Bento Ribeiro

Bento Ribeiro

Birth : 1981-06-13, Lisbon, Portugal


Bento Ribeiro
Bento Ribeiro


Nas Ondas da Fé
Hickson lived off the books, running from one place to another to make a living. His only great achievement in life had been to win over his wife Jéssika, an evangelical hairdresser and his girlfriend since childhood. The two lead a life without great prospects in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro until Hickson gets a job at an evangelical radio station. With luck, talent and the help of Jessica, he soon becomes a pastor and has a meteoric rise in the church. But with fame and money comes envy. What now Hickson?
Elite Cup
Police officer Jorge Capitão is a competent BOP captain and a Brazilian idol. But after he saved Argentina's greatest ace from a kidnapping, on the eve of the World Cup, he ended up becoming the nation's number 1 public enemy. Expelled from the corporation and discredited by the people, Captain must relearn how to work as a team to avoid an attempt on the Pope in the final of the tournament. That's when the sex shop manager Bia Alpinistinha, a medium and her very crazy mother, enters the scene.