Václav Voska

Václav Voska

Birth : 1918-10-21, Praha

Death : 1982-08-20


Václav Voska, český divadelní a filmový herec se narodil krátce po vzniku samostatného Československa, 21. října roku 1918 v Praze v rodině středoškolského profesora. Po maturitě v roce 1937 začíná studovat práva na pražské Univerzitě Karlově. V roce 1939 jsou uzavřeny české vysoké školy a po válce již studium nedokončil. Již během středoškolských studií spolupracoval s Československým rozhlasem (od roku 1932) a od roku 1939 byl angažován do Divadla na Vinohradech, kde setrval do roku 1945. V tomto roce se stává členem souboru činohry pražského Národního divadla - ve Zlaté kapličce zůstává pět let, v roce 1950 pak přechází do souboru Městských divadel pražských, kde poté působí až do konce života. Za svou kariéru vytvořil na divadelním jevišti nespočet rolí. Svým hereckým projevem se uplatňoval ve ztvárnění převážně charakterních rolí. Mezi jeho nejvydařenější a nejoceňovanější role patří například : postava fyzika Möbia ve hře Fyzikové F. Dürrenmatta, role Emila Magise v dramatu Vajíčko M. Marceaua, role Alcesta v Moliérově hře Misantrop, role filosofa Sókrata ve hře E. Radzinského Rozhovory se Sókratem či role Torquata Tassa ve stejnojmenné hře J. W. Goethea. Za vrchol jeho divadelního herectví jsou pak považovány jeho role Edgara z Dürrenmattovy adaptace Strindbergova díla Tanec smrti a Richard II. ze stejnojmenného dramatu W. Shakespeara. Na filmovém plátně nedostal tolik příležitostí ve srovnání s jeho divadelní prací. V sedmdesátých letech 20. století v průběhu normalizace měl z politických důvodů značně omezený přístup do televize i filmu. Větší role na filmovém plátně ztvárnil například ve snímcích HOUSLE A SEN (r. V. Krška, 1946), TOUHA SHERLOCKA HOLMESE (r. Š. Skalský, 1971) a NOC KLAVÍRISTY (r. J. Polák, 1976). Na televizních obrazovkách se objevuje v několika filmech a seriálech, například SŇATKY Z ROZUMU (r. F. Filip, 1968), F.L. VĚK (r. F. Filip, 1971), A NA KONCI JE ZAČÁTEK (r. J. Bělka, 1981). Po celou dobu své umělecké kariéry Voska úzce spolupracuje s rozhlasem. Spolupracoval také s gramofonovými vydavatelstvími a dabingem. Jeho hlas je také zaznamenám ve krátkometrážním snímku KRAKONOŠ A ŠKOLA (r. Z. Vinš, 1983), který namluvil na sklonku života. Václav Voska zemřel 20. srpna roku 1982 ve Valašském Meziříčí, jeho ostatky jsou uloženy na pražských Olšanských hřbitovech. Se svou ženou Evou Kavánkovou měli dvě dcery, Markétu a Evu.


