Phil Zwickler

Phil Zwickler

Birth : 1954-06-01,

Death : 1991-05-07


Phil Zwickler was a journalist, filmmaker, poet and gay activist who produced a prolific body of work in the few short years before his death from AIDS in 1991.


Phil Zwickler


Needle Nightmares
It is a unique view of the pyschological effects of the ravages of AIDS. The direct address and matter of fact tone of the voiceover with an undercurrent of sarcasm and cynicism create a touching, detailed and precise portrait of Phil Zwickler without a single image of him ever appearing.
Needle Nightmares
It is a unique view of the pyschological effects of the ravages of AIDS. The direct address and matter of fact tone of the voiceover with an undercurrent of sarcasm and cynicism create a touching, detailed and precise portrait of Phil Zwickler without a single image of him ever appearing.
This film powerfully documents New York City's gay community's response to the AIDS crisis as they are forced to organize themselves after the government's failure to stem the epidemic. Activists who are interviewed include playwrite Larry Kramer, People With AIDS Coalition co-founder Michael Callen (who died of AIDS in 1994), New York filmmaker and journalist Phil Zwickler, as well as representatives from ACT-UP, Queer Nation and the Gay Men's Health Crisis.
Phil Interviews David Wojnarowicz
Phil Zwickler interviews David Wojnarowicz about a NEA project grant for a gallery show.
Phil Interviews David Wojnarowicz
Phil Zwickler interviews David Wojnarowicz about a NEA project grant for a gallery show.
Fear of Disclosure
An exploration concerning the act of revealing to a potential lover that one is seropositive to HIV, the virus believed to cause AIDS.
Fear of Disclosure
An exploration concerning the act of revealing to a potential lover that one is seropositive to HIV, the virus believed to cause AIDS.
Fear of Disclosure
An exploration concerning the act of revealing to a potential lover that one is seropositive to HIV, the virus believed to cause AIDS.
Fear of Disclosure
An exploration concerning the act of revealing to a potential lover that one is seropositive to HIV, the virus believed to cause AIDS.
Rights and Reactions: Lesbian & Gay Rights on Trial
In this 1987 documentary, the issue before the New York City Council is a resolution concerning gay rights. The voices of citizens and witnesses for and against this resolution are heard as they testify, and in interviews in the council chamber and on the sidewalk outside. Advocates on either side of the issue are shown to be earnest and sincere, and despite the fact that emotions are running high during the debate, basic civility somehow prevails.
Chance of a Lifetime
What happens when the hot man you have invited for dinner is making advances you are too afraid to respond to because you haven't dealt with AIDS panic yet. That is the sitcom beginning of this gay male erotic drama which shows that even New York guys still want to have fun and are doing it safely with condoms