Jiří Vaněk

Birth : 1931-02-21,


Rosa & Dara and Their Great Adventures
Rosa and Dara recount their fantastic summer adventures, chasing down their grandparents' runaway cows in spots around the world.
The Country Doctor
An animation based on a short story by Franz Kafka about a country doctor interrupted by an alarm clock on a quiet home evening. In a bomb-ravaged room are waiting a dying child and a group of black market traders playing cards.
The Maiden and the Soldier
A strikingly realized puppet tale, based on an old folk ballad of a maiden who sets out to search for her lost fiancé in the turmoils of war. The beloved is found in a stationary hospital where the Grim Reaper is preparing for his gloomy task. It was inspired by the poem The Legend of the Dead Soldier by Bertolt Brecht.
The Chamber Stork
The second part of the Kafka trilogy. In the evening, the fluffy bookmaker arrives at his home, in the elevator engine room, and finds an immense, humming egg on his table.
Tell Me Something About Yourself - Martin
"The whole film talks about the time when I was first locked up, from sixteen till now, I’m 22 now, and during that whole time I was out maybe five months, and I’ve really had it by now. It’s also about why I’d given my life to Jesus Christ and then failed that Jesus in me because I was tempted by earthly pleasures; and it’s also about how every time I’m ready to start a new life, I get locked up again because it’s always too late. It’s just too late. That’s the greatest shame and that’s what it’s about..."
Rider on a Bucket
Happened in Prague on a cold February evening, 1917: the poor violinist's atrium runs out of coal and his dancing mouse becomes ill. The coal bucket is empty, and without sparing any effort, the faithful bucket rides its master through the air towards the home of the carbon trader...
Tell Me Something About Yourself - Pavlína
Executive Producer
Pavlina is a drug addict imprisoned, as well as her boyfriend, for illegal drug manufacturing. They meet again after the amnesty and the vicious circle of drugs starts rolling again.
Production Manager
Leonardo's Diary
Production Manager
Animated drawings inspired by Leonardo da Vinci are intercut with seemingly unrelated (but in fact strangely similar) live-action scenes.
Leonardo's Diary
Animated drawings inspired by Leonardo da Vinci are intercut with seemingly unrelated (but in fact strangely similar) live-action scenes.
In stop-motion animation, a wardrobe moves through the countryside. It arrives in a house, a child's voice recites Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky," and various objects, such as toys and dolls, move about, disintegrate, and play out archetypal scenes. Like Carroll's verse, the images are at once familiar and unfamiliar. A child's play suit, hanging in the wardrobe, becomes the adventure's protagonist.
Sochařka z Poličky
Production Manager
A Quiet Week in the House
A man, apparently on the run, takes shelter in a dilapidated house. Every day, he drills a hole through a wall and looks into one of the rooms, each time seeing a different surreal vision...
Strážce majáku
Production Manager
The Flat
Production Manager
A nondescript man is trapped in a sinister flat, where nothing seems to obey the laws of nature.
Příliš mnoho něhy
Production Manager
An animated lecture that totally overthrows the idea of the tender character of women and violent character of men. It proves that the reality is different.
Et cetera
Production Manager
A small, animated figure learns how to use a whip, a pair of wings and a house.
Do Not Wake Up the Mammoths
Production Manager
A humorous modern fairy-tale about boys who woke up a mammoth in a school biology room and experienced a lot of adventures with it. After numerous events in which they discover the worst part of their act the boys eventually find out that going to school is quite nice.
Punch and Judy
Production Manager
Two puppets, Punch and Judy, do battle to the death over the custody of a live guinea pig.
How to Obtain a Good Child
Production Manager
A satiric film that through a lecture of a cracked brain pedant describes the increasing disobedience of children. It calls us for protection against misbehaved children and wants to "defend" the world of adults from disastrous consequences of the ungrateful children's deeds. The film is remarkable for the inimitable humor of Milos Macourek.
Otylie and 1580 Blots
Production Manager
A modern fairy-tale about Otýlie, a girl who each time she writes something gets all dirty from the ink. One day her teacher wants to clean her with an eradicator and otylie disappears. She is happy to be invisible but due to blots she becomes an ordinary girl again.
Archangel Gabriel and Mistress Goose
Production Manager
Taken from Boccaccio's Decameron, this lovely puppet film tells the bawdy story of the beautiful young Venetian lady who confesses her sinful passion for the Archangel Gabriel to a lustful monk, who promptly impersonates him in her bedroom with predictable results. Amidst the film's ribaldry, the hypocrisy and false piety of the monk are mercilessly mocked.
The Hand
Production Manager
A happy little potter is approached by a huge hand which wants him to sculpt its statue. The potter refuses, wanting nothing more than to be left alone with his only friend, a potted plant. As the hand's request gives way to bribery, demands, and threats, the potter becomes more desperate to escape its clutch, leading to tragedy.
Production Manager