Václav Voska


Jan 69
Der Mann von der Cap Arcona
1982: East German actor Erwin Gregorek travels to Hamburg to shoot screen tests for a film about the sinking of the ocean-liner Cap Arcona in 1945 - a catastrophe he himself survived as a concentration camp prisoner.
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
František Ladislav Rieger
Spor architekta Zítka
František Ladislav Rieger
Královna bludiček
Zločin v chalupě
Řekni mi to beze slov
Jak namalovat ptáčka
Beauty and the Beast
Julie, the youngest daughter of a bankrupt merchant, sacrifices her life in order to save her father. She goes to an enchanted castle in the woods and meets Netvor, a bird-like monster. As Netvor begins to fall in love with Julie, he must suppress his beastly urge to kill her.
Pohádka o ebenovém koni
Čistá řeka
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
Podezřelé okolnosti
Já zůstanu věrný
Smuteční hudba za padlé hrdiny
Noc klavíristy
Poslední zkouška
To byla svatba, strýčku
Otec Viktora
Pani Heléne
Zlatá přadlena
Zbojník Ondráš
Vodník a Zuzana
Výnosné místo
Příští léto v Locarnu
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Dr. Watson
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.
Milenec léta
Commentary (voice)
Honba za filmovým námětem
Odvážná slečna
Ta třetí
architekt Jiří Mánek
At the funeral of his schoolmate, the nearly-fifty-year old architect Jirí Mánek (Václav Voska) meets his former close acquaintance - physician Jarmila (Blanka Bohdanová). They both are still single. Jarmila has recently returned to Prague after years of work on the frontier. Jirí leaves for a business trip. As a conservationist, he is to grant permission for an adaptation of a Baroque château to office spaces. On the road, a pretty young hitchhiker named Eva (Ida Rapaicová) stops him. Eva is Slovak and her spontaneous behavior enchants Jirí. He thus does not mind making a short detour and takes Eva all the way to the luxurious cottage of her parents. A romance develops between the two people, so different in age and temperament.
Mord in Frankfurt
Andrej Markowski
Zločin lorda Savila
Jak se zbavit Helenky
Murder Czech Style
The protagonist (Rudolf Hrusinsky) is a dull, fat, shy government clerk indulging in voyuerism and ego fantasies. In love with another clerk (Kveta Fiolova), he is urged on in his pursuit by a commiserate executive. The story is told in a flashback sequence as the cuckolded Hrusinsky attempts suicide by gassing himself in his bathtub. The "Murder" of the title is not a murder as such, rather the murder that Hrusinsky remembers planning upon discovering his wife's unfaithfulness with his supposed friend and advisor. Both plots failing in his mind, he loses himself in fantastic reveries of his funeral and of hypocritical mourners. ' Deciding (perhaps) that this is not the way out either, he gives up the attempt and imagines a life of reconciliation and eventual affluence.
Der Reichstagsbrandprozeß
Měsíc s dýmkou
Jan Pivec vzpomíná
Poklad pana Arna
Narrator (voice)
Volejte moje číslo!
Křišťálová noc
Dědictví na úvěr
The White Lady
psychiatr MUDr. Boukal
This castle has its own ghost - a mysterious White lady. She emerges from the painting on the wall when someone speaks out magic formula. White lady is good ghost, she can make someone's wishes true. Even if it is a new duct. But a miracle is not the thing that Communist leaders want in the town.
Třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek
The House in Karp Lane
Narrator (voice)
The Five Sinners
A Leap In The Dark
Narrator (voice)
Spring 1943: A three-member group of resistance fighters flies from a Soviet military airport into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to establish contacts with an illegal communist center in the occupied territory.
A Leap In The Dark
Spring 1943: A three-member group of resistance fighters flies from a Soviet military airport into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to establish contacts with an illegal communist center in the occupied territory.
Tři zlaté vlasy děda Vševěda
vypravěč (voice)
Hledá se muž, který má dost času
Commentary (voice)
Fortress on the Rhine
General Jean-Paul Grémillom (voice)
During the Second World War, an old fortress is transformed into a detention camp for arrested allied generals who the Germans provide with every possible comfort. In the nearby garrison camp, however, hundreds of captured private soldiers try to survive hunger and cold.
Pohádka o staré tramvaji
Narrator (voice)
