Anirban Ghosh


Abyakto is a poignant tale of a mother and her son, Indra. The film captures a series of unexplained and unusual events which turn Indra into a man he never thought he would become. These events unfold through the film’s three most integral characters: Indra’s mother, Saathi his father, Kaushik his father’s friend and his favourite uncle Rudra. The film travels through various time lapses and captures the stirring and unexplainable situations and the intricacies and complexities of various relationships.
Selective Memories
A cinematic journey that sees Rabindranath Tagore as an ever restless seeker. It brings Tagore alive as a flesh and blood person whom the average Indian can relate to as a man of all seasons, of all times.
Diaries of Transformation
The film captures the stories of seven individuals with trans identities in and around Kolkata as they narrate their tales of love, violence and social acceptance in times of change. Raju, Bini, Rai, Bhaskar, Tista, Suman and Sabir come from very different socio-economic backgrounds. Yet, there are certain interconnecting issues of social acceptance and finding a space in the largely hetero-normative social order in each of these diaries which reflect the larger image of how politics of power operate.