Lajos Básti

Lajos Básti

Birth : 1911-11-17, Keszthely, Hungary

Death : 1977-06-01


Lajos Básti


Torma Gedeon
A szerelem bolondjai
III. Béla
Hungarian TV movie about King Béla III of Hungary
A successful architect meets a university student 30 years younger than him. They start a complicated, whirlwind relationship.
Hi, Junior!
Fő Bölcs
Everyone loves little Junior, but nobody has time for him. So Junior decides to find Time with the help of his friends - dwarves.
Dreams of Love
Trefort Ágost, kultuszminiszter
This is a romantic biographical film about Franz Liszt. In a distinguished saloon of Paris, the unknown composer, Liszt, defeats the renown Thalberg at a piano competition. Through his playing, he wins the favours and later the hand of the countess D'Agoult. A daughter is born in their marriage, Cosima. Liszt is better and better known, Marie introduces him to the circle of artists.
Szemtől szembe
The members of a rifle-corps unit gather in a village by the western border
Történelmi magánügyek
A light comedy of four love-stories.
Hasty Marriage
Nádor József
The protagonists of a comic Romeo and Juliet story full of gags are two widowed pensioners. Nádor and Mrs. Komáromi meet in the cemetery while mourning their dead spouses and they fall in love.
A százegyedik szenátor I
Fromm szenátor
Senator Fromm summoned to court, as it became known that he was involved in the Bobbi Beykera, the Secretary of the Democratic majority in the Senate. He is accused of stealing money from the fund of the party of bribing senators, blackmail, in tax evasion and other fraud. Investigation of the case of Senator Fromm leads the FBI. Parallel to this matter do Fromm's secretary and progressive journalist, her friend. They got incriminating documents closely related to senators in politics. But FBI agents taking care of the honor of politicians, millionaires do their best to hush up the case, and removed out of the way of those who want to tell people the truth.
Late Season
Holl Péter
Kerekes (Antal Pager) believes he is wanted by the police when his friends play a practical joke in this unusual comedy drama. He returns to his hometown where he was accused of turning a Jewish druggist and the druggist's wife over to the Nazis. With his friends following him, Kerekes tries to find out what became of the couple after they were deported. After being subjected to a mock trial by his friends -- and found guilty -- Kerekes becomes despondent and attempts to kill himself. Flashbacks and hallucinations are employed to tell this story that occurs during the Eichmann trial. Both the film and Antal Pager gained some unwanted publicity when a Variety article from April 23rd, 1967 accused Pager of being a Nazi collaborator for his role in an anti-Semitic film during World War II.
Változó felhőzet
At the end of World War II, Bálint, a deserter tries to obtain forged papers. He gets involved in funny adventures
A Hungarian Nabob 2: Karpathy Zoltan
Wesselényi Miklós
On the novel by Mór Jókai. The first half of the XVIII century. Several decades of life of a noble family Karpati.
A Hungarian Nabob
Wesselényi Miklós
On the novel by Mór Jókai. The first half of the XVIII century. Several decades of life of a noble family Karpati.
Othello in the Province
An ambitious theatre director arrives in Gyulaháza from the capital. The aim of the young Debrődy is to shake up the locals and turn the life of the town upside down.
Story of My Foolishness
The celebrated actor considers his wife a nitwits actress of a mediocre talent. But an influential playwright, a friend of theirs, has written a play with the main role designed for her, Kati, particularly. Its title is "The Most Intelligent Woman in the World". On the day of the first night performance Kati recalls their past, the times she had together with her husband.
Sons of the Stone-Hearted Man
Rideghváry Bence
Based on the novel of Mór Jókai. During the Hungarian independence war 1848-49 mother and her three sons trying to leave the road precisely designated by their conservative, stone-hearted father. The way-seeking and rivalry of brothers, Jókai's masterpiece, the cast, delightful scenes give an unforgettable experience.
Darkness in Daytime
Náday Gábor
In 1963 in Tihany, somebody addresses the writer Gábor Náday. He is reminded of a night drive in 1944 that saved his life. Painful memories start coming to Náday.
