

Horror film about an incident at a secluded resort that takes place over the course of one night. The Tokak is a vengeful spirit from Sungai Raya who has possessed a man named Iskandar, owner of the resort. In order for Iskandar to return to a human, he has to murder and drink the blood of six women who have sinned with lust in one night.
O.M.K (Oh Mak Kau!)
Pak Maun
Sam and Mun work with their mother, Mama San as poultry suppliers at the market. However, Sam and Mun's habit of stealing constantly brings trouble into their lives, if only because they are not good at it. Every time the duo goes off to rob a house, they dress up as various characters and spend time cleaning their victim's home. This drives Mama San crazy. If their shenanigans are not bad enough, when Que, a fellow villager who left for the city returns to their village, Sam and Mun both vie for her affections. Meanwhile, Embun and his gang of thugs are threatened by Que's presence as he sees Que as a rival. They kidnap Que and bring her to meet their leader, Lutfan. Will Sam and Mun be able to put aside their rivalry and sticky fingers to save Que?
Baik Giler
Ayah Afiq
Mansor Akob's comedy stars Zizan Raja Lawak as a man named Afik who becomes mentally unbalanced after the death of his stepsister, Amy. In his traumatized state, he is misunderstood as insane, and is sent to a mental asylum as a result. There, he meets its various inmates and finds out for himself the meaning of being human.
Lawak Ke Der
2 hour comedic performance from Malaysian's famous comedian, Zizan, Johan, Afdlin Shauki, Harun Salim Bachik, Mr. OS and Abon,
"Chantek" is the story about AD, a film celebrity whose glamorous and carefree life is overturned when he becomes blind due to his negligence in crossing the road caused by witnessing his fiancee cheating on him. Having lost all faith in life, AD isolates himself in a vacation home ran by CHANTEK, a housekeeper who has to disguise herself as a man so as to not aggravate AD, who has developed a phobia towards women. However, after living together and discovering each other's strengths and quirks, CHANTEK and AD fall in love, which causes CHANTEK to reveal her secret. But what will come of a romance between a fallen celebrity and a housekeeper?
Andartu Terlampau 21 Hari Mencari Suami
Cikgu Sapri b Samperit
The story tells of a girl named Nik 20s through Melati Sukma is depressed again because they have not kberkahwin. Various efforts made ​​by both parents namely Fatimah and Nik Mat for membolehkanya agree to marry so that could 'mix and match' their children with the candidate they felt appropriate. But Nik Melati Sukma or Nikki desperate search for his own soul mate. Various events are circling journey Nikki cute in his search for his mother Fatimah sementelah future husband has given two words: if not bring home a husband in the past 21 days, then there is no choice but Nikki was forced to marry the man her mother's choice and persetujui together by his father Nik Mat .
Momok The Movie
Adlin working in Bintulu, Sarawak, returned to his home town for the holidays. As usual, each time returning to the village, he is going to be going to Warung Pak Ajis to enjoy Mee Calong and chat. Return this time to meet his mother Mak Ton, his brother Isham and Esah after being six months in Bintulu has brought an experience never to be forgotten by him during his lifetime. Vampire tale story, Pochong, Goblins, Badi body ("Mohini" / Chandra Murke - Legendary ghost Hindu society), Mortuary Living In Step Black Cat and butted into penglipurlara four of them that night.
Orang Minyak
This story is based on fiction and myth made by a professor who was doing a research on Orang Minyak in Kampung Silang. Pak Junid (Sidek Hussin) placed Dian (Sharifah Sofia), the professor, at his house in Kampung Silang and entertained her as well with the marriage of Ina
Budak Lapok
Budak Lapok is a 2007 animated film in Malaysia. This film is based on the P. Ramlee film Bujang Lapok. The film premiered on 13 October 2007.
Cinta Yang Satu
Wira (Zul Huzaimi) frequents the same cafe at breakfast every day. Jamilah (Siti Elizad), who is a waitress at the cafe, is slowly falling in love with him even though she is aware that Wira is engaged. When Wira fails to notice her, she decides to change the way she looks - from naive and innocent to something more upbeat and spunky. Things begin to change when the new look and a near-accident finds them falling for each other. Everything looks to be a bed of roses until Zulaikha (Sharifah Sofea), Wira's fiancee, decides to surprise her husband-to-be at the office, where she finds Jamilah in his arms.
No Problem
Wak Jono
The story is based on a love triangle involving the three lead characters set on a beautiful secluded island. The man who plucks the most coconuts wins the hand of the prettiest girl in the village, Rosnah. To prove that each is worthy of Rosnah's hand in marriage they will have to fight with their own weapons. Awang uses the traditional 'kapak bertali', while Sidibijo uses a 'laser gun' he made himself.
Momok I
Momok I is a horror film that combines several ghost stories in one film that is Pontianak, Penunggu, Kucing Hitam, Pocong and Bunian. This story is a mere fabrication and has nothing to do with those who are still alive or who have died. If there are any similarities, it is not intentional and happened by chance. Hope you are all entertained.