Ilja Prachař

Ilja Prachař

Birth : 1924-04-30, Malenovice u Zlína, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

Death : 2005-08-10


Ilja Prachař


The Fortress
The evils of totalitarianism provide the central message of this Czech-French drama. The film is set in a quiet, rural village headed by a suspicious, conspiring group of nasty leaders. Evald has come there to measure water levels. Surrounding the fortress near the village are soldiers
Čestné kolo
Stařeček vavříny vídeňské slávy ověnčený aneb Zpronevěra
Kdo se bojí, utíká
Uloupené dětství
Dobré světlo
Drama directed by Karel Kachyna.
Příjemce platí v dolarech
The Medal
General Berger
The trenches of World War I provide for a captivating backdrop to the drama of Corporal Hoferik. In his devotion to the Habsburg Monarchy, he fanatically carries out his military orders, but he ultimately suffers the Empire's disfavor.
Královská hra
Television play
Chased and Suspected
A crime drama directed by Zbynek Brynych.
Kdo přichází před půlnocí
The accountants at a agricultural cooperative near Prague have completed the calculation of wages. The driver with the cashier are leaving for a bank in Prague to withdraw the cash amounting to over one million crowns. On returning back, an oncoming heavy truck appears, crashing into their car. The injured men cannot defend themselves, and the whole cash is stolen from them.
Shadows of a Hot Summer
Poručík Grygar
The story of 1947, when Bender's band, after a beating of the Nazis, tried to fight their way through Czechoslovakia to Austria. They come out of the forest to occupy the family's rural estate, kidnap doctors to help heal one of their wounded.
Podivný výlet
O moravské zemi
Pětina průměrného života
The Apple Game
Train Passenger
Sarcastic comedy about the Czechoslovakia of the seventies. A young gynaecologist can't figure out whether to get serious with a young nurse or to stay casual with his married lover. Things get complicated when both women don't want to play his game anymore.
Mišo Bajzík
Pan Kobkán vdává dceru
Stín létajícího ptáčka
Preclíková válka
Dům Na poříčí
Paleta lásky
A Girl Fit to Be Killed
The waitress Gita from the hotel "Bobí vrch" approaches her lover who has not left his wife yet and gives him an ultimatum: if he does not do all according to her wish, she will announce to the police his machinations with foreign currency.
The Motive for Murder
Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně
The Fair Is Here
Tony (voice)
Children from the village Bystrá are awaiting a nice and thrilling weekend. On Saturday they will play the championship football match with the nonresident boys from the village Skuhrov, on Sunday there will be the funfair with merry-go-round, swings and stalls with dainties. The members of the family of the merry-go-round man are brother and sister Janek and Zaneta Mareks whom the children have known since the last year. At that time Zaneta made friends with girls and Janek, an excellent football player, has been a welcome support of the football club.
Družina černého pera
Karel Světlan (voice)
Horká zima
Jakou barvu má láska
Cyril Dadák (Václav Postránecký), a TV reporter falls in love at first sight with a young engineer Milena (Jaroslava Obermaierová) while he makes a reportage in a chemical factory. Milena has been dating for several years with a test driver Pavel (Rudolf Jelínek), however when she meets Cyril she feels that he might be the Mr Right. She accepts Cyril's invitation for a date and she spends a night with him. In the morning she finds in her flat Pavel. She wants to explain to him everything but Pavel makes coffee with a smile and gives her back the keys from the flat.
Dobrodruh a kavalír
Královský gambit
Kronika žhavého léta
The Secret of the Gold Buddha
Počkám, až zabiješ
Days of Betrayal
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Pohádka o drakovi
Otcové a děti
Straw Hat
Slacker Maurice Fadinar wasted his whole inheritance and the only way out of this situation, as it seems, to marry Helen Nonankur - daughter of a wealthy farmer. At the last meeting with his mistress in a nearby forest Fadinar's horse eats straw hat which belongs to a married lady, spending time in the company of young and hot Lieutenant Emil. Emil literally puts a knife to Maurice throat - or the lady will get back the exact same hat immediately, or he will arrange such a scandal that no wedding will not happen ...
Zázrak v Oužlebičkách
Klíč pod rohožkou
Medvěd pro hosta
Lásky Emanuela Přibyla
Kam slunce nechodí...
Dogs and People
(segment "Věrnost")
Hlavní přelíčení
One of Them Is the Murderer
referent ministerstva kultury Novák
