Francisco Silva


Ladrão de Bagdá
Ninguém Segura Essas Mulheres
Sofia e a Educação Sexual
Assistant Director
After her mother's death, Sofia returns from a Swiss college to her family's luxurious villa, in Cascais. Through the relashionship between her father, Henrique, and his lover Laura, she will discover the complexity, egothistic, discrete and hypocrite way of life - from which there is no escape.
O Último Malandro
O Libertino
Production Manager
Commander Emanuel is a man who dedicates his life to fighting pornography. Going through financial difficulties, he finds himself obliged to rent his house to a college of girls. Over time he will find out that college is actually a house of meetings.
O Libertino
Commander Emanuel is a man who dedicates his life to fighting pornography. Going through financial difficulties, he finds himself obliged to rent his house to a college of girls. Over time he will find out that college is actually a house of meetings.
Missão: Matar!
A professional hitman returns to Brazil and is hired to eliminate an Argentine Delegate in a Rio de Janeiro convention. Inspector José da Silva realizes the plot and starts to pursuit him.
Um é Pouco, Dois é Bom
Um é Pouco, Dois é Bom is a Brazilian film, with an urban theme, produced and filmed in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1970. The film is divided into two parts (Com um Pouquinho de Sorte and Vida Nova Por Acaso) that have different character cores and independent narrative structures.
Vida Nova... Por Acaso
Two pickpockets live in a world where they dream of social elevation.