Anne Maregiano


Charlemagne Palestine, The Golden Sound
Born in New York City, composer, performer, and visual artist Charlemagne Palestine was a contemporary of Steve Reich and Phillip Glass in the avant-garde classical music scene of the 1960s and 1970s. On stages filled with his own home-made stuffed animals, Palestine performs his trance-like strumming music. He is often referred to as a minimal composer, but rejects that in favour of "maximalism". Anne Maregiano's documentary about Palestine, The Golden Sound (2011), allows the artist to tell his own story while putting his music and performance, in long, unedited takes, at the centre of the film. - Close-Up Film Centre
Jonas tourne toujours
Camera Operator
A short portrait of Jonas Mekas on the occasion of his 2002 retrospective in Paris (for his 80th birthday). Through film clips and interviews, Mekas recounts his arrival in America, his early life in New York and his first filmmaking experiences. An introduction to his life and work.