Marguerite Clayton

Marguerite Clayton

Birth : 1891-04-12, Ogden, Utah, USA

Death : 1968-12-20


Marguerite Clayton


The Film Parade
(archive footage) (uncredited)
Pioneer filmmaker J. Stuart Blackton was intrigued by the idea of a film about the history of the movies as early as 1915. He finally released a 52-minute feature called The Film Parade that was shown in New York and favorably reviewed by "Variety" in 1933. He continued tinkering with the film for the rest of the decade, and later filmmakers and distributors used Blackton's footage for stock or to produce their own variously titled and truncated versions. -UCLA Film & Television Archive
Twin Flappers
Twin Flappers is a 1927 silent film.
The Palm Beach Girl
Emily Bennett, arriving in Palm Beach on a train, puts her head out of the window and her face is smudged black from the locomotive's coal smoke. She is mistaken for a black girl and this embarrasses her two aunts who are hoping to join the Palm Beach social set. She later fails to impress playboy Jack Trotter when she bungles the christening of his motor-boat. Late she runs into some bootleggers who are loading liquor onto Jack's boat with intent to steal the boat. They have no wish of anyone knowing their intentions, so they kidnap Emily. As it turns out, the gangsters would have been better off by just leaving Emily where she was.
Sky High Corral
Shasta Hayden
When the Government incorporates Bill Hayden's ranch into a Federal game preserve, Jack McCabe, a forest ranger, is sent to serve an eviction notice on Hayden and his daughter, Shasta. Hayden resists the order, and Jack falls in love with Shasta.
Wolf Blood
Edith Ford
Dick Bannister is the new field boss of the Ford Logging Company, a Canadian logging-crew during a time when conflicts with the powerful Consolidated Lumber Company, a bitter rival company, have turned bloody, like a private war. His boss, Miss Edith Ford, comes to inspect the lumberjack camp, bringing her doctor fiancé with her. Dick is attacked by his rivals and left for dead. His loss of blood is so great that he needs a transfusion, but no human will volunteer, so the surgeon uses a wolf as a source of the blood. Afterwards, Dick begins having dreams where he runs with a pack of phantom wolves, and the rival loggers get killed by wolves. Soon, these facts have spread through the camp. (via YouTube)
Straight Through
Denver Nell
O'Day, the terror of Red Gulch, wins the entire stake of a gambler named Granger in a poker game but gives it all to Denver Nell, a dancehall girl, when she tells him her sad story. O'Day later discovers that she has returned the money to Granger, and he decides to reform. He goes to another town, where (now known as Good Deed O'Day) he meets an old friend, a wealthy rancher with whose sister, Mary, he is in love. Snowden takes a trip to Denver and returns with Nell, whom he has married.
Barriers of the Law
Leila Larkin
When a woman who belongs to a bootlegging gang asks the gang for help when her father is arrested, they refuse. She quits the gang, but the gang's leader locks her up in a brothel. She escapes and hides in the apartment of a man who turns out to be the chief of the government agents pursuing her gang. Complications ensue.
Tiger Thompson
Ethel Brannon
Tiger Thompson promises a dying train robber to mind his innocent daughter and return the stolen loot. Along the way, Thompson is attacked by the dead man's gang but manages to reach the law (and the girl) in one piece and with the stolen money intact.
The Circus Cowboy
Norma Wallace
After a 2-year absence, Buck Saxon returns home to find his girl, Norma, married to the town's wealthiest citizen, Ezra Bagley, yet professing to love Buck. Unjustly accused of attempting to murder Bagley, he escapes and joins a circus, where he falls in love with Bird, a tightrope walker.
Canyon of the Fools
Veteran western performers Harry Carey and Marguerite Clayton appeared in three films together from 1923-1924: Desert Driven, Tiger Thompson and, perhaps their best, Canyon of the Fools.
Go Get 'Em Hutch
Movie serial directed by George B. Seitz.
The Inside of the Cup
Bride 13
Ruth Storrow - Bride 13
A gang of Tripolitan pirates swooped down and kidnapped 13 wealthy brides, whom they held for ransom.
Bullin' the Bullsheviki
Lotta Nerve
As early as 1919, Russian Communists (then known as Bolsheviks) were convenient movie villains. This heavy-handed comedy uses the Russian revolution as an excuse for a series of slapstick set pieces.
The New Moon
Nadia Kameneff
When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
The Man of Bronze
Mary Lawton
Mary Lawton bids farewell to her father, Mark Lawton, and his business partner, John Adams, to whom she is engaged, leaving Arizona to study art in New York. After a time, John visits Mary unexpectedly and discovers to his sorrow that she has forgotten him in the convivial whirl of her new life.
Inside the Lines
Jane Gerson
A spy known as "1932" during World War I, is commissioned by the German Secret Service to trail English agent Captain Woodhouse to the Straits of Gibraltar and there effect the destruction of the British fleet. Before his departure, 1932 helps Jane Gerson, an American girl falsely accused of espionage, and later falls in love with her.
