Ferenc Kállai

Ferenc Kállai

Birth : 1925-10-14, Gyoma, Hungary

Death : 2010-07-11


Ferenc Kállai


Noé bárkája
Tálas Aurél
Noah's Ark .
Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself.
Ég veled!
Il vecchio
Zsaruvér és Csigavér II.: Több tonna kámfor
Smouldering Cigarette
1942. Owing to a stolen mink coat, Süti, the young poet and journalist, gets acquainted with Katalin, the idolated singer. Before being drafted to labour service, he shows the actress the song he composed for her, entitled Smouldering Cigarette.
Zsaruvér és Csigavér I.: A királyné nyakéke
6:3, Play It Again Tutti
A fodrász
The makers, especially Péter Tímár wanted to invoke the atmosphere of the communist dictatorship of Rákosi era lasted from 1947 to 1956. I think they've managed to reconstruct it very much: if you read the history books about the era and newspapers from that times, if you listened to your parents' and grandparents' tales, you will experience the similarities are shocking. The main character (Tutti - Károly Eperjes) is excellent, Eperjes, acting an eccentric, but likable crank is in his royal spirits.
Ámbár tanár úr
id. Baradlay Rómeó
Out of Order
A Minister and the Secretary of the Opposition party go to a 5 star hotel to conduct a secret affair. Their plans are ruined when they discover a corpse lodged in the window of their room.
A három testőr Afrikában
Kvasztics Fedor
The Three Musketeers in Africa is a novel written by a Hungarian novelist Jenő Rejtő with the penname P. Howard. It tells the story of Csülök, Senki Alfonz (Alfonz Nobody) and Tuskó Hopkins, the three legionaries . They have to deliver an important letter to Marquis De Surenne and protect a young lady called Yvonne Barre through the desert and lead her to a safe place. Although these three men are outlaws , they try to do everything to help people who are in need. This is a very exciting book with the unique humor of Jenő Rejtő.
Witness Again
Pelikán József
The Witness (Hungarian: A tanú, also known as Without A Trace), is a 1969 Hungarian satire film, directed by Péter Bacsó. The film was created in a tense political climate at a time when talking about the 1950s and the 1956 Revolution was still taboo. Although it was financed and allowed to be made by the communist authorities, it was subsequently banned from release. As a result of its screening in foreign countries, the communist authorities eventually relented and allowed it to be released in Hungary. It was screened at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival in the Un Certain Regard section.[1] A sequel was made in 1994 named "Megint tanú" (English: Witness Again).
Orvos (voice)
Inhabitants of a small village in Hungary deal with the effects of the fall of Communism. The town's source of revenue, a factory, has closed, and the locals, who include a doctor and three couples, await a cash payment offered in the wake of the shuttering. Irimias, a villager thought to be dead, returns and, unbeknownst to the locals, is a police informant. In a scheme, he persuades the villagers to form a commune with him.
God Walks Backwards
From the film-shooting in the Buda Castle Marci and his friend go to a well-paying job. The scene is a big castle in the middle of a huge park. They enjoy the company of the Kid and the beautiful naked French girl, Nathalie. Their job is to watch the monitors on which they can see the Moscow coup détat. By the time Gorbachev is executed the Communist and the Nationalists have taken turns in occupying the castle and the park.
The Pregnant Papa
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi...
Season of Monsters
Sándor Kovács
Zoltai is a Hungarian professor who returns home after a visit to the United States. Following a television interview, he commits suicide and leaves a note for his longtime friend Dr. Bardocz. The doctor and Zoltai's colleague Komindi join the police in investigating what drove the man to suicide.
Cat City
Bob Poljakov (voice)
In the year 80 AMM (After Mickey Mouse) on planet X the crime-syndicated Cats try to erase the Mouse-population once and for all. A scientist of the mice, prof. Fushimishi seems to have found the weapon against the threat - so Intermouse calls its best (albeit retired) agent, Nick Grabowsky, to get the plans. As a distraction for the Cats, they also send a second agent - Seargent Lazy Dick - for the mission.
What's the Time, Mr. Clock?
Even without a clock, the watch-maker of the small country town always knows the exact time to the second, and for this reason he came to be called Mr. Clock. His wife left him, and he only lives for his work. He is just engaged in repairing the tower clock when his wife returns and the German troops appear.
