Carolina Navas


¿Qué culpa tiene el tomate?
Omnibus documentary taking place in seven countries about the food marketplace in each.
Full HD portrays a female universe where dance, dreams and friendship resist adversity and death in one of the most violent and complex neighborhoods in Cali, Colombia. Meeting Nikol and Erika is an exploration of the struggle between reality and dreams, hope and the ability to overcome ourselves. Resist through the body and dance the “worthy rabbi”.
Full HD portrays a female universe where dance, dreams and friendship resist adversity and death in one of the most violent and complex neighborhoods in Cali, Colombia. Meeting Nikol and Erika is an exploration of the struggle between reality and dreams, hope and the ability to overcome ourselves. Resist through the body and dance the “worthy rabbi”.
Full HD portrays a female universe where dance, dreams and friendship resist adversity and death in one of the most violent and complex neighborhoods in Cali, Colombia. Meeting Nikol and Erika is an exploration of the struggle between reality and dreams, hope and the ability to overcome ourselves. Resist through the body and dance the “worthy rabbi”.