Executive Producer
"Cavemen" is a comedic film with a slight edge of drama revolving around the lives of somewhat single, somewhat unemployed guys living in a warehouse converted to living quarters in the 'Arts District' of Downtown Los Angeles, California they are toiling adulthood and realities of love.
Screwed is a modern throwback to classic John Hughes-ian 80's films about self discovery, a sex comedy with heart where one man will do anything and any woman to win the girl of his dreams.
A man imprisons his estranged junkie friend in an isolated cabin in the boonies of San Diego to force him through a week of sobriety, but the events of that week are being mysteriously manipulated.
John McClane is back and badder than ever, and this time he's working for Homeland Security. He calls on the services of a young hacker in his bid to stop a ring of Internet terrorists intent on taking control of America's computer infrastructure.