Volley for a Black Buffalo
Reverend Mr Berecz
During the years following World War II, a new boy arrives to class 7/c, and the audience learns to know the lives of the drunkard teacher, his husband-cheating wife, the lonely music teacher hiding behind her paper flowers, the wise count deprived of all his properties, the jovial parish priest and especially the buffalo owner of tragic fate who lost his four daughters, alongside with the young protagonist.
A vörös grófnő
The plot of the film starts at the beginning of the century, in the heyday of the Andrássy and Károlyi families, during the ever increasing crisis of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and ends with the emigration of the Károlyi couple after the collapse of the 1918-19 revolutions. It tells the story of this historical period (war, revolution, take-over by the proletariat, dictatorship) from the view of an extremely wealthy lady, Andrássy Katinka. The authors tried to evoke the special story during which a strange and unique woman gets thoroughly involved in history through her love and at the same time keeps her own identity and self-governance.
A Strange Marriage Part 4
Horváth Mihály
A Strange Marriage Part 3
Horváth Mihály
A Strange Marriage Part 2
Horváth Mihály
A Strange Marriage Part 1
Horváth Mihály
Míg új a szerelem
The House-Warming
Haudek László
The elite of political and business life of the country town gather to celebrate the namesday of László in the luxury villa. Everything begins just as usual, but now an incident disturbs the stag party.
Moliére - A nők iskolája
The Pagan Madonna
Csík István
The unique statue of the ancient fertility goddess Demeter, known as the "Pagan Madonna" is stolen from the museum, located in a small town on Lake Balaton. At the same time seriously wounded a servant of the museum. The abduction of the museum's priceless statues of pure gold is investigated by the then young and inexperienced investigator Kardos and lieutenant "Droplet".
Az áldozat
The Investigator, busy with processing the clues to a number of rapes and murders committed in the same way, tries to catch the murderer, that is to find the would-be victim first and then to identify the murderer before he could strike again.
The Witness
József Pelikán
Hungary, 1950s. József Pelikán, who works as a dam keeper on the Danube, meets by chance Zoltán Dániel, an old friend whom he saved from death years before and who is now a powerful politician.
The Sword
A Pianino in Mid-Air
Padlizsán főkönyvelő
Kicsi Dániel, the young virtuoso pianist gets a separate apartment in the ten-storey block of flats. He rehearses all the time, irregularly, day and night, disturbing thus the peace of the dwellers in the thin-walled house. Inquisition begins in the name of equal rights for inhabitants.
The film director starts shooting his film about the manager of a large corporation who committed suicide for mysterious reasons. As the cumbersome process of making a film goes along, everybody involved in it starts having differing opinions of the tragedy, its causes and its victim.
On the Sideline
Ivicz István
The corpulent and ageing Ivicz, once an excellent baker, works as a deliverer now. He lives alone. At the weekends following the toilsome weekdays he is the boss. He regularly travels to the country, to work as the incorruptible referee of third class national soccer games.
The Phantom on Horseback
II. Ágost király
A ghost is haunting Lubló: Kaszparek Mihály, trader of wines, does not refrain from haunting his native town even in broad daylight. He rides his horse sitting backwards, pays with false gold and pays frequent visits to his widowed wife, who is far from being appalled by the caresses of her dead husband.
Don't Pull My Beard!
Lépold, igazgató
This absurd story, bordering on the drawing-room comedy, portrays the practices of abusing power and the insolence of bureaucracy through the revolting of a young designer-engineer of the Railway Tilting Examination Board. The ambitious Pócsik works persevearingly on how to compensate for the tilting of railway carriages in bends. His jealous bosses, however, use their best efforts to block the development of an innovation.
Mrs. Dery Where Are You?
Dery is a grande dame actress of the Sarah Bernhardt school of big-gesture theater. Her beauty and popularity is fading, and a new school of acting which involves the use of one's own emotions (a-la Eleanora Duse) is emerging in the person of her younger Viennese rival. She thinks of retiring from the stage, and reunites briefly with her estranged husband in a newly-built manor in the country. Finding that life there is boring, she returns to town, the theater, and her old friends.
