Animation Director
With high school graduation right around the corner, Takumi Fujiwara has a lot on his mind and a lot to prepare for. Everything becomes even more complicated when Takumi is offered a spot on Ryosuke Takahashi's elite Kengai Racing Team, which seeks to assemble the greatest racers in the Gunma area for a tour of Japan's mountain passes. Before he can accept however, Takumi feels the need to settle the score with the Lancer Evo driving Emperor team, defend his downhill-racer crown against the son of his father's greatest rival, and finally settle things with his unfaithful girlfriend Natsuki.
Key Animation
Tezuka Osamu's most famous work "Jungle Emperor Leo" has been made into an animated version a number of times. In this theater version, Tezuka Osamu was able for the first time to depict the theme that "All life is equal" through Leo's self-sacrifice.
Animation Director
Culinary journalists Shirou Yamaoka and Yuuko Kurita must prepare the menu that will represent the Touzai Newspaper on an upcoming competition against the Teito Newspaper. The theme: food that promotes longevity. For a better research, both journalists head to Okinawa, place with the highest life expectancy in Japan.
Character Designer
Culinary journalists Shirou Yamaoka and Yuuko Kurita must prepare the menu that will represent the Touzai Newspaper on an upcoming competition against the Teito Newspaper. The theme: food that promotes longevity. For a better research, both journalists head to Okinawa, place with the highest life expectancy in Japan.