The Night Workers
The Prince of Graustark
Princess of Dawsbergen
Graustark needs thirty million dollars to satisfy a Russian loan. The Prince of Dawsbergen, ruler of the adjoining principality, will advance the money if the young Prince of Graustark marries his daughter. Prince Robin, however, inherits an independent spirit, his father having been an American. He refuses absolutely to marry a Princess whom he has never seen. His councilors plead in vain. With the ruin of his country imminent, the boy ruler hastily sails for America to negotiate the loan, hoping at the same time to meet the girl of his dreams. The money is readily advanced by William W. Blithers, a self-made millionaire anxious to have his daughter marry into royalty. The daughter, however, avoids the Prince and he does not see her. He rescues a girl from drowning and falls in love with her. He believes her to be Blithers' daughter, but she does not reveal her identity.
According to the Code
Young Mrs. Knighton
Basil Breckenridge, a broken old man on the verge of starvation, but concealing it because of his proud southern ancestry, is set upon by young ruffians on the street. The old man becomes infuriated and gives the young leader a shaking. His father, Ald. Connors, the city's political boss, happens along and attacks the old man, who strikes at him with his cane. The sword blade inside falls out and the police arrest him on the charge of assault with intent to kill.
A Christmas Revenge
School teacher
Broncho Billy becomes enraged when a stranger comes to town and wins the affections of his sweetheart. On the night of the wedding Broncho Billy "shoots up" the church, wounding the bridegroom. He then escapes across the border, after leaving a note to his rival telling him he will finish the job on Christmas night.
Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother
Billy's Sweetheart
Broncho Billy and his brother are both in love with the same girl, but she decides to marry Broncho's brother. One Sunday morning an outlaw creates a panic in the church by "shooting up" the place. The sheriff, who is the girl's father, is shot when he attempts to arrest the outlaw. Broncho's brother is offered the sheriff's star, but is afraid to take it.
Broncho Billy Evens Matters
Billy's Wife
A 1915 Silent Western
Suppressed Evidence
The Daughter, as an Adult
The wife and mother, in love with her local instructor, places her husband's revolver and a note to "get rid of him" in her lover's coat pocket. The professor telephones to the husband to meet him and is about to shoot when the husband, in a small table mirror, sees the action and wheels on the music teacher. In the struggle, the professor is killed, but before dying he gives the husband his wife's note. The husband is arrested for the murder, but for the sake of their little daughter, hides the note in a secret drawer of his desk and keeps silent about his wife's connection with the slaying. Fifteen years later he is pardoned, but his wife orders him from the old home. He gets the note and when he shows it to the wife, she craves his forgiveness.
Broncho Billy, Sheepman
The School Teacher
Broncho Billy, the sheepman, goes to the village store and purchases an engagement ring for his sweetheart, the school teacher. As he is about to mount his horse, he finds a note pinned to the saddle, telling him to leave the country that only cow men are desired. On his way home he is fired upon by the cattle king and his gang. Broncho Billy returns the fire wounding the leader, but also is wounded himself. He goes to the school house, where he is protected by his sweetheart until help arrives. In the meantime the wounded cattle king has been picked up unconscious by Broncho Billy's parents.
Broncho Billy Misled
The Prospector's Daughter
In a fight Marguerite's father kills a man and Broncho Billy, the sheriff, goes in search of the slayer. Marguerite successfully hides her father. Broncho Billy, however, waits on the outside. Marguerite, in order to get the sheriff away from the door and allow her father to make his escape, leads Broncho Billy to believe that she has hidden her father in a woodshed. Broncho Billy with drawn revolver rushes into the outer building and Marguerite hastily throws on the lock, making him a prisoner.
The Convict's Threat
The Convict's Wife
The convict's cellmate, his time up, calls on the former's wife with a letter of introduction from the convict, and threatens to tell who her husband is unless she gives him money which she has earned by hard work as a stenographer and seamstress. The convict saves the warden's little daughter from drowning and is pardoned for his brave deed. Meanwhile his released cellmate forces the convict's wife again and again to give him money, and calling at her home one night, attempts to kiss her, but she repels him with a revolver. The pardoned convict arrives just in time to hear what passes and almost chokes his former cellmate to death.
An Unexpected Romance
The Old Settler's Daughter
An old settler, with a beautiful daughter, received notice from a real estate agent that the mortgage on his property is due, but he is unable to pay. His daughter goes to the agent's office to ask for more time and the agent, smitten with her beauty, forces his attentions on her. She rejects him and he threatens to evict father and daughter. The owner advises the agent to foreclose if the settler refuses to pay, but to give him plenty of time if he is unable to. The agent, however, wires that the settler refuses to pay and proceeds to evict the pair. Meanwhile, the owner is advised by his physician to go to the country for his health.
