Filipp Kirkorov

Filipp Kirkorov

Birth : 1967-04-30, Varna, Bulgaria


Filipp Kirkorov
Filipp Kirkorov
Filipp Kirkorov


Six Degrees of Celebration 10
The new part will pay tribute to the very first film in the series: New Year's stories will again be connected by the theory of six handshakes, but in a new way. On New Year's Eve there is always a place for a miracle, even if you suddenly stopped believing in it. Gennadyich, who spends his life in a nursing home near St. Petersburg, will find his real family. Novice blogger Larisa from Tyumen will have to find out what her husband is ready to do for the sake of her loved ones. Marina from Tatarstan - to learn to love what is really important for her husband. And a gamer girl named Tanya from Nizhny Novgorod will understand that true love is not a game at all. Indeed, on the most magical night of the year, everyone has a chance to find their personal happiness.
The Self-Irony of Fate
Ипполит Бедросович
The traditional meeting of old friends in the bath leads to well-known consequences. Musical stars, actors and comedians act out the most recognizable scenes from their favorite New Year's Soviet films and perform songs familiar to everyone.
The Swiss Adventure
Sixteen-year-old servant Greg is in love with Sophia, the daughter of a wealthy merchant. The feeling is mutual but Sophia’s parents want her to marry another - a man of high social standing and low moral values. Greg is forcibly separated from his beloved and made to join General Alexander Suvorov’s army. During the legendary Swiss expedition, Greg earns the respect and loyalty of Suvorov and his men by thwarting a treacherous enemy plot, proving that anyone can be a hero if they are driven by love.
Ciao, 2021!
The Last Warrior: A Messenger of Darkness
firebird (in human form)
Now that Ivan is about to turn 21, he is now grown up and finally old enough to marry the beautiful Vasilisa. But when Vasilisa is kidnapped and trapped in modern Moscow, Ivan and his friends must travel to the present day to rescue her.
Six Degrees of Celebration 8
Continuation of the New Year saga "Yolki". This time, all the stories in the film will be based on real events.
Ciao, 2020!
Pippo il Secondo
Freaky New Year!
Eduard Suroviy. The tears of Brighton
The fame of the songwriter Eduard Surovy fell on the 70s of the last century, when the Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov, who named his odious humorous character in his honor, was not yet in the project. With the personal approval of Leonid Brezhnev, Eduard was allowed to represent the USSR, closed by the iron curtain, at the famous European music competition.
Eduard Suroviy. The tears of Brighton
Self / Cameo
The fame of the songwriter Eduard Surovy fell on the 70s of the last century, when the Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov, who named his odious humorous character in his honor, was not yet in the project. With the personal approval of Leonid Brezhnev, Eduard was allowed to represent the USSR, closed by the iron curtain, at the famous European music competition.
The Big Trip
Duke (voice)
A goofy stork mistakenly delivers a baby panda to the wrong door. A bear, a moose, a tiger and a rabbit set on an arduous but fun-filled adventure through the wilderness to return the panda to its rightful home.
Ани Лорак - DIVA
Naughty Grandma 2
A man impersonates a nanny to infiltrate a millionaire's household and steal his fortune.
Точка РФ
Self (archive footage)
Documentary montage film by Alexander Vartanov, a subjective look at the beginning of the 21st century in Russia
Naughty Grandma
A swindler on the lam uses his impersonating skills to pose as a grandmother in a nursing home, where his disguise complicates his love life.
The Day Before
Since the morning, the entire population of the planet has been concerned about one news: a red comet is approaching the Earth. A year ago, scientists only assumed this collision, a month ago they tried to establish the exact date - and finally, it was just announced by all communication sources: the end cannot be avoided. Moreover, it will happen tomorrow. There is one day left until... People of different classes, nationalities and faiths in different parts of a large country - each in their own way - are trying to spend this last day of their lives.
No Love in the City 3
St. Valentin
Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for the third lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood, but this time the kids are grown up...
Новогодние сваты
Новогодний мюзикл "Морозко" создан по одноименной старой сказке! Мать юной Настеньки умерла, и девушка осталась с отцом, который вскоре женился на другой женщине. Мачеха оказалась злой и ворчливой женщиной, и заставляла Настеньку делать всю грязную работу по дому. А однажды рассердилась так, что велела мужу отвезти Настю в лес и оставить там замерзать. В лесу добрая девушка встретила Морозко, старый волшебник одарил девушку драгоценными подарками за ее ласку и приветливость...
Love and the City 2
Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.
Золотой ключик
TV musical based on popular Russian fairy tale with many famous artists. The evil cabaret owner Karabas-Barabas has deviously enslaved a trio of dolls with an enchanted contract. But Buratino (Russian Pinocchio) has fallen in love with one of them and searches for the Golden Key, which will free them all by making them human.
Love and the City
Three Russian friends work in New York, party hard and chase women. It's great times until they get cursed by a drunken Russian night club owner, who turns out to be Saint Valentine. St. Valentine's curse is simple - the guys lose all their manly powers until they find their true love. It turns out to be harder than it sounds - our boys have a lot of growing up to do. Fast.
A musical and somewhat updated version of the old "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish of Pushkin." The old man and the Old woman are touting the girl as husbands of the enviable groom of the “blah blah blah-city and gla-gla-gla-glamorous” handsome man. In order to please Maryushka, he arranges a real rout in a fashion boutique, choosing his outfits and driving madly unhappy saleswomen. Other grooms also marry to the beautiful Maryushka. But Maryushka love Ivanushka the fisherman and she will find her happiness only thanks to the Goldfish ...
The Adventures of Verka Serduchka
This is a story about the Ukrainian Cinderella. Since childhood, Vera "Verka" Serduchka dreams of becoming a famous artist. To fulfill her dream, the girl, after finishing school, goes to the capital, where her adventures begin...
Ostorozhno, modern! 2004
Characters of the series "Ostorozhno, modern. 2 " together with new eccentric characters performed by show business stars celebrate the New Year in a 19th century estate near St. Petersburg.
Bezumnyi den ili zhenitba Figaro
Действие разворачивается в замке великого коррехидора Андалусии графа Альмавивы. Повеса-граф, устав от приключений на стороне, решил найти любовницу в своем собственном замке, и обратил свой взор на первую камеристку графини, очаровательную Сюзанну. Внимание графа отнюдь не польстило Сюзанне, готовящейся выйти замуж за графского камердинера Фигаро. Она сообщила своему жениху о настойчивых ухаживаниях Альмавивы. Узнала об этом и графиня. Она решила проучить своего неверного мужа. Был составлен заговор, участником которого, кроме Сюзанны, графини и Фигаро стал паж Керубино…
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
The Devil
In the remote Ukrainian village of Dikanka, handsome but poor Vakula loves the beautiful Oxana, but she's holding out for a wealthy prince, and her father doesn't think much of him either. On Christmas Eve she sends him on a ridiculous quest for dancing shoes that takes him all the way to the imperial palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia, with the help of some odd characters from the village and the Devil himself.
Старые песни о главном 4 : Постскриптум
The New Bremen Musicians
Troubadour (voice)
The new amazing adventures of romantics from a big road and "byaks-books". Sequel to the films "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "On the Trail of the Bremen Town Musicians".
Старые песни о главном 3
Старые песни о главном 2
Carnival night 2
New years tele-vaudeville based on Eldar Ryazanov's "Carnival Night".
Старые песни о главном
шабашник с Юга
Spawn of Hell
Late-Soviet screen adaptation of the novel "A Pale Horse" by Boris Savinkov. A group of anti-tsarist revolutionary terrorists plot to assassinate the governor of a provincial town.