Sergey Shakurov

Sergey Shakurov

Birth : 1942-01-01, Moscow, USSR [now Russia]


Sergey Shakurov
Sergey Shakurov
Sergey Shakurov
Sergey Shakurov


Olivier Salad
New Year's Eve. A large family of ten people, after a long separation, gathers at one large festive table. But in the end, New Year's gatherings turn into an evening of revelations - everyone finally decides to express everything that has boiled over and open their grievances. But will relatives be able to figure out the problems before the chiming clock and regain peace and unity by forgiving each other?
The story unfolds somewhere on the shore of the North Sea. Velga and Kirill grew up together, have known each other since childhood. But their feeling of falling in love has matured and fully revealed itself not so long ago. It seems that nothing is able to overshadow their carefree, happy existence, until Velga's older sister, Snow, arrives from the city on the anniversary of her mother's death.
The Relatives
One morning, the father of the family decides to fulfill his lifelong dream: to go with his family to the Grushinsky festival and perform his song there. The family is forced to come to terms with the desire of a tyrant father and go on a road trip across all of Russia. Along the way, they will have adventures, various tests and a test of their relationships for strength. But the most important thing they will understand only at the end of this extraordinary trip.
Deus Ex
Extremely nervous passenger calls a taxi at rush hour and soon discovers that his driver can disperse traffic jams by laying hands on the navigator, and also change the color of the traffic light depending on his own needs. In other words, at the wheel he, judging by everything, was caught by the Lord, who briefly went up to the cab drivers, and the passenger himself was to become part of an inscrutable plan.
Flight Crew
Nikolai Gushchin
A story about bravery, self-sacrifice and human dignity put on trial by the merciless power of nature. A young pilot is fired from military air force after disobeying an absurd order. He gets a job as a co-pilot with a civil airline. Being brutally honest and direct, he is not on best terms with his new colleagues. During a flight to Asia his crew receives a distress message from a volcanic island and makes a decision to attempt a rescue mission. Will it be a success? Will they survive the disaster? They have a single chance to find that out: by being a team and sticking up for one another.
The Leader's Way. Fiery River
"Fiery River" traces socialization and personhood development of the future nation’s leader, describing the epoch in which it took place, mostly the 50-60s last century.
The Leader's Way. Iron Mountain
“Iron Mountain” traces socialization and personhood development of the future nation’s leader, describing the epoch in which it took place, mostly the 50-60s last century.
Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Life
Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Grandpa 005
Oleg Stepanovich
Intelligence genius Oleg Stepanovich, a retired colonel, yearns without work, whiling away his days in the park and watching TV... Meanwhile, his grandson Andrei, a novice diplomat, finds himself in a difficult romantic situation. The grandfather flies to his grandson in Yerevan, where he meets his old friend, the cardiologist Irakli, who immediately gets involved in the "heart" business. The operation to solve the love problems of the grandson is called "Grandpa 005", and the methods of the Russian security officer and the Georgian doctor sometimes shock others. But only true love can prevail over the skill of counterintelligence virtuosos.
Treasures of Lake Kaban
Ded Azim
Kirill and Gulnara are looking for the legendary treasure of Ivan Grozny... Maybe they will find it, maybe not - but they will definitely find each other.
narrator (voice)
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
Vysotsky: Thank God I'm Alive
Russian poet, singer and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was an idol of the 1970s and '80s. In 1980, at the age of 42, he passed away during the Moscow Olympic Games. This is the story of his last great love as handed down to his son from a family friend. Written by nitorch.
Vladimir Zvorykin
Parfenov's documentary is about a brilliant scientist and engineer, born in Russia, but only known on the other side of the ocean. The invention of modern television changed the history of mankind. The invention has an author, who is almost unknown in his homeland. Vladimir Zworykin, born in Murom, a Russian American, was the person who created distant wireless transmission of images.
O, Luckyman!
Konstantin Germanovich
A comedy about the young guy who got the chance to live a life of somebody else.
