Jamie Smith


In 1905, a man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister who has been kidnapped by a mysterious religious cult.
Terror Telly: Chopping Channels
The follow-up to 'Terror Telly' (2012) 'Chopping Channels' is another offbeat, funny, creepy, disgusting & deeply weird anthology film.
The Faithful City
The Israeli-made Faithful City stars Jamie Smith as an American in Tel Aviv just after World War II. Smith makes the acquaintance of a group of orphans, Jewish refugees of the concentration camps. It takes some doing, but Smith wins the love and trust of these displaced youngsters. Like most government-funded Israeli productions of the early 1950s, Faithful City is designed more to instruct and inform than entertain. That it happens to be entertaining in the bargain is all the more reason to seek out this extremely rare film.