Brendan Barry

Birth : 1918-10-22, Newport, Gwent, Wales, UK


Ballet Shoes
Mr. Reubens
Pauline, Petrova, and Posy Fossil live with Sylvia Brown, their guardian. Money is tight and as the story opens, three boarders - a garage owner, a retired English professor, and a dance teacher - come to stay. Theo Dane, the dance teacher, has the girls accepted at her school by the formidable Madame, and the three go on the stage to help raise money. Each discovers her talents - Pauline as an actress, Petrova in fixing engines, and Posy as a dancer.
This chilling and provocative faux home movie presents the story of three dissidents and their plan to commit a revolutionary act on film. Bicât and scriptwriter Howard Brenton explore the consequences and co-option of political violence with hard, grubby directness and a pre-punk, semi-nihilistic attack on bourgeois values.