Marek (Jirí Holý), formerly a driver of a long-distance lorry, has served his term for smuggling art works abroad and is released from jail. Years ago, he sacrificed himself and confessed his guilt on behalf of his companions - the drivers Krása, Jelínek, Hess and Novák from the Ministry of Culture who gave them tips. Marek finds Hess and tells him that now he expects the gang to compensate him for the wasted years of his life.
Jak se dělá televizní soutěž
Psíčci lorda Carltona
Za ranních červánků
Devilish Honeymoon
Black comedy about a genius inventor and two young, smart and beautiful women. Both of them putting all their effort into getting the one man. This will inevitable lead to all sorts of mischief, crime and even a murder. This murder-comedy, shot at the dawn of normalization has intentionally broke off from any connection to the reality of its time. The director Zdeněk Podskalský has focused on creating intriguing story lines, revolving around the two endeavouring female characters who are fighting for the same man. Two competing parties are not only ready to kill the other, but also (if necessary) the potential groom. This film has enabled the members of the cast, composed mainly of the brightest stars of the Czech acting scene of that time, to show an incredible acting range, from the lightest comedy to the darkest cynical morbidity.
On the Trail of Blood
podplukovník VB Tesař
Major Kalas from the Prague criminal intelligence service has been sent to a small town of Dubá in North Bohemia to help with the investigation of the puzzling death of a child. A gypsy boy has been killed three weeks ago and his body found under a rock. As the investigation continues, another dead boy is found. The boy has bled to death after someone cut his artery with a handsaw. Both deaths are obviously the work of a murderer - a perverted pedophile, sadist who gets sexual satisfaction from the sight of a young boy's blood.
A ruthless inquisitor spins the superstitions of local peasants into religious heresy, finding cause to accuse dozens of innocent men and women of witchcraft. The inquisitor targets nobles and merchants, whose property and goods are then confiscated. After suffering an array of medieval tortures, most of the accused confess—only to be burned alive at the stake as helpless villagers watch. With its bold and striking cinematography, the film captures scenes of both daring nudity and brutal torture.
Men About Town
kapitán VB
Three blue collar workers have a night out in big city Prague.
Flirt se slečnou Stříbrnou
Proklatě váhavý svědek
All My Good Countrymen
Plécmera, fotograf
The title "All My Good Countrymen" is not without irony as this epic tale of Czech village life from shortly after the end of the Second World War concentrates on the activities of a group of friends who are not beyond reproach in siding with a politically corrupt regime for material advancement. Are these the "good countrymen" of the title or does it refer to the rest of the village who scorn these petty authority figure with silent contempt?
Přehlídce velím já!
The Cremator
Walter Reinke
Mr. Kopfrkingl enjoys his job at a crematorium in Czechoslovakia in the late 1930s. He likes reading the Tibetan book of the dead and espouses the view that cremation relieves earthly suffering and sets out to save the world. There may be another idealogy that fits snugly with his existing worldview.
Squandered Sunday
Grizzly (voice)
A day in the life of Arnošt, a soldier staying in Josefov. A sense of desperation permeates the environment as well as the mind of the protagonist. It is sunday, and saturday left just a hangover. Days go by, nothing changes. A metaphor for the political situation in the Czech lands at a time where depicting a soldier as a drunk was considered out of place to say the least.
On Zizka's Battle Waggon
General Zizka of Trocnov
Widowed yeoman Tuma and his household are on their way to help the town of Kourim, which is under attack by the papist troops. His son Ondra is secretly following his father. Miksík the castellan, who is responsible for Ondra, finds himself forced to set off after the boy. They are both captured by soldiers from Kutná Hora. Miksík sacrifices himself to give Ondra a chance to flee. On the way, Ondra runs into the orphan Sulík. The two boys become friends and begin to wander together.
Muž, který stoupl v ceně
Dita Saxová
A beautiful, underachieving, 18-year-old orphan considers various suitors, ponders philosophy, and takes a young girl under her wing.
Pučálkovic Amina
pan Karlovský
Poklad byzantského kupce
profesor archeologie docent Černý
Wedding Under Supervision
A comedy about two bumbling policemen investigating an alleged rape in a small Czech town. One of the alleged rapists is supposed to get married the day he's locked up.
