The story revolves around a master of the traditional funeral play called Jindo Dasiraegi. One day, his daughter returns home years after she left, saddled with debt. Their relationship remains uneasy as she is still in agony over the death of her mother in total disregard of her father, as his heart and soul were dedicated to performing Dasiraegi.
The story revolves around a master of the traditional funeral play called Jindo Dasiraegi. One day, his daughter returns home years after she left, saddled with debt. Their relationship remains uneasy as she is still in agony over the death of her mother in total disregard of her father, as his heart and soul were dedicated to performing Dasiraegi.
An elderly farmer lives out his final days with his wife and a loyal ox in the Korean countryside.
An elderly farmer lives out his final days with his wife and a loyal ox in the Korean countryside.
An elderly farmer lives out his final days with his wife and a loyal ox in the Korean countryside.