Arkadiusz Bazak

Arkadiusz Bazak

Birth : 1939-01-12, Warsaw, Poland


Arkadiusz Bazak


Psy 3: W imię zasad
After 25 years, Franz Maurer gets out of from prison and came into a new Poland, where nothing is the same as he remembered. Who and what is waiting for a man who has done nothing for the last quarter century? How will he find himself in a world where old principles, roles and loyalty have ceased to apply? We'll find out this when the fate brings Franz and "New" back together. Their meeting will change everything.
We wsi gadaja
Old Man
A metaphorical tale. Rumour has it there is an old man living in a forest, alone but with a great fortune earned in Africa. Having overheard the gossips, two Roma boys decide to verify the story. One of them has a premonition that the trip may not end well.
The Deluge Redivivus
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us
Arcybiskup Bronisław Dąbrowski
Story of life of Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the priest called "The Solidarity Chaplain", murdered by communist secret police.
The Old Fairy Tale: When the Sun Was God
In IX century Europe, on the brink of Poland's birth, a cruel prince, Popiel, murders his cousins to ensure his son's succession. His crimes lead to an uprising of his subjects lead by the former commander of Popiel's army, Piastun, and a young hunter and warrior, Ziemowit. Meanwhile Ziemowit falls in love with Dziwa, lovely girl who is to become a priestess in the local temple ...
A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...
oficer na imieninach
In Stalinist Poland, cabaret singer Tonia decides to spend the evening drinking with a group of friends. The next morning, she awakes to find that, for reasons unknown to her, she has been jailed as a political prisoner. As prison officials interrogate, torture and humiliate her, she fights for survival and to maintain her innocence by refusing to sign a false confession. As her years of imprisonment pass, her relationship with her captors grows more complicated.
The Last Schoolbell
Ojciec "Świra"
As high school students put on a politically-engaged school play, tensions begin to rise between them and their headmaster. The conflict seems to mirror the social situation in the 1980s Poland.
The Hostage of Europe
Admirał George Cockburn
On the island of Saint Helena, a prisoner Napoleon resisted allies who, through the voice of the English governor, Hudson Lowe, tried to humiliate him, break him, poison him in the figurative sense of the word, and perhaps literally.
Wigilia '81
Anna’s father
Martial law. Three women at the festive table await the return of Witek, with whom they have had no contact for ten days.
Powrót po śmierć
The 1930s. An investigetion after founding a dead body on the street of Cracow.
Romans z intruzem
Captain Wolski
End of August 1939. The Polish-German border is crossed by a German defector from the Wehrmacht, Ernst Hoffman, with the information that on August 26 at 4:45 Germany will attack Poland.
Katastrofa w Gibraltarze
Generał Władysław Anders
The Linnet
Delegat z powiatu
Kaziuk, a stubborn peasant and his pregnant wife live in a backwood village, unaffected by the civilization. The village is once visited by a couple of wanderers, and strange things start to happen afterward. A new schoolteacher is sent to the area. She stirs erotic fantasies in Kaziuk. In a stir of frustration Kaziuk cuts down a family tree - a sacrilegious act in the eyes of his family. Going a step further and using a scythe for cutting the rye instead of a sickle brings the whole village against him.
Ślepy bokser
[obsada aktorska]
A distinguished engineer is informed of being forcibly transferred from his current workplace to another construction site.
The Quack
A famous surgeon is beaten by drunken bullies, loses his memory and cannot recollect who he was before. He gets to a village, lives in a not so well to do family and becomes the Quack - he slowly regains his talent for medicine and saves the lives of several village patients.
Polonia Restituta
pułkownik Harry Kessler
A two-part historical film covering the years of the First World War and the post-war period up to 1919 - until the signing of the peace treaty in Versailles near Paris. An attempt to show the great and complicated process of regaining an independent existence by a nation within its own state. The screen shows characters from history textbooks: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Paderewski, Roman Dmowski, Wojciech Korfanty as well as representatives of the world political scene, incl. David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vladimir Lenin and others.
Zamach stanu
prokurator Rauze, oskarżyciel w procesie brzeskim
Powstanie listopadowe. 1830 - 1831
general Dembiński
Most important events of November Uprising in Poland.
Szef lekarzy
The film is set in a terrorizing world of the future, where technology commands the movements of individuals, supervised by the doctors, carrying out a program to improve the human race. Thus, instead of doctors creating a monster, the monsters are already there as the species of the future - but one of them is suspected by the doctors of being a human being. That is Golem in reverse.
Żagota lost his fortune, family and friends. His only hope is a horse which got stolen.
The Leaves Have Fallen
Young former partisan recalls his war experience during a trip to the sea.
The Deluge
During the Swedish invasion of Poland, the brave warrior Andrzej Kmicic, considered a traitor to the nation, fights for a country, redemption and love across the 17th-century Polish territories.
It's Spring, Sergeant
Kapitan MO
On the Earth and in the Sky
Dowódca Kosowicza i Blicharskiego w retrospekcji
Signs on the Road
Marian, partner Heleny
The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
Maj. Szelagowski
A retired police captain, Siwy, tells a reporter about his latest action, carrying on his own investigation into the mysterious death of a Eve Salm, a.k.a. Princess. She was a witness in a case where the defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Siwy doubts the defendant's guilt and risks his life to apprehend the real killer.
When Love Was a Crime
A war drama showing the functioning of Hitler’s “racial purity” law, forbidding foreign workers from any contact with Germany. Foreigners on forced labor in Nazi Germany. Death, imprisonment or stigmatization awaited both sides for closer contacts with the Germans. A Pole, Władysław, and a widow and her daughter Linda, another Pole for an affair with a German girl, two American prisoners of war and a German woman who gave birth to a child to one of them, a German soldier who met his dream girl in a foreigner, Marice.
Westerplatte Resists
Westerplatte is a small peninsula at the entry to the Gdansk Harbour. Before World War II, it functioned as a Polish ammunition depot in the Free City of Danzig/Gdansk. Its crew consisted of one infantry company and a group of civilians, 182 people in total. It was the only Polish guard-post at the mouth of the Vistula River, with as little as five sentries, one field cannon, two anti-armour guns and four mortars. It was the first obstacle to Hitler's predatory march across Europe. The first shots of World War II were fired here. This film tells the story of Westerplatte's courageous defenders.
The Ashes
kompan księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego
Set in the time of Napoleon wars, shows how the wars swept over the unfortunate Polish country at the beginning of the XIX-th century. Story revolves around the Polish legion under command of General Dabrowski, who then fought on Napoleon's side with the hopes of Poland's revival.
Zakochani są między nami
plażowicz (nie występuje w napisach)