earth and the Black World, a parallel universe of demons, is coming to an end. Two cops, Taki, a human male, and Maki, a female demon, are assigned to protect a diplomat who will help secure another treaty. A radical group of demons from the Black World are out to assassinate the diplomat and prevent the treaty; only the bond that forms between the two cops can save the Earth from destruction.
A spaceship is lost near the forbidden planet of Inferno II. Some years later, a second ship with a crew of nine gets there and encounters a monster that rapidly makes mince meat of most of them. The sole survivor, Makuro Kitazato, must destroy the monster before it can surprise a third ship that is already en route.
Miss Ayumi
Earth. The not too distant future. A city is miraculously reborn just sixteen years after being completely destroyed by a giant meteor. At the prestigious Graviton High School for Girls, two new students are introduced. A-ko and her ditzy sidekick, C-ko.
Fat Lady (voice)
Nora is on vacation in a "Holiday Inn" space station. When the artificial gravity fails, the whole space resort becomes chaotic but she helps solve the problem.