Husein Čokić

Husein Čokić

Birth : 1931-06-16, Kljuc, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia


Husein Čokić


Tempting the Devil
Two themes arise from the story, themes that are interlocked: the theme of love and of man's eternal submission to traditional symbols. The director Živko Nikolić continues his movie saga of human nature. Both themes develop the mythical idea of temptation. It is basic human relation: from the intimate to the families' vying with each other.
Ljubica is a middle-aged woman who lives in Zagreb and works as an audio pedagogue with deaf-mute children. She herself has a small child, while her husband she hardly communicates to, works in Germany. Coincidentally, she starts an affair with Zlatko, a much younger yet a man from a wealthy background. Although Zlatko is not much concerned about bourgeois views of his parents and has sincere love for Ljubica, it seems that their relationship has no future...
Doctor Mladen
The story begins in 1941 and shows one of the people who which were actually, very brave and proudly fought against the Ustasha, Germans and other butchers, not related to that ideology was tied. The film is about Dr. Mladen Stojanovic legend of Kozara and Krajina, great man, humanist, friend, and finally the commander one of a the proud partisan detachment, which is that area brought for a moment bring much desired freedom.
Ninth Miracle on the East
Službenik Resul u sirotištu
Perpetual wandering of a man who searches for his own identity, never reaching the final destination.
Walter Defends Sarajevo
Pavle, član lažnog komiteta
Sarajevo 1944. The German armies desperately need fuel in the retreat. Walter, the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the resistance movement, can endanger their supplies. The Germans are taking a cunning plan to remove that obstacle.
A Trap for the General
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
The tribulations of a hardy shepherd and a young boy fighting local peasants in order to have the right to graze his sheep. The old man is killed by some enraged peasants but the young boy carries on his work and battle.
Bad Luck
Set in the 1930s, it portrays life of a Bosniak family.
Shameful Summer
A returnee finds disapproval in his hometown he once left.
My Part of the World
Otac četiri sina
A beautiful and poetic at the same time difficult and tragic story. In the distant mountain village in Herzegovina, shortly after the end of World War II, lonely women and children await the return of men from the front. The few men that remained in the village trying to go to America and find the salvation of the lumber and stone. Center of the story is loneliness and anticipation. This is a tragic story of two men whose fight for the heart of a woman cost the head of both.
The Sun of Another Sky
In a small railway station a group of building workers are organized by a man called Jakov to travel to Germany for work. In the meantime, local bar owner Kurjak is getting a visit from his son first time after three years.
The lives of many people in one Serbian town are changed after Tito's breakup with Stalin.
An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bloodshed and horror on the Eve of Italian occupation of the country.
Steps Through the Mist
After breaking the enemy's rings, a partisan batch is left only with three wounded and two healthy fighters. Through his binoculars, the German captain Anders monitors the surviving soldiers who are walking through the fog in an effort to reach their brigade. Anders quietly starts a manhunt on wounded while anticipating their physical and mental exhaustion.
The Demolition Squad
The Germans held the strategically important airport, where planes were taking off to bombard partisans positions. Headquarters of one a partisan unit sent a few commandos to blow up airplanes and airport in the air.
On the Mountain of Konjuh
Komandant odreda
An exciting story of Husine coalminers who formed a partisan batch and put up an armed resistance during WW2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Merry People Die Twice
Somewhere in Bosnia in 1943 between the fourth and fifth enemy offensives column partisans withdrew across a river to free territory. At the moment of crossing the river, a group of Chetniks suddenly attack a column of partisans. In this violent attacks, a lot of partisan dies. Manage to cross the river and so be saved from bullets, only few partisans as a young partisan Radojica young nurse partisan Milica. Radojica and Milica cut off from his brigade, moving in their difficult and arduous hike over the mountains in the hope that they will meet again with the brigade. In this wandering, they will encounter a series of tragic-comic situations. Since the departure of Radojice in prison and subsequent flight to several grisly encounter with the Chetniks, to find the brigade and brave and daring capture of the entire Chetnik detachments and Chetnik duke who was responsible for the attack on the partisans.
Do Not Come Back Along the Same Road
The story of a few untrained construction workers from poor underdeveloped parts of the country, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina or Macedonia, who carry out seasonal work in the highly-developed republic of Slovenia. Far from home, problems arise for the men - with their families, alcohol, the local population's derision and the "real Slovenian workers".
Certified: No Mines
October 20, 1944, Belgrade was liberated by Red Army and Tito's partisans. But the capital of Yugoslavia is still fraught with danger - retreating aggressor mined the city . A special partisan squad goes into underground maze of tunnels to find and disarm explosives which are still guarded by SS special forces.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
March on the River Drina
A Serbian artillery battery of the Combined Division makes a forced march to the Cer Mountain in western Serbia to meet Austro-Hungarian troops, who have invaded the country by crossing over the Drina River. A chronicle of the Battle of Cer; a landmark battle of World War I and the first Allied victory over the Central Powers.
Winnetou 1: Apache Gold
Will Parker
The construction of the Great Western Railroad creates heavy conflict between the railway company and neighboring Indian tribes. Worse, criminal gang leader Santer sets his eyes on a gold mine located on holy Indian land and influences the construction supervisor to re-rout the planned railroad straight through Apache land. Old Shatterhand, who works as a measurement technician, discovers the evil plan and searches contact with the Apaches in an effort to avert war.
Face to Face
Milun Koprivica
One of the first movies who spoke of Yugoslav socio-political system with some criticism, set in a company. On the routine workers' council meeting a few brave workers stand against a corrupted manager.
Partizan koji podržava Jakova
In June of 1942 Germans and their collaborators decide to get rid of partisans and their stronghold in the woods of Mount Kozara in Northern Bosnia. They encircle the mountain and begin the mop up operation. Out gunned and outnumbered the partisans must not only take care of themselves but try to protect thousands of refugees too.
Cat Under a Helmet
A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.