The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a communications officer in the Naval Fusiliers. She will quickly have to adapt to and assimilate the rules that apply within the institution. But Laure is a determined woman, and she has a thirst for knowledge – still. A thirst to learn to get to know and be comfortable with herself, and to find her place.
In August of 1996, Oasis, riding high from the overwhelming success of their first two albums Definitely Maybe and (What's the Story) Morning Glory?, were to perform on the hit MTV series Unplugged. However (as was often the case), problems arose within the band, namely between the most well known members of the group, Noel and Liam Gallagher. An argument began between the two brothers, ultimately ending with Liam bowing out of the concert. The idea of postponing, or cancelling the show outright, was discussed, but thankfully, Noel decided to go ahead and sing lead vocals. What some initially thought of as a potential disaster ended up as a brilliant performance from Oasis sans Liam, and for the first time, gave the entire world a good look at what Noel could do.