Marije Meerman


Onze kresj
Around 1970, Marije Meerman was placed in the anti-authoritarian day-care centre Prins Constantijn in Amsterdam, where children were raised by a group of parents to become ‘socially critical, creative, emancipated, lusty, solidary people’. For her graduation film in 1995, she visited young adults who had been in this ‘kresj’ with her. In this documentary sequel, she shifts the perspective to the parents who, with progressive insight, look back on this social experiment. The film also includes new archive footage.
I Wanna Be Boss
The pupils from the third class of Middle School #2 in Chongqing, the best school in central China, are being honed to fill important positions in the new global economy. The pupils are children of the new Chinese middle class. Often their parents have lived through hunger and their children must now succeed where they did not. The members of China's youngest generation have the eyes of the world pinned upon them. Will these representatives of the "I want-generation" live up to their promise? Is our fear for these smart, hard working children justified?
Chain of Love
CHAIN OF LOVE is a film about the Philippines' second largest export product - maternal love - and how this export affects the women involved, their families in the Philippines, and families in the West.
De Kresj
Around 1970, director Marije Meerman attended the anti-authoritarian daycare center Prins Constantijn in Amsterdam, where children were raised by a collective of parents to become 'socially critical, creative, emancipated, pleasurable, inclusive people'. Twenty-five years later, Meerman looks for her daycare-mates, to see what became of them and what happened to the ideals they were raised with.
The Wall Street Code
The Wall Street Code explores the once-secret lucrative world of prolific algorithmic trading by profiling an inside programmer who, in 2012, dared to stand up against Wall Street and its extreme culture of secrecy, to blow the whistle on insights into the way the modern global money market works. His name is Haim Bodek—aka ‘The Algo Arms Dealer’—and having worked for Goldman Sachs, his revelations speak to the new kind of wealth made only possible by vast mathematical formulas, computer technologies and clever circumventions of laws and loophole exploits. Vast server farms and algorithms working beyond the timescale of human comprehension, have largely taken over human trading on the global financial markets for decades. What are the implications of that? [...]
Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street
A documentary chronicling the evolution of quants in finance- the math wizards and computer programmers in the engine room of our global financial system who designed the financial products that almost crashed Wall St. Now they are at the heart of yet another technological revolution in finance: trading at the speed of light.