Linda So

Linda So


Linda is an internationally recognized yoga coach. She has participated in several mainland Chinese films, such as “Zhu Lin Qi Xian” in 2004 and “Shanghai Wang Shi” in 2005. “Amphetamine” is her first major role in an Artwalker production.


Linda So


A young psychiatrist ventures into a lone voyage to fight his depression. On the sea he records stories of people departed from this world prematurely, while what awaits him on the shore is the ultimate irony of life. Shot in Mongolia, Malaysia, Australia, Germany, Amsterdam and Hong Kong
Love Actually... Sucks!
It tells a variety of stories about love that has gone wrong: a brother and sister in an illicit relationship, a married painter who falls in love with his young male life model, a dance school teacher who is besotted with his senior student, and a lesbian couple, one of whom has role-play paranoia, and is caught in a complex love triangle.
Openly gay banker Daniel debates whether to return to Australia or stay in Hong Kong when he meets Kafka, a straight swimming instructor. The young men fall in love, believing that their love can bridge anything, despite their difference in sexuality and Kafka's increasing drug use. Daniel does not regret his love for Kafka, who tries to love him back against his nature. But a flashback memory from Kafka's past makes it difficult for their relationship to work.