Глупая звезда
Эля Найденова — круглая сирота. Она выросла в детдоме. Но теперь ей семнадцать — пришло время покидать стены приюта и начинать жить самостоятельно. Директор учреждения советует Эле непременно поступать в педагогический институт, потому что прекрасно знает о незаурядных способностях своей воспитанницы. Но девушка мечтает о карьере певицы. У нее прекрасный голос, и не воспользоваться этим талантом было бы преступлением. Однажды Найденова случайно узнает, что на телевидении совсем скоро будет проходить конкурс вокалистов «Звездные войны», победитель которого получит шанс стать звездой эстрады. На отборочный тур могут прийти все желающие. Наивная и совсем не знающая жизни Эля отправляется покорять столицу. Девушка верит в свои силы и в то, что в шоу-бизнесе все по-честному.
Paragraph 78: Film Two
In the near future the command of the special setting gets a new important task. On a secret rocket base, where a very tall order brings a command over, they will have face to face to run not only into an external danger but also with each other.
Paragraph 78: Film One
Chlen voennogo tribunala
The peoples of the world has finally managed to agree on the most important issues on the planet and there was long overdue balance. Signed an agreement to terminate development of weapons of mass destruction, but in secret all the superpowers continue to build up military power on classified sites, which seemed never existed. Goodwin, a former commander of special forces, is tasked to collect his former people responsible for the mission. Something very serious has happened to the base where secretly working to develop a new combat the virus, and more recent cohorts, who have almost nothing left in common, have come together again...
Konservy (2007) (Tins, Russian: Консервы) is a film about a journalist who possesses information on uranium sales and is set up by his enemies and sent to prison. Initially the film was planned as a political thriller, but along the way it gained features of action with elements of mysticism and surrealism.The film is full of vivid pictures of spy and terrorist games in Moscow, modern Gulag in the Far North, gold mines, escape with elite spetsnaz in the pursuit, underground community of permanently high punks, and other quite unusual settings.
Head doctor
Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.
Leonid Brezhnev
A biographical TV movie about Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that originally aired in four parts on Russia's Channel One. While nostalgic, the film does not attempt to rehabilitate Brezhnev.
Antikiller 2: Antiterror
Krest (The Cross)
Colonel Fox is in charge of a counter terrorism group that will now have the complicated mission to help the police to prevent a dangerous Chechen terrorist organization that wants to free its leader at any cost, even if it has to destroy the whole place.
Дневник камикадзе
Vadim, a young script writer, is killed in Moscow. What's more, he had reached his height of popularity a long time ago. His friend, successful businessmen Maksim Krivoshein, begins his own investigation. Memories of their childhood and the chance discovery of Vadim's diary leads to some shocking discoveries.
Cross (Krest)
Former criminal investigator, Major Korenev, nicknamed Fox is released from prison. He has been detained there as a result of planted incriminating evidence of unlawful investigation techniques. Setting accounts with Shaman - a big criminal boss, who ordered the evidence planted and also with his former colleagues was not a part of Korenev's agenda. As he returns to Moscow he finds a new world ruled by underworld bosses, criminal clans fighting each other and utter chaos on the desperately keeping appearances streets of Russian capital. Facing death of his friends, Major Korenev decides to re-install law and order using some unorthodox methods that are only relevant in 21st century Russia.
A Savage
Aleksandr Lvovich Ashmetyev
A new screen version of the play of the same name, written by Aleksandar Ostrovski. After a long time spent traveling abroad, the aging landowner Aleksandar Ashmetev returns to his mansion. He soon informs his spouse Maria Petrova (whom he doesn't love) that intends to leave again for Paris, away from dull provincial life. In despair, Maria thinks up a cunning plan. She introduces Aleksandar to Varya Zubareva, a young beauty from the neighboring mansion, in the hope that she will keep him there for longer. But, the mock intrigue takes a serious turn when it becomes obvious that Aleksandar has become seriously interested in Varya. Aleksandar now begins to think about how he can turn his passion into a real romance with the young temptress.
