Jonas Alexander Arnby

Jonas Alexander Arnby


Jonas Alexander Arnby


Exit Plan
Insurance broker Max's life is about one thing - keeping his walnut brain tumour in check. He eats properly, exercises and lives properly, but all of this self-consciousness makes him more and more depressed. When he realises that his beloved wife plans to leave him, he decides to take his own life.
When Animals Dream
The young woman, Marie, is an outsider in the small coastal community where she has grown up. The townspeople live in fear of her and not least her mother, who is wheelchair bound, suffering from a mysterious illness. When Marie discovers her body changing – long hair growing on her chest and back – she begins searching for answers concerning her family’s hidden past. Something that will have great consequences for herself and her family – and the choices she has to make.
A movie from Denmark.
We Watched the Sun Disappear
1906. Two men embark on a polar expedition that leave them stranded and completely isolated on the coast of North-eastern Greenland. As the sun disappear and winter comes, hunger, fear, sickness and paranoia drive the two men to turn against each other.