Bjørnar Teigen

Bjørnar Teigen

Birth : 1971-06-29,


Bjørnar Teigen


Jan loves Jasmin, but she has been promised to a Pakistani nephew. Under the cover of writing a thesis on immigrant stores, Jan gets a job in the store of Jasmin's father where he tries to work on the father's attitude towards mixed marriages.
Home for Christmas
On Christmas Eve while her mother obsesses about stuffing the turkey, Annie tells her family she is a lesbian.
Ballen i øyet
While near sighted Denise plays football, she accidently gets a ball in her face, and her glasses break. When she wakes up in the hospital she's double sighted.
Desperate Acquaintances
Three twenty-something male friends in a non-descript Norwegian city seeking happiness. In the crazy 90s with the sexual confusion, substance abuse, and welfare-abuse prevalent, the quest often involves desperate acquaintances (prostitutes, crazy, wrong choices), but most often through a very personal bond of their own. The three are different: One is gay just coming out, another is a "liberated heterosexual" looking for love (in all the wrong places), and the third a manic depressive who alternates between mental wards and a yuppy existence.
Young soldier
Knut Hamsun is Norway's most famous and admired author. Ever since he was young he has hated the English for the starvation they caused Norway during WWI. When the Germans occupy Norway 9 April 1940 he welcomes them and the protection they can give from Great Britain. He supports the national socialist ideals, but opposes the way these ideals are turned into action - that Norwegians are jailed and executed. His wife Marie travels in Germany during the war as a sign of support from Knut and herself.