Broncho Billy and the Lumber King
The Thief's Daughter
Tired out, a ranger happens upon a cabin in the woods to ask for rest. He is met at the door by a pretty girl, and it is a case of love at first sight. The girl's father, leader of the lumber thieves, returns to find her before a small mirror arranging her hair, and upbraids her for her vanity. The ranger hears and, as the father is about to strike the girl, rushes out and hurls the man from her. When the ranger departs, the leader of the thieves follows with a rifle, and catching the ranger unawares, forces him to go to the thieves' rendezvous. The girl, who has seen, rushes to call the sheriff. Meanwhile the thieves draw lots to see who shall kill the ranger. It falls to the chief, who is about to shoot the ranger when the sheriff and his aides rush up and arrest the thieves.
Broncho Billy Begins Life Anew
The Deacon's Daughter
Broncho Billy, through a notice posted on a tree, learns he can go free if he will give himself up. He keeps the notice, and, as he rides away, comes upon a little girl, who wandered from her mother, when an accident happened to the stage coach in which the two were riding. The mother, frantic, starts in search of her child, and meanwhile the coach drives on.
Her Return
The Wife
This is a story of a wealthy young man, accustomed to the gaieties of café and club life who falls in love with and marries a poor girl, who is infatuated with him. After marriage, however, the young man fails to give up his fast friends and continues to live his gay life. The wife is unhappy and one night when her husband returns home intoxicated, she packs her grip and quits the house. She goes to a railroad station and while waiting for a train, faints. She is taken to the station hospital. The husband awakens and finds his wife gone.
Broncho Billy's Marriage
The Girl
Broncho Billy, while in a dance hall, goes to the assistance of the girl who is playing the piano, when a patron tries to force her to drink. As a result, the girl loses her position. A few days later Broncho Billy finds her wandering about the streets. She tells him the sad story of her life, and how through her innocence, she was led into a shameless life. Broncho Billy falls deeply in love with her, and shortly after asks her to become his wife.
Broncho Billy Steps In
The School Teacher
Because he believes in education, a ranch owner hires a school teacher from the east and opens a school for his cowboys. The teacher is admired by all of the cowboys, and by one in particular, an outlaw, who frightens all the pupils one morning by writing "school" with bullet holes on the blackboard. Broncho Billy steps in and sends him over the county line.
Broncho Billy's Protégé
The Girl
Broncho Billy, engaged to the girl, becomes jealous of a newcomer, and in remorse, gets intoxicated. He takes hack the girl's ring and frightens the tenderfoot out of a general store. Mounting his horse he pursues his frightened rival and, after many miles of galloping, overtakes him and brings him back to town, where he flings him in the girl's arms, saying, "Here's your tender foot. Try and make a man of him." Two years later, her husband dead, the wife is at the point of death, half-starved and with a small child to care for.
The Bachelor's Baby
The Baby 19 Years Later
A world-weary mother, penniless and widowed, leaves her starving infant in the tonneau of Broncho Billy's limousine. Broncho Billy, a rich man, discovers the infant in his car and, although delighted with the "novelty," feels in an awkward position. The child is cared for, however, and in spite of the ridicule heaped upon him by his club friends, Broncho Billy is big-hearted and rears the child to maturity. The girl is about nineteen years old when she falls in love with a nice sort of a fellow who wants to marry her. Broncho Billy himself has just about decided to ask her to marry him when they come to him for his blessing.
Broncho Billy Well Repaid
Billy's Girl
Broncho Billy wins out over his rival for the hand of a sweet country girl. Later he meets a girl from the city and falls in love with her. He goes to his fiancée and asks her for his ring back. She gives it up, though she is brokenhearted. Then Broncho goes to the city to visit the girl who had flirted with him while she was on a vacation to the country.
The Little Prospector
Broncho Billy's Wife
Broncho Billy has exhausted every foot of ground which might have held gold for them and he makes ready to strike new territory. Their little boy gets his hands on some nitro-glycerin. He has dreams of discovering some gold where his father could find none. He "plants" the explosive but it doesn't go off. Then his sister resets it and it explodes in her face. She is knocked unconscious. The girl proves not to have been seriously injured. Out on the ground, by the newly blasted hole, lies the little son, sobbing because he has hurt his sister.
Her Realization
The Girl
The girl rejects her sweetheart, telling him that she loves him but prefers a career. She takes up nursing, by which she hopes sometime to become famous. The girl is called to the home of a famous singer, who has broken down. In her delirium the singer calls for the sweetheart of her girlhood. She tells of the disappointment in life despite her fame, and that she longs for a home and the simple things of life, with love.
Broncho Billy and the Land Grabber
The Girl
Broncho works for a despicable land grabber who treats his help like a brute. The men finally plot to lynch the land grabber. Broncho races on his horse ahead of them and tells him of the plot.
