Dmitry Lysenkov

Dmitry Lysenkov

Birth : 1982-07-06, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Dmitriy Lysenkov is a film Actor, who works in Hollywood Film Industry. His Date of Birth is 4/21/1982. He is best known for his movies Chelyabumbiya released in 2003. Dmitriy Lysenkov is one of the most talented and respectable person in Hollywood Industry. He has also worked with Television Shows, such as Uboynaya Sila, Sherlok Kholms. Dmitriy Lysenkov first film name is Chelyabubiya released in 2003 as a film actor. Some of the famous films in which Dmitriy Lysenkov acted are Chelyabumbiya, Transit, Podsadnoy, and Stalingrad.


Dmitry Lysenkov
Dmitry Lysenkov


Пять процентов
Nikolay Fomich Ferapontov is a muralist and "classic of socialist realism", who lived a life far from sinless. However, all success has remained in the distant past, and in his old age he has to make ends meet, interrupting by random orders. Everything changes when a young art critic Myasoedov appears on his doorstep and finds paintings in the back room, in which he unexpectedly recognizes masterpieces of fine art. Not really imagining the real origin of the paintings, Nikolay Fomich calls himself their author, and from that moment the hunt for money and fame begins.
The Blonde
Head of office
Ira is 27 years old. And from the point of view of her mother, the director of the school, Ira lives absolutely wrong: she plays in the troupe of a small theater, earns money by washing windows and is in love with an unreliable creative person Leo, an aspiring director. She ignores "normal" men and does not even want to dye her hair blonde, which, according to her mother, is an easy way to success in her personal life. This state of affairs could continue for a long time, but the theater is on the verge of closing, and Lev suddenly disappears.
The plot of the film develops in Moscow in the 1930s. A famous writer on the rise of his career suddenly finds himself at the center of a literary scandal. The play based on his play is removed from the repertoire, colleagues defiantly avoid meeting, in a matter of days he turns into an outcast. Soon after, he meets Margarita, who becomes his lover and muse. Inspired by her love and support, the writer takes on a new novel, where the characters are people from his environment, and the main character is the mysterious Woland, whose prototype is a recent acquaintance foreigner. The writer plunges headlong into the world of his novel and gradually ceases to notice how fiction and reality are intertwined into one whole.
What if Cheburashka really exists? What if he is not a plush toy, but quite a real furry animal that lives in an orange grove in a distant country? What if he finds himself in a small town by the sea and meets an uncommunicative old man who does not need him at all, meets a little boy who cannot speak, and his mother, who makes amazing chocolate, meets a strange aunt who wants to buy it and give it to her unsympathetic granddaughter, and many, many other people.
Distant Loved Ones
le directeur
Boris works as a geography teacher in an ordinary Khabarovsk school. His life is pretty routine. In addition to the school and the garden, Boris has a son, Misha, with whom they have been communicating less and less lately and have become distant people for each other. Everything changes when Misha gives his father his old smartphone for his birthday. Boris begins to understand the phone and registers in social networks. Accidentally, Boris adds one unfamiliar woman named Nadezhda as a friend. An active correspondence is tied up, which subsequently becomes fateful. At one point, Boris decides to go to Nadezhda in the Moscow region to surprise her. He persuades his son, who is engaged in hauling cars, to take him with him on a trip. During a joint trip through all of Russia, old conflicts between father and son are revealed, the reasons for their separation from each other are clarified.
Behind Closed Doors
сосед из 165 квартиры
Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.
Иваново счастье. Новые истории
Family Budget
A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.
V2. Escape from Hell
Mikhail Devyatayev, a captured Soviet pilot who leads an escape from a German concentration camp by hijacking an aircraft.
Silver Skates
1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.
Collected Works
The play "Collected Works" is an immersion in the fate of one family and at the same time in the fate of humanity. An attempt to unravel the code of absolute happiness and understand whether it is possible at all.
We are all waiting for something. But when you are young and ambitious, when you are full of energy, and at your feet the whole world and you are ready for real adventures. When the only thing that is really important is money, and preferably a lot of money. Nothing will stop you, and no one will stand in your way. Cinema about people - close and not very strange and so understandable, terrible and beautiful at the same time. After all, people are so different when money appears in their hands. And everyone will get what he wants. Sometimes you just have to wait. After all, life is so arranged.
