Ivan Romančík

Ivan Romančík

Birth : 1950-05-09,


Ivan Romančík


Klíč svatého Petra
The Third Wish
Kindly, mischievous and humorous story about the troubles of a lovesick teenager called Albert.
Zázračný nos
32 utajovaných stran – zpráva z pekla
The House
Stone by stone, Imrich is building a small house for his daughter Eva almost entirely on his own. But for Eva, who is about to graduate from school, the prospect of moving into the house is about as appealing as being imprisoned in a jail she herself has helped to build. She has very different plans for her future...
Legenda o lietajúcom Cypriánovi
Brat Albert
Historic adventurism movie inspirited by legend about mystery monk, alchemist and healer who made the flying machine according to lost book wrote by Leodardo DaVinci in 18th century.
Broken Promise
Shoemaker Feldman
Slovakia, on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The family of the young Jewish Martin Friedmann gathers to celebrate his bar mitzvah and make a solemn promise that they will all meet again a year later around the same table; but the storms of war and anti-Semitic fanaticism will lead each of them down very different paths.
Two Syllables Behind
Zlatá podkova, zlaté pero, zlatý vlas
kapitán Kaizser
Jakubov rebrík
Stratený list
Jahňa chudobného
Ružová Anička
Variácie slávy
Otec Leopold Mozart
Zuzanka Hraškovie
Tanec nad plačom
Zakázané uvoľnenie
Story of an extraordinary musician, violinist, who was famous, but his alcoholism led him to poverty. Now he is playing time from time to rich people. Then Albert meets count Delesov, who tries to change Albert's life. Two different characters, two ways of life confront... Will Albert change? Should he?
Najkrajší kvet
Nevěsta k zulíbání
Tri svadby
Tuctové dievča
Ako sa Vinco zaťal
Eden and After
Man with a Guitar
A group of French students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games of a mysterious Dutchman. Once they sample his "fear powder" the students experience a series of hallucinations.
Perinbaba a dva svety
Lukáš, Alžbetka's son, takes off into the world looking for happiness and love. His godmother, the celestial Lady Winter, keeps an eye on him. He arrives late in the fairy-tale land that she leads him to. Fear reigns where once cakes grew on trees. The miraculous ram has disappeared and the royal town is cursed. Lukáš has to decide what is closer to his heart: a fortune or love?