The Pendragon Legend
Dr. Rehmer
Bátky János a 20th century intellectual studies the secret of the Rosicrucians in London libraries during the day and in the evening takes pleasure in the "decent" everyday joys offered by the fair sex. He gets involved in the wildest ghost-story in the mysterious Wales castle of the Pendragons, where Earl of Gwynnedd from the 18th century is making experiments to prove his ancestors' slogan, "the resurrection of the body". In the meantime St. Claire, a beautiful, demonic woman and her companions try to kill him for the huge legacy.
A Fragrant Way to Pass Away
Mikó Zoltán
Jutka, a young woman who works in a factory, falls in love with Andras, a university student. She pretends to be a student, to him and to his parents, and begins to live a lie. Finally she rebels against Andras and his demands and the social conventions that forced her to live a lie.
Az ember melegségre vágyik
Dr. Gróh
There Was Once a Family
Viktor bácsi
This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.
Good Evening, Love
The film adapts a true story from the beginning of the 70s.
Hekus lettem
After World War II police forces increase the number of their permanent staff because of the corrupted general conditions. After a short instruction, recruits Sipos and Czöntör are also put into action against riotous groups, black-marketeers and burglars.
Kidnapping - Hungarian Style
Three people skilfully kidnap the company director, who never takes the responsibility, takes sleeping pills and spends his time feeding ornamental fish. The kidnappers turn out to be no other than the Engineer, the Technician and the Worker, who only wanted to avoid bankruptcy this way.
Férfiak mesélik
Hold on to the clouds
In 1919, in Petrograd, a pilot Sevastyanov was asked to help in training flight personnel for the young Hungarian republic, together with a Hungarian journalist he makes a desperate, with many adventures, flight across the front to Hungary ...
The Murderer is in the House
A murder has been committed in a block of flats in Pest. Almost all the dwellers of the building behave in a suspicious way at the beginning of the investigation, although it is their everyday lapses they try to hide. In spite of the janitor's unpleasant comments, light is gradually thrown upon the case.
It's Me, Jerome
Dr.Katona Benõ,községi orvos
The main characters of this satiric story poking fun at domestic labour ethic are two cleaners of the mains. Jeromos and his son drop in to doctor Katona's in order to clean the shit pit decorating the end of the garden. During the day work is being done in a very time consuming way, materials are missing, and the boss devotes more attention to his love affairs than to supervision.
Temperate Zone
Kalán Imre, the district doctor lives in a small village surrounded by mountains. One day he is visited by two young relatives of his and their friend, a doctor at the beginning of his career. The name of the doctor is Király András, and he happens to be the great love of Kalán's young wife from her unmarried years. The orthodox Stalinist Kalán's entire life is filled with his great passion, hunting. The suffocating, narrow lives of the prominent people in the area are slowly revealed to András.
The main character of this film reminiscent of political writing is Laci, the young and ambitious factory worker. He lives with his brother's family. After an unsuccessful attempt to escape from his native country and the prison sentence which follows it he gets employed by Pray, the progressive thinker, at a newly established computer centre. It is here that Laci learns to know Anna, the new-leftist university student, daughter of the general manager. Tóth, although he does not favour their relationship, does not oppose it either.
A Journey Around My Skull
The film is a story of a double journey. The main character of the first journey is the author himself, who, while sitting in his customary café, suddenly realises that he has hallucinations. The psychologist reassures him that all this is merely repression. The symptoms, however, appear again. Soon it turns out that the author has a brain tumour. Professor Pötzl in Vienna suggests operation right away. The intervention, through which he is awake, is carried out in a Stockholm clinic.
Krebsz, the God
Krebsz Antal
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
A Mad Night
II. ellenõr
The grotesque comedy with crime elements takes place in a grocery store.
Knight of the TV-screen
Bodó, főszerkesztő
This mocking criticism of public life and the media focuses on a TV series. The protagonist of the film, depicting the battles fought for Hungarian castles during the Ottoman occupation, is chosen to be the amateur Prohászka Feri, a worker in the beer-factory.
The Master Criminal
Lohmann's son is kidnapped. The un-known kidnappers get a thirty-thousand-jewel from the West German millionaire as ransom. The eager police lieutenant-colonel, Gálffy finds that the traces lead to a mysterious, elegant blonde, who is naturally a brunette.