On New Year’s Eve, the father of the family, a research associate, was fired and, in a desperate search for money for New Year presents to his family, he begins to play poker in the hope of an easy win. He would be very much surprised to find out that his main gambling opponent is his dearest wife that has won back the family budget spent by the humble husband.
Heroic Deed
Office employee Vasily is forced to spend the Friday evening before the New Year not in a bar with friends and not at home with his family, but at work with his boss, who during a Skype call instructs the hero to urgently make another presentation. The hated boss drives Vasily so much that for the first time in his life he decides to tell him everything he thinks about him — more precisely, write to him in a messenger. The sweet feeling of liberation from office slavery is replaced by anxiety for the future, own and family, especially since the boss immediately starts typing something in response…
Union of Salvation
Evgeny Obolensky, Prince, Lieutenant Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.
The Ninth
Fyodor Ganin - pomoshchnik Rostova
Petersburg at the end of the 19th century was embraced by a massive enthusiasm for the occult sciences and esotericism. British medium Olivia Reed arrives in the capital of the Russian Empire on tour and gathers crowds of people at her public spiritualistic sessions. At this time, a series of ritual mysterious murders takes place in the city. Girls are abducted on the streets, their mutilated bodies are found in various parts of the city. The investigation is carried out by a young police officer Rostov and his assistant Ganin. With each new victim, things are becoming more confused. Suspicion leads Rostov to Olivia, and he decides to turn to her in the hope that her genuine or imaginary ability to summon the spirits of the dead can help to get on the trail of the killer.
Ecology Lesson
How often do we think about ecology, about the environment, about health, about our life and the life of future generations? A new film from the brand "Uncle Vanya" - "Ecology Lesson" - calls to stop and think about what concerns each of us.
Человек из Подольска (спектакль)
Человек из Подольска
April 1958. Maria Krapivina, a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad University, Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics, is assigned to the UGRO of the Central district police Department. Just a girl, an excellent student, the daughter of intelligent parents falls into a team consisting of rough and experienced operatives who have passed the war. On the first day, Masha wants to quit. But she gets her hands on information about a traitor in the Department associated with a large and audacious gang. Masha decides that it is her duty to stay and uncover the "mole". And also to prove that it is worth something. Everyone falls under suspicion, including the head of the Opera Department of the Swedes ,the "uncouth lout", with whom Masha unexpectedly falls in love, and every day more and more..
Hooray! Vacations!
A six-grader is looking for ancient reassure during winter vacations.
The Duelist
senate official
Returning to Saint Petersburg after a long exile, the dashing Yakovlev, a retired army officer, makes a comfortable living by winning other people's duels. An enigmatic, focused, and extremely skilled professional, he leaves a trail of dead bodies behind him as he swirls through polite society, frequently called upon to wield a pistol as a surrogate in duels at dawn. But when Yakovlev meets the naïve young Prince Tuchov and his beautiful sister, Princess Martha, the normally cold-hearted mercenary is surprised by hitherto undetected emotions. What transpires uncovers a series of revelations about his past and his present self.
A band of determined Russian soldiers fight to hold a strategic building in their devastated city against a ruthless German army, and in the process become deeply connected to a Russian woman who has been living there.
drug addict
Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.
A group of American pilots from Alaska ferry Airacobra fighter planes across the ocean on Lend-lease. The orderly course of life is disrupted when it becomes clear that the American pilots are attractive and charming young women. The feelings of the Russian young men collide into barriers of culture and language resulting in a host of awkward, funny, and sometimes tragic situations.It is the story of Russians, Americans, and natives of the Far North. It is the story of man and woman in war. Love and death are squeezed between the hills as human fates are destroyed and born.
Rush Hour
A terminal diagnosis forces a career-obsessed advertising executive to rethink his priorities, relationships and outlook on life.
A story of three teenagers who dream of entering a drama school.