The Christmas Miracle
During Christmas, in the winter sky are shining magic stars and miracles happen. The story of a talented man who had a gift and love.
Тайны дворцовых переворотов. Россия, век XVIII-ый. Фильм 1. Завещание императора
Pan Tadeusz
A grand and patriotic tale of Poland's struggle for freedom just before Napoleon's war with Russia. Written in poetic style by Adam Mickiewicz, this story follows two feuding Polish families as they overcome their old conflicts and petty lives. However, they are able to unite as one with their patriotic and rebellious efforts to free the country they deeply love from Russian control.
Cranberries in sugar
The actor of the provincial puppet theater comes to try his luck in Leningrad. He stops at his longtime friend - an imitation actor and a big joker. Willingly leaving a friend in his apartment for the night, a friend invites a “call girl” for the guest.
According to ancient legend, the artist found a mineral that can revive any inanimate thing. To hide the mineral, he inserts it into a doll named Hagi. A century later, Hagi falls into the hands of a puppeteer, and he with horror discovers that the old doll is alive. Moreover, she also has a nasty character. Criminals try to take possession of it in order to use it for mercenary purposes. But they do not know the secrets of this doll - no one can take possession of it, but it has a destructive effect on any person who falls within its influence.
Роман «Alla Russa»
Psy 2: Ostatnia krew
pułkownik Jakuszyn
Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
porucznik Żuryn (w napisach: Siergiej Szakurow)
A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...
Two men are searching for a woman between the shipwrecking accident victims.
God's creature
The artist-restorer Alexey, going to birthday to the beloved Maria, even could not assume, in what cover it will get. And the culprit will be a young thief-daredevil named Shurochka.
Враг народа – Бухарин
Aleksandr Zhuravlyov
1986, Chernobyl disaster. Couples, friends, and a risk-taking journalist are woven into the larger framework of the disaster. Panic follows.
Dogs' Feast
On a holiday eve, everyone, especially one tired and chilly, does so need at least one living soul at one's side: it is bad to meet a holiday alone with oneself. Thus, on a New Year's Eve, the main characters meet, — a meeting of two solitudes. Chance brought two persons of disorderly lives together in a railway terminal.... kindling the hope for a normal, pure human life, the kind others have...
The Suicide
As Soviet Russia enters the era of the New Economic Policy, Semyon Podsekalnikov decides to stop looking for a job. However, the prospect of living at the expense of his wife and mother-in-law seems unbearable. Having reached the end of his tether, Semyon is resolved to take his own life. Based on Nikolai Erdman's controversial play.
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
A parable in the manner of a tragedian based on the play by A. Volodin "On the tribes of the Bison and Scorpions, who lived many thousands of years ago on a small island." The events that the film tells about take place in ancient times, in the Stone Age. In the forest, where a large tribe lives, two shots in the back killed one of the clan, nicknamed Long. His widow demands that the killer become her husband. The head of the clan is trying to find out who the killer is.
The Artist from Gribov
Aleksandr Gololobov
The film is about a movie actress who has arrived to conquer Moscow from a distant village. Started career doesn't add up. To the bad luck in the profession added disorder of personal life. Trying to do away with the unfortunate past, the heroine decides to return to her village. Keeping charm and vitality, she follows her own desires. As a result, her intentions are truly rewarded...
A few years after a separation, the family of Anne including her two sons Vlad and Victor returned to their father, Anatoly, who fought in France. He tries to take the education of his sons, but the boys, accustomed to complete freedom, strongly oppose this. And then, as luck would appear, a distant relative of Anatolys wife Seva emerge and begins to teach the children good sense for their criminal 'concepts'...
