Kirill Molchanov

Kirill Molchanov

Birth : 1922-09-07, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Death : 1982-03-14


Kirill Molchanov
Kirill Molchanov


К кому залетел певчий кенар
Original Music Composer
The Poseidon Rushes to Help
Original Music Composer
О юных выпускниках мореходного училища и их первом выходе в море. О трудном жизненном экзамене на профессиональную и человеческую прочность, который пришлось выдержать как команде траулера «Кайра», потерпевшего бедствие во время шторма, так и коллективу спасателя «Посейдон» под командованием капитана Чигринова, где проходил свою службу герой фильма Славка Чигринов, сумевший во время опасности проявить находчивость, мужество, отвагу.
Sing a Song, Poet
Original Music Composer
About the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin, his connection with his native country, its people and nature. Childhood, love, painful searches for his place in the new, revolutionary Russia — everything found a place in Yesenin's lyrics. Frames illustrating Yesenin's poetry and poems are side by side in the film with episodes of the poet's biography: the film reflects the days of his stay in America, World War I, revolution and village round dances, a daring uncle, a wise mother...
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Original Music Composer
In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.
If Your House Means a Thing to You...
A Hero of Our Time: Bela
Original Music Composer
Russian officer Pechorin falls in love with Bela, the daughter of a local chieftain. By tricking her brother Azamat into abducting her, he calls upon himself the wrath of horseman Kazbich.
A Hero of Our Time
Original Music Composer
After the death of Bela, Pechorin was unwell for a long time, and then left the fortress and Maxim Maximych and left for Georgia. Since then, the headquarters captain had no news of his friend, often recalled and carefully carried his diaries in his wanderings. Five years have passed... Once at a post station near Vladikavkaz, Maxim Maximych with delight learns that Grigory Pechorin also came here. The long-awaited meeting brings an unbearable pain and bitterness of disappointment to the old warrior. In his hearts, he mercilessly parted with the travel notes of the ensign. And his random companion finds on the yellowed pages the story of the soul of an amazing, extraordinary person who brings misfortune to others all his life.
The Whistle Stop
Original Music Composer
Moscow academician Pavel Pavlovich comes to a picturesque village on the seashore to calmly spend his vacation here. Whiling away the time for sketches, he manages to get acquainted with the local guys, the restless Grishka and the daughter of the foreman Nyuska. Together they build a stove, repair a sewing machine, and reconstruct a telephone switchboard. When Pavel Pavlovich suddenly falls ill, all the villagers take care of him. When the time comes to leave, Pavel Pavlovich understands that in this village far from the capital, he leaves a piece of his heart.
Wait for Letters
A group of young people comes to a Siberian construction site. They form a brigade, one of their tasks being cutting of a track for a power line. Different reasons made these people go to taiga and become pathfinders. One of them, a former taxi-driver Leonid (A.Kuznetsov) went to earn lots of money, Rimma (A.Zavialova) from the undivided love, the yesterdays schoolboy Constantine to find romantic appeal and adventures, and Vladimir (N.Dovzhenko) attempting to escape his shadowy past. Far away from the city fuss, in severe labor conditions and unsettled way of life, relations of these absolutely unknown to each other people gradually resume the normal course. Here many of them experience revaluation of values, others even find their love.
Russkiy Suvenir
Original Music Composer
The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.
The Unamenables
Two foolish and frivolous guys cause suffering for the whole youth union at the factory. It was already decided to dismiss Anatoly Grachkin and his friend Victor Gromoboev but they are taken under the wing by Nadia Berestova, a diminutive funny woman, known as the popular one at the plant. At first, Nadia took it with reluctance and apprehension, but gradually this commission became the most important thing in her life.
May Stars
Original Music Composer
May 1945. On the outskirts of Prague, ordinary people meet Soviet soldiers-liberators with tears of joy in their eyes. In the early days of the lull, someone sadly recalls a pre-war life; someone unexpectedly meets his love; someone is returning from enemy dungeons looking hopefully into the future; and someone, having moved from a tank into a Czech tram, warmly recalls his craft as a car driver... These days, all those who survived the Great War fire swear an oath to keep peace on Earth forever, honoring the memory of those who gave their lives for simple human happiness.
On the roads of war
The Great Patriotic War. Death in the whistle of every bullet, every shell. Burning buildings, hungry people in the basement. How many people passed through the land of fire - patient, courageous, silent. Cameraman Vladimir Sushkov walked next to them, creating a harsh tale of those who were and were not in the war ...
Vast is My Native Land
First feature motion picture photographed in Kinopanorama, the Soviet equivalent of Cinerama.
It Happened in Penkovo
Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.
Земля и люди
Original Music Composer
The Return of Vasili Bortnikov
Originally titled Vozvrachenia Vassilya Bortnikov, Vassili's Return was the last directorial effort by the great V.I. Pudovkin, who died in June of 1953. Like many of Pudovkin's later works, the film was diluted by interference from communist party officials; what remains, however, is well worth having, if miles removed from the brilliance of his earlier Mother, End of St. Petersburg and Storm over Asia. Based on a novel by G. Nikolayeva, the story centers upon a Russian named Vassili (Serge Lukynaov), who leaves his wife to do battle against the Germans in WW II. When Vassili is reported to have been killed in battle, his wife Avodtya (Natalya Medvedeva) marries another man. Per the film's title, Vassili returns, only to find his wife ostensibly out of his reach. Vassili and his former spouse eventually reunite as friends if not lovers, working side by side on a state-approved collective farm.