Two penniless orphans, Black and White, struggle to survive on the mean streets of Treasure Town. When a megacorporation threatens to tear down the town to build an amusement park, Black and White engage in the fight of their life.
After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related to a revolutionary advance in steam power.
Basara, on one of his frequent trips across the galaxy to spread the message of his music, folds in on an icy planet. The natives are hostile, and take him prisoner until he begins to sing for them and a little boy named Pedro recognizes his voice. They release Basara, and almost as soon as they don, a strange wailing voice comes from the nearby mountains. Basara and Pedro head out in Basara's valkyrie to investigate the noise. Little do they know, an ambush is waiting for them.