František Holar

Birth : 1917-02-01, Praha - Československo

Death : 1970-09-09


The Matches of a Beautiful Dragoon
In a suburban villa, a woman of means is murdered. Police Superintendent Zdychynec from the Prague Liben neighborhood reports the case to Police Councilman Vacátko, upon whose order an investigation is launched immediately. Zdychynec begins to suspect the wooer of his own daughter, a handsome dragoon named Rudi, of the crime. In Rudi's absence, Zdychynec searches his rented room in the apartment of the elegant Mrs Dragicová. All his findings - among others, sand left on Rudi's jackboots and a decent amount of money in his bedside table - convince the superintendent that he is following the right lead, especially when Rudi refuses to say where he was at the time of the murder.
Count Dracula
Czech television production of Dracula that is very faithful to Bram Stoker's novel.
Case for a Rookie Hangman
Vedoucí dobrovolník
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) has had a car accident and continues his journey across the unknown countryside on foot. On the road he finds a dead rabbit dressed like a man and takes a watch from its waistcoat breast pocket. The half-ruined house that he enters reminds Lemuel of his childhood and brings up a painful memory of a dearly loved girl Markéta who was drowned years ago. Gulliver finds himself in Balnibarbi, a country where he doesn't understand the laws and habits and so continually offends against public decency. It is a day when people are ordered to keep their mouths shut and they force their visitor to follow suit. He faces harsh interrogation and finds it difficult to explain that he is not the rabbit Oscar whose watch has been found in his possession.
O tlustém pradědečkovi
A ruthless inquisitor spins the superstitions of local peasants into religious heresy, finding cause to accuse dozens of innocent men and women of witchcraft. The inquisitor targets nobles and merchants, whose property and goods are then confiscated. After suffering an array of medieval tortures, most of the accused confess—only to be burned alive at the stake as helpless villagers watch. With its bold and striking cinematography, the film captures scenes of both daring nudity and brutal torture.
Hádankář Vojta
Jak se zbavit Helenky
Láska jako trám
Who Wants to Kill Jessie?
In this zany Czechoslovakian comedy, a scientist invents a machine that projects a sleeping person's dream on a screen; disaster soon follows when the machine malfunctions and the cartoon-like dream characters become very real!
Třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek
Oliver Twist
Černá sobota
trafikant Rezek, Věřin manžel
Ošklivá slečna
vrchní Pepíček
Today for the Last Time
železničář na ulici
Concert master Karel Mašek is a drunk, as well as engineer Danda and other regular guests of the pub U Kroců. Mašek returns from the pub in the morning and promises the woman that he will stop drinking. But he failed again, and the orchestra players refuse to play with him. Danda returns home without a bag and goes to Krocs again in the morning, even though he has an important job at work. He has been degraded to subordinate job position, but he refused to admit it at home.
Wolf Trap
The title of this highly-regarded Czech drama translates as Wolf Trap. Set in the 1920s, the story revolves around an ambitious young provincial politician (Miroslav Dolozai) who enters into a marriage of convenience with a smotheringly possessive -- and much older -- woman (Jirina Sejbavola). Hoping to temporarily escape his overbearing wife's clutches, the husband strikes up a friendship with her young ward (Jana Brejchova). The relationship blossoms into a deep abiding love, but the jellyfish husband can't bring himself to declare his ardor to the girl. Even after the death of the wife, the husband hasn't the intestinal fortitude to admit his passion, and the results are bleak indeed for the unfortunate ward. Director Jiri Weiss does a masterful job staging his story of frustration and denial against a backdrop of post-WWI bourgeois banality.
Florenc 13,30
taxi driver
Playing with the Devil
čert – vrátný
A Life at Stake
Rudá záře nad Kladnem
farm employee
Jan Žižka
The second part of the revolutionary Hussite trilogy takes place in the years 1419-1420.
Dog's Heads
Dog's Heads (Czech: Psohlavci) is a 1955 Czech drama film directed by Martin Frič, based on the novel of the same name by Alois Jirásek. It was entered into the 1955 Cannes Film Festival.
Kavárna na hlavní třídě
Army Art Theater
Commentary (voice)
The Magical Hat
Anna the Proletarian
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
member of the US military police
Based on a true story
Usměvavá zem
Action B
Film shows the struggle of the Czechoslovak armed forces against groups of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) under command Burlak, who tried to pass through the territory of Slovakia.
The Emperor and the Golem
Captain of the Guard
The Emperor's mismanagement of his country is provoking some in his court to plot to overthrow him. He feels successful, at least, when he discovers the legendary Golem, which he believes can protect him and even cure his imaginary illnesses but, when he disappears while on a bender, his kindly baker, who looks just like him, is mistaken for him, and begins to put things in order. However, the conspirators, not to be outdone, determine to bring the Golem back to life to do their bidding.
DS-70 nevyjíždí
The Trap
Czech drama film.
Vstanou noví bojovníci
statkár Tmel
Victorious Wings
Workers from the aviation factory near Prague set up a racing club for young people that will take part in the international sailing competition for Czechoslovakia.
V trestném území
a member of SNB Jander
Racek má zpoždění
Revoluční rok 1848
hrabě Lubomirski
Year of the Revolution 1848
Dnes o půl jedenácté
Soudný den
Pan Habětín odchází
Cold War Spy FIlm
The Poacher's Foster Daughter or Noble Millionaire
Případ Z-8
The Green Notebook
Jarda Klečka
Až se vrátíš...
The Portrait
Mr. Zemblovský
People are afraid of the usurer Chazaj and are convinced that he is the bearer of evil. One day Chazaj pays a visit to the poor artist Simon Jordán and asks him to paint his portrait. Simon agrees but as he progresses with the work his mind conjures up terrible thoughts and in the end he commits suicide. The portrait looks lifelike and Chazaj is content with the results. After Chazaj's death the picture changes hands and brings misfortune to all who own it. The last victim is the young painter Roman who buys Chazaj's portrait in a bazaar. He finds a treasure in the frame and begins to live well off it. The comfortable life suits him so well that he rejects his original artistic aims and becomes a painter of fashionable kitsch.
Žijí mezi námi
Warriors of Faith
kumán v krčmě
Czech history movie.