Do You Know Sunday-Monday?
Juli is a 17-year-old student who takes a summer job in a local chemical factory. She is befriended by Piri, a girl with an unsavory reputation who has worked there before. The two friends are ogled by male workers who have overactive libidos and imaginations. Juli spurns the advances of a deluded Romeo while Piri continues to work and endure open hostility from the older female workers while her slothful parents sink deeper into alcoholism.
The Talking Caftan
Pereszneki Gábor
The 16th century Kecskemét troubled by both the Kurutses and the Labancs would like a Bey from the Buda pasha to defend them in exchange for four beautiful girls, but only gets a caftan. It was a good deal, however. All Muslims fall on their knees when they see the magic caftan and fulfil its owner's wish.
Kéktiszta szerelem
Esther and the Men
Antal Bolla
Small town girl Eszter adores her husband, Zoltán. He doesn't know Zoltán is having an affair with Alizka, until the woman moves in to their apartment.
A Hamis Izabella
Végh Márta, the teacher is looking for her student Vadász Ica in the Buda villa, but she only finds the tenant, Mrs. Paár - dead. The investigation reveals that Mrs. Paár was murdered for an invaluable stamp, the "Fake Isabella".
Sparrows Are Birds Too
Vállalati munkatárs
A comedy about two twin brothers - Sándor, who emigrated and became a rich man, and Zoltán, who stayed in Hungary and lives the life of an average working-class man. When Sándor visits his twin brother, they are constantly mistaken for each other, and when Zoltán sees how differently people treat Sándor because of his money and his foreign citizenship, he begins to like being mistaken for him - until he realizes that this means he will lose his girlfriend Szöszi...
Three Nights of Love
A young man spends his last three nights with his lover before his army regiment is ordered to war. When he deserts his unit to return to her side, he discovers the woman he loves is gone, and he is interrogated by the police when he learns his lover is a communist agent. The two finally are reunited at the police station where the embarrassed man denies ever knowing the accused woman.
Red-Letter Days
Mihály, a retired foundryman has brought up his sons in a very disciplined and strict way, and as a result they have become a doctor, an engineer, and a teacher. However, his half orphan grandson, Misi, has been spoilt, and become skilled in nothing else really but riding his motorbike and going to parties. He has been involved in shady businesses a number of times already. Having experienced so many difficulties, privation and hardship in his own life and now seeing Misi's irresponsible lifestyle, the old man's bitterness is growing day by day.
Oh, These Young People!
Laci is facing maturation and he wants to work, but his intellectual parents want him to be at the university. Laci feels lonely, because back home the centre is his younger brother and he also deceived in Zsuzsa, his class mate. The girl is already an accomplished pop singer, member of the Illés, and she only returns the love of Laci as a friend. But through Zsuzsa he can meet the members of the well-established group, whose members even lend him their instruments for the concert of the school group. They also play together and another brown girl cheers him already.
A House of Cards
Barta has been investigating for a year in the murder case of a professor of medicine. Keller, the victim, has been shot dead in his own villa. Barta joins the closest relatives and they all travel to Dunaszentmárton by ship for the inaugural ceremony of his tomb.
Nelli, the icy, introverted farm girl, needs to find a husband following her father's death. She accepts the attentions of the noisy Takaró Sanyi, although she is more attracted to his silent and modest younger brother.
Gasoline Damage
"Are you looking to buy a car? Not sure which one to buy? Clueless? We can solve all your problems. Watch our latest film! All your problems will be solved because we'll talk you out of them for the price of a single ticket." - says the comedy's obliging narrator (Ervin Kibédi), who tries to talk the viewer out of buying a car. To do this, he tells the audience some instructive and humorous car-related stories...
The turnings of this satirical story are accentuated by the comments of the Director and the Author. Éva is in love with Zoli. She expects to live a wild and modern life by his side, not the boredom of a petite-bourgeois household. On a drunken morning, Zoli writes a poem. The poem is published in a morning paper and divides readers. Because of the poem the young man is dismissed it from his work, and his landlord kicks him out from the apartment.
Miért rosszak a magyar filmek?