The Week Starts on Friday
Narrator (voice)
A short documentary about the production of movie marquee art for cinemas in Prague.
Pozdní láska
Commentary (voice)
August Sunday
Commentary (voice)
This lyrical comedy story takes place in two hot days in the small South Bohemian village. On the shore of a small pond, summer guests and local youth meet. As is typical of the works of Hrubín, it is a conflict of youth and age, life and death, represented by the medical student Zuzana and her beloved Jirka.
Policejní hodina
Černá sobota
Commentary (voice)
Narrator (voice)
Commentary (voice)
The cartoon film sets out to justify the existence of UNESCO as an instrument for world peace.
Against All
Petr Kanis
After the battle of Sudoměř the Hussite teaching spreads through the whole country and people start leaving their homes to help build the fortification of Tábor. Prague citizens request help against the army of Zikmund. The Hussite army with Jan Žižka in the lead make their way towards Prague. They fortify themselves on the mountain Vítkov and engage in a bloody battle with Zikmund’s huge army.
The Case Is Not Yet Closed
Dr. Vladimír Gajdos
Legend of Love
Ferhad (voice)
A spring is hidden in the Iron Mountain but the people of Arzen cannot get to it and they are suffering from thirst.
Garrison in the Peak
Commentary (voice)
About meteorologists working on Lomničký štít. The film shows contrast between a man and mountains.
Jan Žižka
Cenek from Vartenberk
The second part of the revolutionary Hussite trilogy takes place in the years 1419-1420.
The Windy Mountain
Loutky Jiřího Trnky
Bill, Please
The director of the company Restaurants and Canteens arrives to attend a screening of a film made in various restaurants. A group of villagers come in to one of the restaurants for their lunch. The two waiters carry on chatting and ignore their customers. The head waiter finally brings them a crumpled menu, but whatever they order, he crosses off the menu and urges them to order something they do not want. In another restaurant a customer complains he has found a button in his sauce. The waiter promises to get him another portion but, once out of sight, he simply takes the button out of the food and brings back the same plate on which he has carelessly rearranged the food. Other customers are trying to pay but the staff point to the waiter with the wallet; he, however, is absorbed in watching a chess game and is neglecting his duties.
Narrator (voice)
Gebirge und Meer
German-Czech "Kulturfilm".
Jan Hus
Čeněk z Vartenberku
Jan Hus is a 1954 Czechoslovak film directed by Otakar Vávra. It is the first part of the "Hussite Revolutionary Trilogy", one of the most famous works of the Czechoslovak director, completed with Jan Žižka (1955) and Proti všem (Against All Odds, 1957).
Na shledanou na Strahově
Commentary (voice)
Leoš Janáček
Commentary (voice)
Kavárna na hlavní třídě
Emil Vacek
Navrácený hlas
Commentary (voice)
Commentary (voice)
Czech paradise
Commentary (voice)
The colorful world of Otakar Nejedly
Commentary (voice)
Maxmilián Švabinský
Commentary (voice)
Julius Fučík
Commentary (voice)
Dárci života
Commentary (voice)
O světle
Commentary (voice)
Mikoláš Aleš
Josef Mánes II.
Commentary (voice)
VI. zimní olympijské hry v Oslo
Commentary (voice)
Josef Mánes
Commentary (voice)
Léčivé rostliny
Commentary (voice)
Staroměstský orloj
Commentary (voice)
Dovolená venkova
Commentary (voice)
Revoluční rok 1848
Karel Sabina, spisovatel
Year of the Revolution 1848
Distant Journey
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Prague, during World War II. Hana Kaufmann, a Jewish ophthalmologist, marries Dr. Antonín Bureš, a Christian man. When her family is sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, their romance turns into a struggle for survival.
Red Lizard
Grammar school teacher Bláha hurts himself in pursuit of a red lizard, and is lying unconscious in the lonely house of Santrucek family. The postman, who found Bláha's coat and hat in the water, announces to everyone in town that the professor has drowned. But, the venerable citizens are at that moment more interested in the theatre group with the beautiful guest actress Eva Gazdová. They demand a change of repertoire and manage to persuade the theatre manager to have the group play the musical comedy The Red Lizard instead of an established play.
Až se vrátíš...
Společnou brázdou
Commentary (voice)
Housle a sen
Frederic Chopin
Malá historie
Minulost Jany Kosinové
Prosím, pane profesore!