Luca Verhoeven

Birth : 1979-01-01,


As Green As It Gets
Georg "Schorsch" Kempter is a gardener in a small Bavarian town, working day-in, day-out in his nursery, which is facing bankruptcy. He doesn't like to talk much. He never has. His marriage has long lost all its magic and on top of that, he has trouble to connect with his daughter. Only when he is flying in his own rickety biplane, Schorsch feels truly free. When the owner of the local golf course tries to cheat Schorsch for his money, claiming the shade of green of the grass Schorsch has planted on the golf course is not right, insolvency seems unavoidable. So just when his airplane is about to be impounded, Schorsch grabs the control stick and flies away in an attempt to save his plane and himself. He embarks onto a journey into the unknown, to places he has never seen before, full of odd and special encounters - and with every take-off and every landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call an idea of happiness.
Men in the City
The comedy about men and their struggles in life and love.
Die Verhoevens
The history of a family, in the film business now for three generations, behind and in front of the camera. The film is not only a foray through the history of this remarkable family, but also through the history of German film and contemporary history as well.
100 Pro
Two boys (Ken Duken and Luca Verhoeven) try to get into the Munich Disco "Spy", but Dennis, the chief of Disco doesn't allow them to enter the club. This is the whole story - believe it or not, but director and writer Simon Verhoeven made a movie with a runtime of 88 Minutes based on this story. Low budget, but great fun. Nice pictures of Munich, good and intelligent ideas (Floh and Marcel are playing football, while Werner Hansch, a famous german TV-Sport-Presenter, reports their game to the audience)make the movie worth to be seen. Not a revolution, but, as said, it's fun.
Benny Dollinger
A black comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulty of obtaining this: While Molly (Eva Mattes), Elisabeth (Katja Flint) and Maria (Ornella Muti) are great friends, but at the same time completely different. Molly is a difficult stressed housewife and mother of three children, Elisabeth is the perfect career woman and Maria uses already in their third marriage sex appeal to get ahead in life. But one day it turns out that the three except their friendship still connects another great thing in common: They are all tired of her life as a wife. And so begins the story of a rabenscharzen comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulties to achieve this. The only question is: How are they merely their husbands going on?