Johan Hauge


Unge viljer
West, director
In the difficult 30'ies, the poor working family Jensen is struggling in affording their sons education, and it ends in tragedy. The son befriends the daughter of the, not liked by the rich employer West, which sends his daughter away.
Gjest Baardsen
Filmen foregår i en tid preget av hungersnød. Norge har vært i krig med England og Sverige og tidene er vanskelige. Gjest Baardsen har kommet i klammeri med loven, visstnok på grunn av en bagatell. Men Gjest bryter seg ut, i stedet er det lensmannen som blir låst fast med håndjern. Og Gjest flykter stadig med lensmenn og godtfolk på slep.
Priest (as Karl Hauge)
The Whalers (original title: Valfangare) is a filmed record of the final whaling expedition in the Arctic before the outbreak of WW2. Only partly a documentary, the film is able to accommodate a dramatic throughline, concerning the redemption of wastrelly millionaire's son Allan Blom (Allan Bohlin). Pressed into service on the expedition, Allan shows he's a true son of Scandanavia through his courageous actions on the high seas, and even wins the hand of heroine Sonja (Tutta Rolf) in the bargain. While the whaling scenes are both exciting and exhillarating, the sequence in which a whale carcass is stripped and gutted may not appeal to everyone in the audience. Originally filmed in 1939 in Swedish and Norwegian, The Whalers was helpfully fitted out with English subtitles for its 1942 American run.