The Fanatics
Mezei-Hardt István (as Básthy Lajos)
Bene, tired of the professional battles of engineers and trying to escape a ship-wrecked marriage, asks to be transferred to the country. The gravest problem of the sandy region in Nagyalföld (Great Hungarian Plain) is the shortage of water. The tireless director of the local state farm asks for Bene's support, but the disillusioned man refuses him.
Military Band
doktor Barlay
Merry soldiers arrive in the sleepy Transdanubian town. The cynical woman-hunter, Ferdinándy, learns to know doctor Barlay's beautiful wife at a carnival. She lives a happy married life, and the attentions of the lieutenant are all in vain.
Három csillag
Crime at Dawn
Julius Marschalkó
Private inspector Hável happens to travel on the train which is attacked at Biatorbágy. His attention is drawn to a suspicious man, and in the next few days he confirms that it was indeed him who committed the crime. Yet the police accuses not the lunatic Marschalkó but the communists. Summary justice is declared.
Gyalog a mennyországba
If there has ever been pure and undestroyable love, this is it. That is how Imre and Vera feel. The talented chemist loses his best friend for the girl's sake, then gives up his profession, only to be able to stay in the capital with Vera. But the young actress at the beginning of her career is neglected. Imre accepts an uninteresting, but well-paying position. They seem to be happy together.
Gala Dinner
Varsa József
Varsa engineer receives the Kossuth award for his excellent work. His career once began at the family enterprise of his wife, so the woman invites her relatives for a dinner party.
Különös ismertetőjel
Imre, secretary of the illegal communist party arrives in Budapest secretly in 1942, in order to start the newspaper of the party in the fight against war. Not even his own mother can see him.
Keep Your Chin Up!
On the Spring of 1945 the Jackson circus is heading towards the border with the clown Peti and Aida, the elephant. They have to play for the Hungarian Fascists, while Peti is hiding the Jew Annuska and Sanyika.
The Sea has Risen
Lajos Kossuth
March 15, 1848; the revolution breaks out in the town of Pest. Yet at café Pilvax, in among he revolutionary youth, there is the informer of the imperial court as well. Hearing the news of the attack led by Jellasics, the inhabitants of the villages pour into the national army, and Hajdú Gyurka also escapes from his landlord. Petőfi is there at the camp of the revolutionaries, raising them to enthusiasm with his poetry.
Egy asszony elindul
Pándi Tibor
Director: Imre Jeney
Gereblyés, rendõrszázados
1h 35min | 21 October 1948 (Hungary)
The Siege of Beszterce
The film evokes count Pongrácz, who, as late as the 19th century, managed to live a life, which reminds one of his medieval ancestor's values. He acts in defiance of the town by fighting his own battle against it, having been offended by the town.
Temporarily Broke
István Balogh (CEO)
Comedy in the early 20th century about switching the lives.
Dénes Baráth
On the night before his wedding Tamás, a young teacher, saves a lonely girl named Teri from committing suicide. Since she has nowhere to go, he takes her back to his apartment and gives her some money. Another chance encounter with the girl complicates Tamás's honeymoon.
120 Kilometers an Hour
Levitzky Tibor
Marianne, the daughter of Banker Turner, is a modern woman, driving her car - as well as through her life - with breathtaking speed.
Man of Gold
Kadisa fõhadnagy
Az Aranyember (The Man of Gold) was based on a novel by Jokai, at one time Hungary's foremost storyteller. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around Timar (Ferenc Kiss), a ferryman on a Danish tugboat. Rescuing the daughter (Marisa Kormos) of a Turkish nobleman from a watery grave, Timar is rewarded with the girl's hand in marriage. Now rich beyond his wildest dreams, our hero finds he is unsatisfied; it seems he has never forgotten his true love, flower girl Noemi (Anna Fuzes). Timar is forced to suffer mightily until he is finally permitted a tender reunion with the girl of his dreams.
Her husband, a talented engineer, having been killed in an accident years ago in America, Mrs. Gáldy, a widower, lives in poverty in a small village with Tomi, her little son.
The Superior Maiden
Gábor, monori Horváth fia
Szent Péter esernyője
Wibra György