The Wealth of the Poor
The Wife
A poor man and his wife have a hard struggle to make ends meet. They have seven children and frequently find it a hard task to get food for them all. The poor man has a wealthy brother who has no children. He and his wife are very anxious to adopt one of the poor brother's children. He offers his brother a house, land and money if he will consent to give up one of the children. T
Broncho Billy's Word of Honor
The Girl
Broncho Billy and his pals hold up a stagecoach. In rifling the mail bag, Broncho discovers a letter from his mother in which she begs him to come back home, as she is dying. Before he can comply, he and his band are captured. He is placed in charge of a young man, who hopes to get enough money from the reward for the capture of the bandits to marry his sweetheart.
The Bachelor's Burglar
The Burglar
The girl gets a job on the local newspaper and is sent out to get the story of one of the escapades of a rich bachelor. While she is on her way she determines to break into the house, because she is sure the bachelor will refuse her an interview. She breaks into the house and is blithely gathering the details of her story when the bachelor surprises her and calls the police. Just as the police arrive, the bachelor puts on a housecoat and an old cap. He looks very much like a burglar.
The Other Girl
The Other Girl
The artist sits in his studio painting a picture. The girl comes in and greets him affectionately. Then she leaves and joins some friends who are selling tags for a charity organization. They all go to a cabaret with a man friend. The artist, accompanied by a chum, goes into the place and sees the girl. He reproaches her and she returns his ring. He goes into the country to paint. While there he meets the other girl, a sweet, unspoiled child of nature. He paints her picture and she falls in love with him. A tree which she and her father are cutting falls on the artist. They bring him to their cabin and the doctor says there is little hope for his recovery. The artist raves about the girl and the other girl determines to bring her to save his life.
Broncho Billy's Teachings
Indian Girl
Broncho Billy, a young clergyman, is struck on the head and left for dead by his partner, just after they have struck it rich on a mining claim. He is found by a young Indian girl and taken to the Indian camp where he is nursed back to health. During his convalescence he teaches the girl the commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill," and the motto, "Forgive and Forget."
His Regeneration
The Girl
A rough criminal gets a second chance at life thanks to a kindly (and wealthy) lady saloon patron. But he hasn't gone straight yet, as he and a partner attempt to rob the home of a rich homeowner-- whose wife is asleep in the next room.
The Tie That Binds
The husband sits by the fire musing over his married life and what might have been. He gets up and goes to the window to look out into the night. Across the yard in his neighbors' house, he sees two children being put to bed by their parents. The wife neglects her married life for social affairs. The husband sees her bidding an affectionate good night to a man who is in love with her. When she comes in he suggests that they be divorced, saying that their union has been without issue. He shows her the happy family. A poor woman leaves her baby on the doorstep of the home.
His Wife's Secret
The Wife
A burglar enters a darkened house to rob. A young wife, home alone, phones her husband at the club, begging him to come home. He returns stinking drunk and the decent-hearted burglar must intervene.
The Face at the Curtain
The Wife
The Man, down on his luck, breaks into the home of a wealthy clubman to burglarize the place. The sudden dropping of a book which the man has displaced, arouses the wife who has been sitting up waiting for her husband. Ignorant of the fact that there is a burglar in the house, she telephones her husband at the club and asks him to come home. He refuses to do so until he is ready. When he arrives home, he is intoxicated. Her refusal to kiss him sends him into a drunken rage. He mistreats her. The Man has watched the whole domestic tragedy. He rescues the wife but while she is thanking him, the husband gets the "drop" on him and calls the police. The wife tells him that if the Man is arrested she will say he is her friend. The husband then comes to a realization of what he has done and begs forgiveness.
Andy of the Royal Mounted
The School Teacher
Andy of the Royal Mounted and another trooper are both in love with a little school teacher, who shows the light of knowledge to the children of the settlers in a tiny Canadian hamlet. The school teacher favors Andy's suit and the other trooper is correspondingly despondent. He loses gracefully because Andy is his best friend, but his trouble preys on him. He goes into a saloon, gets drunk and is caught by his colonel and discharged from the service. Later, he shoots a gambler in a brawl and while making his getaway, rescues the school teacher from death when her horse runs away.
Ingomar of the Hills
The Girl
The bandit leader is lying wounded in his cabin on the mountain when his confederates bring in a girl whom they have kidnapped while she was on her way to join her father after a trip east.
Broncho Billy's Greaser Deputy
Broncho Billy's Former Sweetheart
Broncho Billy, the sheriff, is in love with a girl, but another man wins her affections and marries her. He is a worthless sort of fellow, and when Broncho sees him in the saloon, drinking with an outlaw, he gives the bartender orders to sell him no more liquor. This causes a fight, but peace is soon restored.
When Love and Honor Called
Elizabeth Barton
Broncho Billy is sent on a secret mission to a small Arizona town. There he meets a beautiful girl, Elizabeth Barton, who is betrothed to a handsome daredevil, Juan Martin, of the Bar-O Ranch. Broncho is given a job by the foreman, George Chisholm. At a dance Martin and another cow-puncher quarrel. Martin draws his gun but Broncho Billy interferes. Martin is enraged and attempts to shoot Broncho. He takes the gun from him, takes the cartridges out and hands it back. Martin plots with the cook and other members of the outfit to poison the coffee of the foreman and steal the cattle. He hopes to throw the blame for the murder and theft on Broncho Billy.