Visiting the Minotaur
Visiting the Minotaur
First Encounter - Last Encounter
История о событиях в Петербурге в канун первой мировой войны, событиях странных, драматических, развернувшихся в течение одной недели Рождества перед Новым 1914 годом. Герой фильма - частный детектив Петя Чухонцев, не окончивший курса студент-юрист, - расследует дело изобретателя Куклина, который был убит. Убит именно так, как предсказывал во время странного, почти сумасшедшего, новогоднего визита к Чухонцеву. Расследуя дело Куклина, Петя очень быстро сообразит, что в этом деле центральной фигурой является немец Шольц, владелец , по дешевке скупающий изобретения русских умельцев и передающий их шпиону Зигфреду Гею, советнику германского посольства. Однако также скоро Петя поймет и то, что он влез явно не в свое дело...
Looking for the money for a drink, an alcoholic gets a Newfoundland dog as a present from a stranger at a bird fair. He'll soon find out that the animal is not only able to speak, but to get him to give up drinking as well. Now he's determined to get rid of the dog, but that won't be an easy task.
Весёлая хроника опасного путешествия
Пелий, Диоген, старик, птица
Litsom k litsu
Vilkolakio pedsakai
Alyoshin, a Soviet journalist working in Argentina, witnessed the kidnapping of photo correspondent.
Personal Case of Judge Ivanova
A young girl decides to leave her home after she fails to make a peace in the family.
‎Summer Impressions of the Planet‎ Z
Мухин Алексей Палыч
Felix, a 12-year-old boy from outer space, during the summer holidays gets admitted into a summer children's sports camp. Few people know in the camp that Felix is not there by chance, and a few days ago he was created in a school laboratory because a space intellect sent him as an agent to planet earth to study humans. He is assisted by an ordinary boy Boris and a teacher who explains Felix local traditions and customs.
Parade of the Planets
A rare astronomical phenomenon — the parade of planets — has a strange effect on several men. The heroes of the film — an astrophysicist, locksmith, salesman, architect, loader, trolley bus driver — are called up for military training, which ends ahead of time. There is a strange pause in their life — no one knows where they are, no one is waiting for them, and they themselves can not rush anywhere. This short respite in a hasty and busy life gives the heroes the opportunity to experience strong and very important feelings for them.
Recipe of Her Youth
The beginning of the 20th century. Famous singer Emilia Marty arrives on tour in a European city. At the same time, the Supreme Court intends to close the Gregor-Prus case, a lawsuit that lasted several decades. Albert Gregor unsuccessfully tries to seize the inheritance of Baron Joseph Prus, but cannot prove that he is his heir. Emilia Marty unexpectedly intervenes in the process, reporting the whereabouts of documents proving the family kinship of Albert Gregor and Prus.
Anna Pavlova
Michel Fokine
The young talented girl Anya, dreaming of a ballet, enters the choreographic school. Due to poor health, learning for her becomes unbearably difficult, but dreams of a ballerina career make her stubbornly deal with adversity. Anna’s performance and determination does not go unnoticed by the celebrated choreographer Marius Petipa, who helps to stage Pavlova's examination performance. Such a gift becomes a starting point for Ani in the world of big ballet, her fast-paced career, position in high society and world fame make her forget about close friends and especially her faithful Michel Fokine, who invested a lot of energy in the formation of a ballerina.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra, Part 2
Jonathan Small
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra, Part 1
Jonathan Small
Срок давности
Григорий Базовкин
Kto stuchitsya v dver ko mne...
Heiress in a Straight Line
A story about a teenage girl who loves poetry and thinks of herself as A.S. Pushkin heiress.
Portrait of the Artist's Wife
Pavel Alekseyevich
The events of several days spent by the married couple - artist Pavel Alekseevich and his wife Nina - in a small country boarding house. For him, this is an opportunity to collect his thoughts and finally, after many years, write a new picture. The usual life of vacationers is mushroom hikes, boat trips, a costume ball, if not for Nina’s attraction for another man...
The Mechanic Gavrilov's Beloved Woman
Story of 38-years-old Rita whose fiance didn't show up at their wedding.
