Jeronimo Acero


Derniers jours d'un médecin de campagne
Director of Photography
Patrick Laine, 68 years old, has been practicing medicine for 35 years in Saulnot, a small town in Haute-Saône. Passionate about his work but worn out, he knows he will have to stop. But no successor has come forward to take over. His last months of practice are becoming increasingly difficult as he approaches what he has always wanted to avoid: leaving his patients without a doctor and without support.
Do a boy's hair with a barrette, or do not a boy's hair with a barrette, that is the question ! Is this female accessory acceptable for a man ? Three generations will face this subject...
Do a boy's hair with a barrette, or do not a boy's hair with a barrette, that is the question ! Is this female accessory acceptable for a man ? Three generations will face this subject...
Made In France
Camera Operator