Broncho Billy and the Sisters
Broncho Billy becomes engaged to Mae, whose sister, Marguerite, is a cripple. Her parents are unable to stand the expense of an operation which will cure her, so she starts in to save the necessary $100. Slowly the money accumulates. Meanwhile Broncho Billy is caught making moonshine whiskey in Gulch Canyon.
Broncho Billy and the Claim Jumpers
Stage Driver's Daughter
Broncho Billy, a prospector, makes a rich strike, but while he is examining the rock he is being watched by three claim jumpers. The minute he leaves the spot the jumpers gather up some samples of the ore, and after replacing Broncho's sign with one of their own, start for the claim agent's office.
Broncho Billy and the Escaped Bandit
Broncho Billy's Wife
A desperate bandit has escaped and finding no one about Broncho's cabin, takes refuge in the attic.
Broncho Billy and the Sheriff's Office
The Girl
Broncho Billy is requested to resign his office as sheriff. John Jenkin's son is appointed his successor. The new sheriff is given a severe fright a few days later when the bad man of the town enters his office and threatens to shoot him. After this episode he sends in his resignation not having the nerve to serve as sheriff.
Broncho Billy's Scheme
Miss Emmett
Colonel Emmett's daughter is captured by an outlaw who blindfolds her just before taking her to his hut, so, in case she escaped, she would be unable to lead anybody to his rendezvous. She is told by one of his accomplices that he intends forcing her into marriage, so she feigns illness. While the outlaw goes for a doctor, she writes a note saying that she is not ill, and is being held for ransom. The outlaw arrives with Broncho Billy, the doctor, whom he has also blindfolded. The girl slips him the note and he pretends to be attending her. Before being blindfolded again for the return journey he fills his pocket with white pills, which he drops at intervals, marking the trail.
The Tell-Tale Hand
Annie Fargo
Tim Cantle, an evil-looking fellow, is drinking at a bar. The saloonkeeper's daughter enters, and Tim, slightly tipsy, tries to kiss her. She struggles to escape him. Broncho Billy enters and draws his gun. Tim flees. Tim gets his horse and rides away. As he approaches a house on a hill nearby, he sees Annie Fargo run out of her home, her father cursing her. Tim seizes and kisses her. She strikes him in the face and screams. Her father then comes out and drives Tim away. He sends Annie back into the house, following her with his gun. Tim swears vengeance.
Broncho Billy's Decision
The Girl
The division superintendent of the Montana Idaho R.R. finds it necessary to buy the property of an old settler in order to clear the right of way. The old man, with his daughter, has occupied the same cabin for years, and refuses to sell his holdings. The superintendent wires the general manager, who sends Broncho Billy, his assistant, with orders to get possession of the land at any cost. Broncho offers the old man an enormous amount, but is flatly refused. The daughter then leads Broncho into the yard, where he is shown the grave in which her mother has been laid to rest several years before. This is their reason for refusing to sell.
Broncho Billy's Mission
The Minister's Wife
The city girl decides to turn over a new leaf and go west where she can start life anew. Several years later finds her the wife of a minister in a small western town and extremely happy. One day she and her husband find Broncho Billy, an outlaw, lying in the road suffering from a wound. They take him to their home, and while the minister hastens for a doctor, his wife dresses the wound. She steps into an adjoining room, where she is confronted by the man who had been so cruel to her years before. He threatens to expose her if she refuses to give him money.
Broncho Billy -- Favorite
The Girl
Having refused to accompany either Broncho Billy or the mail carrier to a dance at the town hall, Broncho's sweetheart accepts the invitation of his best pal. Broncho takes the defeat gracefully and decides to leave the country, while the mail carrier tries to force her to go with him. She pulls a gun on him. He snatches it away from her, then leaves a note telling that he will turn the "plaything" over to her sweetheart if he calls for it at the saloon. Her sweetheart is afraid to do this, but tells Broncho of the affair and he immediately goes to the saloon, where he overpowers the mail carrier, taking the gun away from him. He then departs.
Broncho Billy and the Greaser
The Girl
Broncho Billy comes between a Mexican thug and the young woman he is disturbing. The Mexican plots revenge for the insult and captures Billy, who has rescued a lost old man. The young woman discovers Billy being held prisoner and rides for help. The townsmen gallop toward Billy's rescue.
Broncho Billy Trapped
Broncho Billy's Wife
Broncho and his wife arrive in a new country and settle. They are treated with all kindness by a man who later turns out to be a moonshiner, and Broncho, not having any special occupation, is induced to help the outlaw in his work. One day while Broncho is at work, the moonshiner goes to his helper's home and forces his affections upon his wife.
The Strategy of Broncho Billy's Sweetheart
Broncho Billy's Sweetheart
Broncho Billy shoots an outlaw for making a disrespectful remark about his sweetheart. After the shooting he hastens to her home and tells her he has shot a man, but does not know who he is. Shortly after the remainder of the gang of outlaws arrive and, to learn the direction Broncho went, tell her it was her father who was shot.