Fodor, a script-writer of promising talent finds himself in a difficult financial situation. So he comes out with an absurd idea to make a film of. The director, with several scripts having been refused, likes it.
A past world is revived in the little cottage in the outskirts, next to the housing blocks under construction. Tamburás, the old hobo collects swerved youth: Diák, who desires freedom, the bus driver who is deprived of his license for having run over someone, and the rest. They have got an easy and unbound life there, with constant music, small thefts, occasional labour, tricks.
A szélhámosnő
Éva, the pretty housekeeper is preparing to take an entrance exam at the Faculty of Law. In addition to this, she also has energy to arrange the day-to-day matters of the committee of tenants. Soon, she discovers that her beauty and cocksure behaviour finds its way not only at the exam, but in the mazes of bureaucracy, too. She helps get trade licences, flat allocations, and shop premises for those in need.
Hogy állunk fiatalember?
Sándor Bálint, the father
Andris is almost an adolescent boy. He would need the trust and encouragement of his family. But his father is too much preoccupied with his moral problems in his job. He has the choice either to make a fuss about the corruption discovered at the company or he tries to cover it up skilfully.
Házasságból elégséges
Pista Sumony, husband of Zsuzsa
The Fanatics
Oláh Frigyes, mérnök
Bene, tired of the professional battles of engineers and trying to escape a ship-wrecked marriage, asks to be transferred to the country. The gravest problem of the sandy region in Nagyalföld (Great Hungarian Plain) is the shortage of water. The tireless director of the local state farm asks for Bene's support, but the disillusioned man refuses him.
Csutak and the Grey Horse
Csutak édesapja
Csutak is just a pain in the neck, the little boy is even excluded from play by his mates. Vacation is spent lonely until one day he sneaks the woman haulier's old, shabby horse, a creature that would be better off in a slaughterhouse, out with himself. Possessing the animal is the key to the children's gang. They all try to find a place for the horse.
Military Band
Lieutenant Tamás Ferdinándy
Merry soldiers arrive in the sleepy Transdanubian town. The cynical woman-hunter, Ferdinándy, learns to know doctor Barlay's beautiful wife at a carnival. She lives a happy married life, and the attentions of the lieutenant are all in vain.
A Simple Love
Vera gets acquainted with Imre on a tram. Later, she learns that he is the brother of one of her pupils. They meet again. Imre's too passionate courting provokes refusal from the reserved school-teacher.
Három csillag
Communist officer
The Lady and the Gipsy
Georgina comes to see her sister Gladys in Paris in order to dissuade her from becoming attached to Rigo, a gypsy conductor. When she meets the latter, it is love at first sight. Louis, Georgina’s husband, does not accept this situation.
In 1944, Feri Margittai escapes from the front, but his mother sends him away from home.
One day, Máté Galamb loses his faithful dog, Bogáncs, of the Puli breed. The runaway dog is found in the woods by the old, disillusioned acrobat, Dodó.
Spiral Staircase
The film is an interpretation of everyday life and privacy as well as the first love-triangle story after 1945. Benkő Lajos, the country librarian, is stationed in the capital. In lack of a suitable apartment, his wife and children have to stay in the country.
Dani, the few-month-old little boy born outside marriage is left by Eszter in the lap of her companion on the train. The widowed Aranka takes him willingly to her. The child is already ten years old and has a good life with Aranka. Then Géza enters their life and he does not welcome the child of someone else.
Gala Dinner
Varsa László
Varsa engineer receives the Kossuth award for his excellent work. His career once began at the family enterprise of his wife, so the woman invites her relatives for a dinner party.
The bridge of life
Tóni Varga
A császár parancsára
1790, the county of Szerém. József Hajnóczy, a democrat and a reformer is deprived of his position as vice-steward of the county because he is not born a nobleman.
Georges Dandin
György Dandin, the rich bourgeois concludes a marriage contract with the noblemen Lükeházy couple who has turned poor: he can marry their daughter in return of a regular financial contribution. Angyalka escapes the undesired husband at their very first night, and furthermore she establishes a secret romantic relationship with Count Klitander who suits her a lot better.
2x2 Are Sometimes 5
Lohrák Lajos
Kiskrajcár is a 1953 Hungarian film directed by Márton Keleti. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.