Mime Fønss

Mime Fønss

Birth : 1911-11-12, Denmark

Death : 1994-08-18


Mime Fønss
Mime Fønss


Sidste akt
May Davenport
That Brief Summer
Bertram og Lisa
I Adams verden
The Missing Clerk
Two men disappear at the same time, with one of them committing suicide using dynamite. The police try to figure out which one died and what happened to the other.
Og så er der bal bagefter
Fru Emma
The Performance Will Be Followed by a Dance
The Ballad of Carl-Henning
Carl-Henning (Jasper Klein) is a young man working as an apprentice on a dairy farm in the Danish marshland. When he isn't working, he tinkers on a disabled car and dreams of a young girl who is a local student. After a few too many beers one night, he steals some money from the till at work. He is caught by the foreman, who beats the young man. Carl-Henning defends himself and knocks the man down a flight of stairs. Convinced he has murdered the man, Carl runs away and joins up with a traveling carnival. Although the foreman has only a slight bump on the head and all is forgiven, Carl never receives word he is welcome to return and begins a series of adventures that take him far beyond the farm.
Magic in Town
Police constable Møller'og psychiatrist Dr. Mogensen will have something to watch as the Pusle to everyone's surprise finds out that she can do magic. On her birthday she gets sent an ancient, magical figure from her uncle in South America. On the same day Pusle's parents has to travel to London, and the large family is now left to strict aunt Alma.
I den grønne skov
I gaar og i morgen
Lykken kommer
Det rige par Jytte og Ole bruger livet til fest og ballade. Efter endnu en aften og nat med fest beslutter ægteparret at blive skilt. Næste dag fortæller de dette til onkel Frederik, der i stedet foreslår et væddemål: i et år skal Jytte og Ole leve for 400,- kr. om måneden, for at de kan mærke hvordan almindelige mennesker lever. De går ind på forslaget og flytter ind i en lille lejlighed. Efterhånden lærer de at klare sig, men opgiver dog væddemålet efter en måned. Da Ole fortæller onkel Frederik, at de ikke vil være med mere, kan Frederik desværre fortælle dem, at han har sat deres formue over styr. Da Ole kommer hjem får han at vide, at Jytte er gravid. Dette ændrer i høj grad deres liv - Jytte og Ole har pludselig fået et livsindhold.
Vi kunde ha' det saa rart
Tante Cramers Testamente
Bertha, Sørens kone