Michel Dodane

Michel Dodane


Michel Dodane est un acteur et romancier français, spécialisé aussi dans le doublage. Il est notamment l'auteur de la sagaLes Enfants de la Vouivre, dont l'action se situe dans le Doubs et à Besançon. Originaire de Besançon, il a vécu vingt ans en Franche-Comté. Titulaire d'une licence de lettres classiques, acteur après des études d’art dramatique, il a écrit des feuilletons radiophoniques pour France Inter. Il effectue également du doublage de séries et dessins animés.


Michel Dodane


Monsieur Batignole
Voisin train
In 1942, in an occupied Paris, the apolitical grocer Edmond Batignole lives with his wife and daughter in a small apartment in the building of his grocery. When his future son-in-law and collaborator of the German Pierre-Jean Lamour calls the Nazis to arrest the Jewish Bernstein family, they move to the confiscated apartment. Some days later, the young Simon Bernstein escapes from the Germans and comes to his former home. When Batignole finds him, he feels sorry for the boy and lodges him, hiding Simon from Pierre-Jean and also from his wife. Later, two cousins of Simon meet him in the cellar of the grocery. When Pierre-Jean finds the children, Batignole decides to travel with the children to Switzerland.