Rose (Voice)
The philosophical tale revolves around an elderly monkey prince who wakes up injured and disoriented in an environment he does not recognise. He navigates this new urban world with the support of a young monkey called Tom.
Soviet high school girls are sent to the U.S. where they are taught to become secret agents and use sex to find information.
When an American tourist is murdered in the south of France, the police must investigate. In this movie, the police inspector re-creates the girl's journeys through France until the murder is solved. Suspicions are narrowed down to four possible perpetrators early on, and flashbacks illuminate the roles each one played in the girl's vacation.
A couple is suffering from sexual estrangement. The husband is having an affair with his secretary and the wife takes up with Sandra an interior decorator.
Sheila's uncle has just died; many of his relatives come, but,much to their displeasure, it's his niece who inherits his private detective agency. But she must first go through a training in a school: gymnastic, assault course, machine gun shooting; she must also learn how to cheat at card games .Her first mission is to find back gangster La Rafale's fiancee, Genevieve, who ran away with another gang. She meets a handsome Interpol lieutenant she falls in love with.