Margit Lukács


Peace Conference, or the Century Lasts Until Thursday
International peace conference, events take place in the last week of 1899. Tragic love story between Vilma, daughter of the Austro-Hungarian envoy/ambassador, and Zoluk of Montenegro.
The Centaurs
Angelica - the President's wife
The story takes place in an unnamed Latin Country.
Sunshine on the Ice
Klári, the dancer of the ice revue, is pursued by a mysterious admirer and his roses. Her husband, Rezső, is about to lose his wits with jealousy.
A Glass of Beer
Marci is drafted from a typical block building in the 6th district in Pest. He says good-bye to Juli living in the same house, with whom they are both very much fond of each other, but neither of them makes a confession. Juli works in a factory, and with her friend Gizus she goes out in the evening for dancing and drinking. After a year, Marci comes back for holiday, he is full of love.
Egy gép nem tért vissza
Fekete hajnal
A happy couple on honeymoon, Vándor László and his wife, Veronika, are travelling to Triest on the express train. The train derails, she dies, while he loses his eyesight. The international adventuress, sitting in the same compartment, lends him a helping hand to calm the unfortunate man and László believes her to be his wife. On the advice of the doctors, she keeps on playing the role of the deceased young woman and stays with him until he is operated.
Néma kolostor
Count Vághelyi Gusztáv is now a member of the Carthusan order. He has to be there at her ex-sweetheart's, Betti's deathbed. Longing for penitence, he recalls his life so far.
Pista Dankó
Venice Film Festival 1940
Elnémult harangok
The bells of the Calvinist church in Garabó have been silent for years, and people prefer to go the Rumanian church. Returning from his studies in Utrecht, Simándy Pál - at his own request - gets a job here, in the alpine village. The young Hungarian minister meets Florica, the educated daughter of Todorescu, the Rumanian pope, whom he knew before. She falls in love with him.
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