Broncho Billy Butts In
The Hotel Owner's Daughter
The hotel proprietor is a grouchy piece of humanity, and when his daughter receives attentions from young men he becomes very irate. To cap the climax, his daughter falls in love and becomes engaged to a fine-looking young chap. When the father discovers this, he rushes out and shoots his daughter's sweetheart.
Broncho Billy, a Friend in Need
The Storekeeper's Daughter
The doctor, who owns the only store in town, is called away, and leaves his daughter in charge. A bandit has been menacing the vicinity and a reward is offered for his capture. There is quite a sum of money in the store, and when Broncho Billy, a stranger, knocks at the door, the girl thinks he must be the outlaw and forces him into a room at the point of a gun
Broncho Billy's Indian Romance
Broncho Billy's Former Sweetheart
Broncho Billy is jilted by the girl he loves and goes up into the mountains with his friend to prospect for gold. His friend is very ill and asks for her constantly. In the meantime, Broncho has saved an Indian maiden from being sold to a chief whom she dislikes. She is very grateful and later falls in love with her rescuer. One day, as she is about to give him a Navajo blanket, his sweetheart appears, and the maiden realizes her love tor Broncho is hopeless. She is about to stab herself when spied by the disliked chief, who prevents her from doing so.
Broncho Billy's Wild Ride
The Judge's Daughter
Broncho Billy, an outlaw, is captured but eludes his captors, and while making his getaway, runs upon the county judge's daughter, who is helplessly trying to stop her runaway horse. He makes a thrilling rescue while going at top speed on horseback, but is captured by the posse and taken back to town.
Broncho Billy Wins Out
The School Teacher
Broncho Billy and the coward are both in love with the school teacher at Snakeville. Broncho is accepted, and the coward, mad with jealousy, induces the unsuspecting rival to carry through a mock hold-up. When Broncho Billy appears as a highwayman, the school teacher shoots at him. The coward has left the crowd and fires at Broncho.
Broncho Billy's Fatal Joke
Marguerite - the Old Prospector's Daughter
Billy plays a prank on an old miner and causes the poor old man to have a heart attack.
The Squatter's Gal
The Squatter's Daughter
Broncho Billy learns that part of his land is occupied by a "squatter." He orders the "squatter" evicted. The latter starts out to kill Billy, but Bessie, the "squatter's" daughter, prevents him. She pleads with Billy to permit them to remain on the land. Billy immediately falls in love with her.
Broncho Billy and the Gambler
Broncho Billy, an express rider, is married to Stasia Wynn, daughter of Grant Wynn. John Mackey, a gambler, comes to town and Wynn loses all his money to him. Broncho Billy buys his wife a scarf pin, which her father steals and loses to the gambler. Mackey is caught cheating and is driven from town.
Broncho Billy Puts One Over
Mae Newman
Broncho Billy is a foreman on Roger Newman's ranch and is in love with his daughter, Mae. Newman finds this out, discharges Broncho Billy and sends Mae to visit her brother in the east. Broncho Billy kidnaps Mae from the stage coach and they marry, squatting on Newman's land.
Broncho Billy and the Sheriff
Gertrude Scott
Broncho Billy, a cowpuncher, is elected to the office of deputy. The sheriff is in love with Gertrude Scott and fears that his deputy is smitten with her. An outlaw has been terrorizing the town and the sheriff determines to capture him. He meets the outlaw in the woods, gives him money and promises him his release the following day if he will give himself up.
Broncho Billy, Outlaw
Carnos, a greaser, is sent to jail. He is a very refractory prisoner and swears to get even with the sheriff when he is liberated. On the day of the greaser's release, the sheriff had captured Broncho Billy, an outlaw, and was bringing him to justice, when he is suddenly pushed from his horse by the outlaw, and is left to wend his way across the plains afoot. Broncho Billy escapes on the sheriff's horse and unknowingly stops at the sheriff's home for food. Looking through a window he sees the greaser about to take the life of the sheriff's wife.
Broncho Billy and the Mine Shark
Mildred Young
William Young and his daughter, Mildred, settle in the west, with the intention of investing their money in a mine. True Boardman, a mine shark, knowing that Young will be easy money, salts the mine and sells it to them.
Broncho Billy's Leap
Marguerite Wilson
John Wilson had driven the stagecoach for years. When his daughter, Marguerite, became old enough, he allowed her to make an occasional trip with him. It was when she was about 19 that she had the terrible experience. Her father and the express messenger bad gone into the general store. Marguerite remained on the coach to watch the horses, four of them. A shooting contest a few feet away frightened the horses and they bolted. On a gallop they dashed down the road. Marguerite screamed for her life.
