Waldemar Pottier

Birth : 1914-12-30, Berlin, Germany

Death : 2004-01-01


Railway employee Fritz Marr is not regarded well by his superiors. It is the year 1920, and trains regularly pass the railway hub of Erfurt to the East to secretly transport weapons for the fight against the young Soviet Union. Marr knows about this and wants to mobilise other workers to stop these illegal deliveries. To muzzle him, Marr is relocated to a remote rail work construction site.
Wer seine Frau lieb hat
Drei Unteroffiziere
A soldier thinks about leaving the army for a woman. His friends try to stop him.
Das edle Blut
Die Anne-Liese von Dessau
Aus der Jugendzeit klingt ein Lied
A woman is rescued after a shipwreck by two fishermen and falls in love with one of them, whereupon the other jealousy attempts a fratricide and other intrigues. The film seems almost like a prelude to Italian neo-realism. Filmed on Sicily, Corsica and on the French Riviera.
The Loves of Pharaoh
The Ethiopian King offers his daughter to a powerful Pharaoh to secure peace between the two countries.