Kai Lind

Kai Lind


Kai Lind


The Red Horses
-Efter endt landbrugseksamen vender Ole Offor tilbage til sin fødeby. Det viser sig hurtigt, at hans kæreste gennem flere år skal giftes med en anden. Oles far overtaler Ole til at rejse til Sjælland, hvor proprietær Munks gård trænger til en hjælpende hånd. Ole køber med faren hjælp halvpart i gården. Sammen med Munks datter Bente driver han gården videre. Gamle Munk dør og Ole og Bente bliver gift. Munks anden kone gør alt hun kan for at overtage gården. Som kumpan har hun Willers. Da det endelig se ud til at gå godt for Ole og Bente fremsætter hun krav på større del af arven. De har ikke pengene, så årets Derby kan få stor betydning for gårdens videre skæbne.
Frøken Theodor
The Great Court Scandal
Duke of Barca
Silent film
The White Slave Trade
This film was plagiarized - almost scene by scene - by Nordisk Film Kompagni who released their version only a few months later (2. August, 1910) with the exact same title!.
Den lille hornblæser
This movie created the basis for a major film production in Århus in years 1909-1913. In those years were in Aarhus produced half a hundred films, respectively, by A / S Fotorama and A / S Danish Film Factory. This clip is an excerpt from the film - The little horn blowing - which premiered in 1909. It was the longest film produced in Denmark with her 20 min. The film played out during the three-year war 1848-1850 and the manuscript was written on HP Holst's poem - The little horn blowing. This sold 150,000 tickets nationwide.