Broncho Billy's Close Call
Broncho Billy, an express messenger, saved the life of Geraldine Burke, a school teacher. They learned to love each other and later married. One day, the village gossip informed some of the cowpunchers about town that Geraldine was entertaining a gentleman in her home. Broncho Billy was soon given the news and determined to settle with the critter immediately
Broncho Billy -- Gun-Man
Margaret Holmes
Jack Holmes, a squatter, and his daughter, Margaret, settle on land owned by Harry Rawlins. Broncho Billy, gunman, is engaged by Rawlins to eject the squatter or put him out of the way. Broncho is wounded by a half-breed and Margaret nurses him back to health. The gunman then refuses to turn Holmes out.
Broncho Billy and the Rattler
Broncho Billy's Wife
Carl Stockdale, the sheriff of Boise County, is given a case of valuable jewels to deliver, but determines to keep them for himself.
The Treachery of Broncho Billy's Pal
Peggy Adams
Broncho Billy and his pal, Carl Stockdale, are in love with Peggy Adams. The two men receive a letter from the girl to the effect that the one who reaches her first shall be her husband. Broncho and Carl cut cards to see who will go, and the former wins. On the way, Broncho Billy is shot by a half-breed who has a grudge against him.
Broncho Billy's Cunning
A detective from the east is sent west to locate a notorious bandit and train robber. In the costume of a western cowpuncher he reaches a small town. He is injured by falling over a precipice. Broncho Billy finds him, carries him to his cabin and nurses him back to health. It is then that Broncho discovers that the detective is looking for him
Broncho Billy's True Love
His Sweetheart
Broncho Billy is in love with Marguerite Clayton, who is devotedly fond of him. Broncho asks her to go to a dance with him, but when he meets Elsa Larimer, who is on a visit from the East, he forgets his promise to Marguerite and takes Elsa to the dance. Marguerite's heart is broken, and Elsa finding her weeping, discovers that she is the cause of Marguerite's sorrow
The Inference of Broncho Billy
His Daughter
Old Carl Stockdale is an habitual drunkard and the cause of much unhappiness to his daughter, Marguerite. Broncho Billy meets Stockdale's charming daughter and becomes very much interested in her, and realizes the sad state of affairs in the home on account of the father's failing.
The Calling of Jim Barton
The Girl
A mother's heart always goes out to her wayward son. Jim Barton caused his mother constant worry, and one night his father caught him in the act of tampering with the family strong box. Jim is severely admonished and that night runs away, leaving a note to his mother to the effect that he will never return. The parents are broken-hearted, but are consoled by their other son, who is a good, honest lad.
Broncho Billy and the Settler's Daughter
The Settler's Daughter
Old Harry Todd and his daughter, Marguerite, are in the west prospecting for gold. They meet Broncho Billy, who takes dinner with them and later continues on his way. As he is riding across the plains thinking of Marguerite, he happens to see an Indian at the top of a hill, looking down upon the prospector and his daughter. Broncho Billy warns Todd and his daughter.
Broncho Billy and the Bad Man
The Girl
To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
Broncho Billy-Guardian
Josie Haley, as an Adult
Broncho Billy hears a child scream and rushes on the scene in time to prevent Jim Haley, a big brute of a man, from beating his little daughter, Josie, with a horse whip. Later, Haley and Pedro, a half-breed, are caught rustling cattle and are given the customary treatment, but not before Haley writes a note to Josie, stating that the boys will take care of her. The boys send Josie east to school and ten years later, when she returns a young lady, they all fall in love with her.
Snakeville's New Doctor
Dr. Rawlins
In these days of women's equal rights, it is not strange to find the fair sex taking the places of men in every occupation. Women physicians are not unusual, but a really beautiful one is, and would have her hands full taking care of every lovesick swain, who would develop every known disease to have the pleasure of letting her feel his pulse or hold his head.
The Hills of Peace
Fred's Sister
Being in ill health, Fred Church goes west. Arriving there, he goes into partnership with Carl Stockdale. A few days after they strike pay dirt, Fred is taken with a paroxysm of coughing and Stockdale sends him back to the cabin to rest up. Realizing that the end is near, he writes a letter to his mother and sister, telling them he is going into the valley and not to worry if they do not hear from him, that his partner will send them his share every week.
Broncho Billy's Christmas Deed
A poor man, the father of a young child, wants his offspring to have a Christmas such as every child is deserving of. He is penniless. For the love of his child he commits burglary.
The Three Gamblers
Marguerite Corrington
Herbert Corrington, a would-be gambler and agent for an express company, not satisfied with the necessities of life, tries his luck at roulette, appropriating the express company's money. Robert, the son, is fast traveling in the footsteps of his father. The Sheriff in the next county is sent for a large package of money in Corrington's possession to be delivered to the Blue Ledge Mine for the payroll. Corrington gambles a thousand dollars of this money and loses. Broncho Billy, a professional gambler, loans Corrington the money necessary to replace the funds he had maliciously taken. Corrington gives the gambler a note payable in thirty days or his home as collateral in case of default.
