Sven Schelker

Sven Schelker

Birth : 1989-12-12, Basel, Switzerland


Sven Schelker is a Swiss theatre and film actor and musician. He studied at the Gymnasium Münchenstein, with a focus on music, and later at the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule in Munich.


Sven Schelker


13-year-old Jonja goes on vacation with the wealthy family of her best friend Paul. None of this would be a problem if the girl had told her mother about it - but she hasn't. Meanwhile, the days at the lake turn out to be extremely idyllic: Jonja falls in love with a girl and her friendship with Paul is strengthened even further. When it becomes clear that Jonja has lied, emotions run high...
Measures of Men
Wolf von Crensky
Berlin at the end of the 19th Century. Alexander Hoffmann is an ambitious PhD student of Ethnology. When a delegation of the Herero and Nama tribes travels to Berlin during a ‘Colonial Exhibition’, he takes a special interest in their young female translator Kezia Kambazembi as subject for his studies.
And Tomorrow You Will Be Dead
David Och
In 2011 the young married Swiss couple Daniela Widmer and David Och got kidnapped while being on a long trip along the old Silk Road in Pakistan. They were hand over to the Taliban and were held as hostages for 8 months under the most precarious conditions.
Laurenz Opalka
The consequences of the climate catastrophe are dramatic in 2034. Drought and floods destroy the livelihoods of millions of people. After the third storm tide in a row, the headquarters of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was evacuated. In a provisional interim building in Berlin, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of legal proceedings. Two lawyers represent 31 countries of the global South, which are doomed to destruction without the support of the international community.
Four troubled friends who despite the feeling that they live standardized lives share a flat under the sceptical looks of their neighbours.
Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser
Bruno Manser
1984: Searching for an experience that goes deeper than the superficiality of modern civilization, Bruno Manser travels into the jungles of Borneo and finds it with the nomadic Penan tribe. It is an encounter that changes his life forever. When the existence of the Penan is threatened by relentless deforestation, Manser takes up the fight against logging with a courage and determination that makes him one of the most renowned and credible environmentalists of his time. Eventually, it costs him everything. Based on a true story.
Am Ende ist man tot
Ein selbstständiger Clown
David Dengler
David's and Jessy's love is put to the test when Jessy unintentionally gets pregnant. The thought of becoming a father causes David to panic. Later, when they are attacked in the train and David is unable to protect his girlfriend, David's fear of not being man enough is confirmed. In desperation, he starts to inject steroids. David develops aggressive traits and becomes a threat to his girlfriend and the unborn child.
The Circle
A young teacher in Zurich in the 1950s falls in love with a transvestite star but is torn between his bourgeois existence and his commitment to homosexuality. He joins a gay organization that is eventually seen as the pioneer of gay emancipation in Europe.