Volker Hauptvogel


Lothar Schramm is a simple man with complex problems, yet he seems like such a nice guy. He works as a taxi driver and lives by himself where he is happy to answer his door to strangers and kill them outright. As with many shy loner types he has a problem dealing with woman so he drugs them and photographs their nude bodies for sexual stimulation. He then murders his helpless victims and so goes the life of a deranged serial killer.
Keine Hand wäscht die Andere
On the run from her criminal Italian husband, a young French woman meets a German lover in West Berlin who offers her shelter but who also gets entangled in her threatened life ever deeper.
Krieg der Töne
The 12 year old Ina struggle to become a great pianist. Success depends on the music competition "Ein Herz für Mozart". Ina is sent by her mother's command to piano lessons. The piano teacher Holger produces in his free time experimental music from sound collages, but can not prevail with his works in the professional music business. Ina takes a liking to the sound collages of Holger and flees from her domineering mother to him.
Man with gun
A street sweeper who cleans up after grisly accidents brings home a full corpse for him and his wife to enjoy sexually, but is dismayed to see that his wife prefers the corpse over him.