Broncho Billy's Squareness
Grace Woodward
Earl Briggs, a ranchman, and Carl Underwood, a sheriff, are in love with Grace Woodward. Earl is the favored suitor and in time Grace becomes engaged to hire. Sometime later the stage is held up by Broncho Billy, a notorious outlaw. A fierce battle ensues in the woods between the posse and the bandit, in which Broncho Billy is wounded
Broncho Billy's First Arrest
Marguerite - the Hotelkeeper's Daughter
Broncho Billy is made sheriff.
The Last Laugh
Marguerite - the Landlady's Daughter
Marguerite discovers a personal in the paper asking for information concerning Wallace Jones, and stating that he is heir to an immense fortune, which she shows to her mother. That morning, when a man applies to Mrs. Joslin for a room in her house and the landlady discovers his valise is marked "W. Jones," both she and her daughter insist on his taking one of their rooms, and make a great fuss over him. Mr. Jones is at a loss to understand their overwhelming attentions, but as Marguerite is extremely pretty, he accepts the fussing good-naturedly, as far as she is concerned.
Broncho Billy's Secret
Broncho Billy, sheriff of Cheyenne County, in love with Marguerite Clayton, is accepted by her. Marguerite's father approves of the engagement. Little did Broncho Billy know the father of the girl he is going to marry is a notorious outlaw. After holding up a stage one day, Clayton is pursued by the sheriff and his posse.
The Rustler's Step-Daughter
The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.
The Doctor's Duty
The Girl
Dr. Roland White falls in love with Marguerite, the daughter of the postmaster in a small western town. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, as she is already engaged to Fred Church, the express messenger. Some time later, after the proposal, the doctor receives an invitation to the wedding of Church and Marguerite, which shatters what little hope he had of ever winning the girl. A few days before the marriage is to take place. Church is held up and shot by bandits, and taken, in a serious condition, to Dr. White's home.
Broncho Billy's Elopement
Mary Johnson
Robert Johnson tries to influence his daughter, Mary, to marry Dave Morgan, much against her wishes. Broncho Billy outwits the determined father, elopes with the charming Mary and makes her his wife.
The Kid Sheriff
The Girl
Reno Bill, a desperado, discovers the sheriff and the express agent in the act of holding up the stage. The next day Reno Bill is captured by Fred Church and his young assistant, when they find him annoying a pretty young girl. They take him to jail and when the bandit sees the sheriff and agent he contemptuously tells Church of their treachery.
Broncho Billy Gets Square
Grace Todd
A reward is offered for the capture of Broncho Billy and David Kirkland and freedom is promised to either one who will turn state's evidence.
Broncho Billy's Oath
In order to save his friend's life, Broncho Billy holds up the stage and takes money enough to pay the doctor. Jim Hart recovers and accidentally learns what Broncho has done for him, as he is about to pay back the amount stolen.
The Struggle
Gretchen Sharp
Dr. Sharp and his wife, Gretchen, live happily together in a little western town until the advent of the doctor's brother, Fred, who comes from the east to spend his vacation near his brother. He meets the doctor's wife and immediately falls in love, but visits her only when he knows his brother is away. The doctor learning of Fred's visits, shoots him. He repents, however, when he sees his brother's serious condition and does all he can to restore him.
Why Broncho Billy Left Bear County
Marion Rivers
Through a kindly act Broncho Billy earns the deep gratitute of Marion Rivers, who presents him with a Bible. Not long afterwards, she comes upon him as he is about to hold up the stage, but at sight of the girl he is overwhelmed with shame and taking out the little Bible promises her that he will live honorably. In the meantime, Marion's father holds up the stage at another point, and one of the stagecoach drivers, mounting a bareback pony, rides off for the sheriff. Broncho Billy sees Rivers get away with the money, and when he hears the sheriff and his men coming, for Marion's sake he goes to warn her father. To shield him, he takes the bags of money and rides away with the men after him. He leaves the money at the mile post with a note saying: "SAheriff, I'm through with Bear County, this stick-up was my last", and rides across the border. (Moving Picture World Synopsis)
The Redeemed Claim
The Rancher's Daughter
George Ingraham is refused a loan by all the money lenders in town, until one of them accidentally discovering that a vein of gold runs through Ingraham's land, offers to lend him the money on the property, with the understanding that he is to take possession if the money is not paid back by 12 o'clock noon on September 30th.
Broncho Billy Reforms
The Storekeeper's Daughter
Broncho Billy and his pals plot to rob the general store. Broncho Billy is elected to go into the store and engage the proprietor in conversation while the others enter the rear door and rob the till.
Broncho Billy's Conscience
Rancher's Daughter
Broncho Billy, ranch foreman, finds Tom Warner has squatted on a section of Stockdale's ranch. He complains to the owner, who tells him to oust Warner. The squatter, however, refuses to go. Shortly afterward, the ranch owner is shot. Broncho Billy, to get even with Warner, secretly arranges things so that his rival is accused and finally hanged on circumstantial evidence. The following fall, Broncho Billy proposes to Marguerite, but visions of the dead man haunt him...