The concluding film to the Gintama animated series, adapting the final chapters of the comic series of the same name by Hideaki Sorachi. The film covers chapters 699–704 of the original comics, with original material added in.
The concluding film to the Gintama animated series, adapting the final chapters of the comic series of the same name by Hideaki Sorachi. The film covers chapters 699–704 of the original comics, with original material added in.
The concluding film to the Gintama animated series, adapting the final chapters of the comic series of the same name by Hideaki Sorachi. The film covers chapters 699–704 of the original comics, with original material added in.
The sextuplets attend a high school class reunion. There, they see all their former classmates who have become "proper" adults with company jobs. The sextuplets sulk about this and go home and drink until they fall asleep. But when they wake up, a certain scene awaits them.
What would have happened if the Shiroyasha never existed? Edo is thrown to chaos by a mysterious cause. Sakata Gintoki, now lives in a world where the future has changed, without him. What has happened to the Yorozuya? Gintoki, who is now a ghost of the past, must once again carry the burden in order to save his friends. He must finish the biggest job ever, which may be the final job of Yorozuya.
Edo is a city that was home to the vigor and ambition of samurai across the country. However, following feudal Japan's surrender to powerful aliens known as the "Amanto," those aspirations now seem unachievable. With the once-influential shogunate rebuilt as a puppet government, a new law is passed that promptly prohibits all swords in public.