Nicolo Paganini
Biopic about Niccolo Paganini. He receives training from his father in early childhood. The best teachers of Parma are unable to give him more, so Paganini turns to a daily 15 hours of rigorous self-training. He makes sensational concert tours in Vienna, Paris, London and many other cities of Europe. He is always playing from memory, wearing black, and his stage appearance supports the rumors of his supernatural abilities. He is a wealthy man, but gambling and reckless spending forces him to pawn his violin. He is given a Guarneri violin by a wealthy listener to keep. He later gives this violin to the city if Genoa. The Paganini's violin is played by Leonid Kogan in this film.
Fiasco of Operation Terror
Iwan Wasiliewicz
The action-packed historical and revolutionary film about the struggle of the VCHK with the international conspiracy against the Soviet government in Russia in the beginning 20s. On the activities of Dzerzhinsky, chairman of the VCHK, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and at the same time Commissar of Railways. About the work on resuscitation of a collapsed industry, army, railways, to which the Iron Felix attracts (some by threats, some by persuasion) pre-revolutionary intellectuals.
Two Lines in Small Font
Thanks to all!
Mitya Kuznetsov
Young mathematician Dmitry hard going through the care of his wife. Having accidentally got to the shooting of the film, the hero suddenly begins to realize that the plot is based on the memories of his ex-wife.
The Rescuer
A story about a high school student Asya and her complicated relationship with literature teacher Larikov.
Spiridon Solomin
The story about a very small god-forgotten village in Siberia reflects the history of Russia from the beginning of the century till early 80s. Three generations try to find the land of happiness and to give it to the people. One builds the road through taiga to the star over horizon, the second 'build communism' and the third searches for oil. The oil is found but the destruction of the old cemetry and everything the people of the village cared for followed to get the 'black treasure' of Siberia.
A Taste of Bread
Степан Сечкин
An exploration of “virgin soil” in Kazakhstan through the stories of a party worker, a agronomist, and the director of a state farm.
Верой и правдой
One Hundred Days After Childhood
A group of Russian teenagers spend their summer at a summer camp. Mitia falls in love and gets so occupied with his own problems that he forgets about everything else.
At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own
Following the Russian Civil War, a loyal Red, Shilov, must prove he is at home among strangers as he attempts to recapture a shipment of gold that he was supposed to deliver to Moscow. Needed as a means of buying food for the people, the gold Shilov was entrusted with is stolen, initially by a group of assassins and then by a group of bandits. In tracking the gold’s whereabouts, Shilov’s motives are questioned and he is suspected of treason, in part because his brother was a devoted White. In an effort to clear his name, Shilov locates the gold, but he also discovers rampant greed and corruption.
На углу Арбата и улицы Бубулинас
The Fourth
American journalist gets a sensational material but is afraid to publish it...
Месяц август
В лазоревой степи
Passing through Moscow
Film almanac, consisting of four novels, United by one theme — a short stay of the characters in the capital. About the sailor who met his love in Moscow, about the birth of a little girl and about other, no less interesting events.
It Was In May
A few days after the unconditional surrender of German troops, a group of Soviet soldiers is billeted at a farmyard which the war somehow never seems to have reached. This apparently peaceful picture is eerily undermined when the Red Army soldiers are confronted with the full extent of Nazi terror.
Wake Mukhin Up!
During lectures on literature, evening student Sasha Mukhin, a subway driver, sleeps and dreams. In approximate accordance with the subject of the lectures, he either tries to prevent Pushkin’s duel with Dantes, either intervenes in the events of Spartak’s rebellion, or is present at Galileo’s abdication, then meets a person from the future and learns from him his future fate.
A sad story about a series of tragic events which happened in Greece during the seventies.
The continuation of a story started by Alexander Stolper epic movie "Zhivye i Myortvye".
I'm a Soldier Mom
A young, stubborn and undisciplined man goes to serve in the army, where he will understand the need for military service...
Новогодняя несказка
A love story with young protagonists, the action unfolding somewhere in the north of Russia. Exposition of nature plays an integral part in the dramatic development of events and the criminal plot of the finale.