Tao Wu


Heaven in Ten Days
So Close to Paradise
Two young farm workers, who like millions of others, leave their village to seek their fortunes in the city. Each chose a vastly different path to make it and become embroiled in misunderstandings, gangster brawls and police raids.
The Last Emperor
Puyi, Age 15 Years
A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China, from his lofty birth and brief reign in the Forbidden City, the object of worship by half a billion people; through his abdication, his decline and dissolute lifestyle; his exploitation by the invading Japanese, and finally to his obscure existence as just another peasant worker in the People's Republic.
A young teacher in the first seventeen years of the People's Republic of China approaches the teaching of her students with a humanistic philosophy, which leads to problems with authorities.