Iréne Söderblom

Iréne Söderblom

Birth : 1921-11-19, Gothenburg, Sweden

Death : 2023-07-27


Iréne Eleonor Söderblom, born 19 November 1921 in Gothenburg, was a Swedish actress, singer and accordionist. Iréne Söderblom is the daughter of the ball bearing worker Erik Herman Söderblom and Hulda Maria, unmarried Ahl. She started playing accordion early, took lessons for Fredrik Tancred and was discovered when she won an accordion contest in Gothenburg in 1941. She then went to Åke Söderblom (with whom she is not related), Sickan Carlsson, Lasse Dahlquist, Maritta Marke and Thor Modéen. She was accordion soloist at Chinavarietén in 1944. Söderblom took talks at Calle Barcklind and was adopted in 1945 at Terserus Teaterskola. That same year she was engaged by the Casino Force where she played for ten seasons. She is one of the founders of the Stall Birds. She was married to the actor and casino director Gösta Bernhard (1910-1986) in 1947-1970 and received her daughter Lillemor (born 1948). Then she was married to PR man Torsten Adenby (1918-1992) in 1971-1980. (Wikipedia)


Iréne Söderblom


91:an Karlsson slår knockout
Privates 91 and 87 are ordered to carry a tube of explosive chemicals to a military depot, while prize fighter Ingemar Johansson tries to teach them how to throw a punch.
91:an Karlsson rycker in
Charged by their infatuation of the regiment's maid Elvira, friends and rivals Mandel and Axelsson arrive for military duty, whereupon silly things happen in and around a mansion that is rumored to be haunted.
Far och flyg
Agneta Jansson, flygvärdinna
Masser af Passer
Dirch Passer gør det igen. Idenne utrolig morsomme Passer film møder vi Dirch som medlem af grundpersonalet hos SAS. Dirch har den lille fejl, at han er håbløst forelsket i en stewardesse (Agneta) og under sit arbejde, har han meget svært ved ikke at drømme om sin forelskelse. Gang på gang drømmer han sig ind i forskellige helteroller for på den måde at tiltrække sig opmærksomheden fra hans øjesten, Agneta. Vi møder Dirch som flykaptajn, arkæolog, gangster, sømand, prins, forsvarsadvokat, boksemester og soldat i det vilde vesten. Alt dette er roller som han lever sig ind i ved sine drømmerier. Men når man drømmer vågner man jo som regel igen, og det gør Peter (Dirch Passer) også, og hver gang finder han sig selv i de mest pinlige situationer. Spørgsmålet er om det nogensinde skal lykkes for Peter at få sin Agneta til at se til hans side, og vil hun overhovedet lægge mærke til at han drømmer om hende, og vil han kunne beholde sit job hos SAS? Alt dette og meget mere besvares i humør
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Defrauded Lady
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Alla tiders 91:an Karlsson
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91:an Karlssons bravader
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Greta Pettersson
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Swing it, Boccaccio
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Loffe som miljonär
The vagabond Loffe is drifting along the Swedish summer landscape.
91:an Karlssons permis
Elvira Jansson, Major Morgonkrök's maid
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Hotell Kåkbrinken
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