Sign of the Cancer
A murder in a hospital run by incompetents.
Death Behind a Curtain
ředitel divadla Macek
Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flower
Shortish forty-year old Ludvík Podzimek, lute and flute player in a Prague orchestra, is far from being an attractive man. He is nevertheless generally considered a great 'Don Juan'. Women take up with him out of a certain motherly compassion and Ludvík's tender heart does not allow him to split with any of them. His lovers thus accumulate and cause him numerous troubles.
Lidé z maringotek
Transit Carlsbad
Even in the "enlightened" 60. years filmmakers like to play spies. In the grand-world environment, Luxury hotel in Karlovy Vary the sophisticated charade unfolds, in which several foreign agents interested in the famous Austrian scientist, the discoverer of the artificial protein. Endangered man fortunately never notice danger around him. His protection was entrusted to the mysterious madame Elizabeth, amongst agents famed as the ' 006, in fact, working for the State security... As a parody, perhaps the movie succeeded, but hardly convincing anyone - and this is despite scriptwriting participation of the renowned Jan Procházka.
Sign of the Virgin
kpt. Pazourek
Hrdina má strach
náměstek ředitele
Honza Vavrinec (Rudolf Hrusínský) works in the investment department of a large office. One day he gets involved in the case of an unjustly convicted worker who mistakenly considers him a parliamentary deputy. Honza as a "deputy" interferes in the case and helps the worker. Encouraged by the success and possibly also out of love for the beautiful secretary Svatava (Blanka Bohdanová), the then shy and fearful Honza stands up for the chief of the department, Hofmánek (Ladislav Pesek), who has been removed from his position.
Dva tygři
The Angel of Blissful Death
Pathologist (voice)
Czechoslovak counter-espionage intercepts a coded message from the West German secret service ordering death for an unknown person on Czech territory.
Škola hříšníků
Odsouzený z Pinktownu
Golden Queen
A man returns to his native village in search of renewed faith and his old girlfriend. But she, now a middleaged woman, does not recognise him and he goes home, more disillusioned than ever.
A Prayer for Katerina Horovitzova
Oskar Löwenstein
A group of wealthy American Jewish businessmen have been captured by the SS and are told that they are to be traded to the American army for several SS officers. However, these hostages are being required to pay bribes for their "transportation costs." In order to ensure that the businessmen will be more cooperative in paying up, a beautiful female singer is placed in their midst as a bargaining chip. The group of hostages are then placed on a train which is supposed to take them to the ship that will deliver them to freedom, but a series of "mishaps" delays their escape.
The White Lady
Přednosta úřadu na ministverstvu (Pepík)
This castle has its own ghost - a mysterious White lady. She emerges from the painting on the wall when someone speaks out magic formula. White lady is good ghost, she can make someone's wishes true. Even if it is a new duct. But a miracle is not the thing that Communist leaders want in the town.
Tales About Children
(segment "Kapr")
Three small short stories, each of which was created by one of the famous Czechoslovak filmmakers of children's films: Magdalena, Fraud and Karp.
…And the Fifth Horseman Is Fear
A Jewish doctor helps a political fugitive during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.
Kůzlátka otevřete...
Passing Through a Thick Forest
The King of Kings
Novák - Officer of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
During his work assignment in Tamani Kingdom, Czech worker Lojza saves a local man from dying in the desert. Two years later, it turns out the saved man was also the Taman king; and he has decided to name Lojza, a communist, his royal heir.
Transport from Paradise
Moric Herz
Czechoslovakian Zbynek Brynych directs this psychological drama set in World War II Terezin ghetto. A dark, visual portrayal of the trials and tribulations the Theresienstadt people faced on a daily basis presented in a series of memorable stories. Their hopes and dreams unfold against the perpetual threat of deportation (or worse) by the Nazis. Based on the novel "Night and Hope" by Arnost Lustig.
Zámek pro Barborku
Zlý jelen
Don't Take Shelter From The Rain
Reportáž psaná na oprátce
Dr. Martínek
Spadla s měsíce
Zkouška pokračuje
member of the Young Scene
King of the Sumava
district commander of the SNB Burda
A movie about Czechoslovak border guards trying to arrest the famous escapee called "King of the Sumava".
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