Sound Engineer
Set in the early 1960s, the story revolves around high school sweethearts Jonas and Agnete, their friendships and families, trials and tribulations.
Set in the early 1960s, the story revolves around high school sweethearts Jonas and Agnete, their friendships and families, trials and tribulations.
Sound Engineer
An animated Christmas story for children.
Sound Designer
Sound Designer
Two friends, Rannvá and Barba, return to Faroe Islands after seven years abroad. The girls arouse both curiosity and outrage with their bizarre city appearance and emancipated behaviour. They embark on a road trip with one of the locals, Rúni, who - as it turns out - also carries a dark secret. The trio goes on a journey not just through the beautiful landscape of the Faroes but into the land of the past.
Donna wants to live the perfect Free Woman life. At the same time she needs the daily comfort of a close relationship to her girl-friend Britt. Britt is romantically inclined in an old-fashioned way and would rather opt for life with a wrong man than with no man at all.
Fed up with his quarreling middle class parents, thirteen-year-old Jonas runs away from home. He seeks his freedom in the woods, where he befriends a girl his own age and a drunken ex-pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
As a visual narrative it is reminiscent of a pile of postcards from a journey, which indeed is what the film is. It consists of a series of lengthy shots of a tableau nature, each appearing to be a more or less random cross section of American reality, but which in total invoke a highly emblematic picture of the USA.
Music Editor
Sound Designer